MovieChat Forums > The Fiend Discussion > Image DVD is the soft version

Image DVD is the soft version

Image blew it when they released this to DVD by using a soft ptint that is cut of the more extreme violence and nudity. The old Monterey VHS was complete, and the BBC have run both versions. Check alternate versions for more info.


Hello there...

I recently picked up the Monterey VHS you mentioned, watched it and came here to have a look at what people thought of it. I noticed you said that this version was complete, although it runs on my PAL VHS to a shade under 93 minutes...not the 98 minutes stated on IMDB. I know there are issues with different running speeds on different systems I just wondered if my copy was likely to be complete. It runs about 5 minutes longer than the recent(ish) BBC transmission.




The opening chase murder is complete in the uncut edition and very stylish more so than many Italian giallo murder scenes. This film is way ahead of its time and needs a full uncut DVD release.
