It Was A Real Movie!

I saw this movie only once, in 1979 on late-night television when I was eight years old. As such, I thought Wanda June in heaven was the funniest thing I ever saw and have always wondered about the movie ever since, since for some reason I decided I liked it much better than that Star Wars movie everyone else had been raving about. Would love to see it again one day.


By your title I take it you have that same thing happen to you that happens to me, something I believe I saw as a kid turns out to be real after all.

This movie was like that to me as well. The only line in it I remember was Steiger looking at a birthday cake and bellowing "Who the Hell is Wanda June", then the cutaway to Wanda June herself in Heaven.
And that's it.

I don't remember another minute of it.

But I'm glad I didn't dream it!


A bit late in the reply but it is on the Australian Broadcasting Channel this weekend and I am in the same boat as you am really excited to see it as well

Hell is other People


I live in NYC so I saw the play what a short run.
Kevin McCarthy and Marsha Mason played the Ryans, Steve Paul, Pamela Saunders, Louis Turenne, and William Hickey were there. Keith Charles and Nicolas Coster played the boyfriends

I went to see the film since I saw the play and was happy to see some of the cast of the play as must have been the case with a number of folks in the audience when they saw the cast.

See some stars here


I got to see the film (not the play) a couple of times during it's original theatrical release...and would love to get a copy. I remember Rod Steiger (harold Ryan) returning from abroad and bring a cake for his little girl with the wrong name on it because Wanda June had recently died in a car accident. She was in heaven with Himmler-like character. Very dark comedy but worth seeing again if I could find it.
