Was Dr. Otto Hasslein wrong?

Do you think it was wrong of Dr. Otto Hasslein to want to assassinate Cornelius, Zira, and their baby?

Although it is a sad thing to know that a "bad guy" wanted characters that we care deeply to be dead, in the long run, I don't think he was wrong. He wanted the human race to survive. Plain and simple. Were the lives of the 3 amazing chimps more important than the fate of humanity? I don't think so. It was a "necessary evil".


Yes. We don't know the apes came from these apes vs. just naturally evolving and also, humans blew up the world anyway. You see the humans are dumb animals in the post nuclear Earth. Killing them isn't a guarantee of doing anything for man. We still have a nuclear war and people would be dumb animals. At best he just ensured we'd be dumb animals living amongst dumb apes.


Ceasar was responsible for the uprising which in turn triggered the war. Otto was right for wanting to do what he tried to do.


Or, perhaps, if the apes had been left in peace and left to influence the world with their views and their fore-knowledge, then there would have been less of an incentive to use apes as pets/slaves in the coming future, therefore no ape uprising. Which isn't to say there still wouldn't have been a nuclear catastrophe.


Not really.. granted they weren't awful creatures by any stretch he just couldn't afford the risk. Here are two creatures claiming the world would end as we know it and become a nightmare of all possibilities; who wouldn't take them out to save the world? Not only would the rising wouldn't happen but you would become humankind's savior.. a lot of people would have done it.

Otto's biggest mistake was not ordering Zira to be put to sleep and they coulda just aborted the baby and stopped her from re-producing. Problem solved. There were safer ways they coudla handled it than just kill everyone.


If you are a human, you believe he was right. If you're an ape, you believe he was wrong


It's a really common quedtion too, and people have tried to answer it.
