One of the special features on the criterion should have been a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 version of the film where it is made fun of, because this film is a great candidate for that sort of thing.


I prefer the Do-It-Yourself MST3K treatment...


I totally agree with that lol


This movie was never MSTified was it?

"And what would a note say, Dan? 'Cat dead, details later'?"


I actually like this movie. But it would have made an awesome MST3K episode, if only to have a movie get both the MST3K AND Criterion treatment.

Actually, come to think of it, has has there ever been a movie featured on MST3K that was later released by Criterion? 'Cause that would be awesome.

Oh, and daughterofolaf, I love your signature. Herbert West rules.

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."


In my opinion I don't think this movie Should have been MST'ified (and thankfully it wasn't) It's not as bad of a movie as most of you ignorant and idiotic wannabe critics would give its credit for. Only a truly obsessive MST3K idiot would post about MST3K and "MST3K favorite lines this, favorite quotes that" get your own board and leave IMDb's alone :)

We can DO IT ALLLL DAY LONG, (We'll have to pay more for the light bill if we do it at night!)


Are you kidding? My family MST'd this movie like 35 years ago! Even when I was 10 years old I could see that the acting and, um, "special effects" were howlingly hilarious. And howl we did. We've been woodenly, haltingly quoting "Jim!!... the... book...!" for decades, dissolving in fits of laughter each time.

I can't believe this glorious crapfest is being shown on Showtime here in 2008... there truly IS a God.


I caught this bit of 70s camp filmmaking last night on Showtime Beyond. About 5 minutes into the film, I thought about MST3K and wondered if they'd ever hosted this film. How hilarious it would have been if they did.

I really miss MST3K!!


Dude, your from Norway, so pipe down :D


"most of you ignorant and idiotic wannabe critics "

Where do you get off throwing personal insults like that at people you don't know?


I saw that show a few times never saw the big deal for me they just were not at all funny, matter of fact I've done better on my own.
I do a great rip on the 10 Commandments

When Moses comes back to town: "Hey Moe"
See some stars here


This movie is so bad that it belongs in its own genre. Why did they even bother to make such a sloppy, ridiculous movie? It's as though they instructed to actors to 'act as badly as possible'. The sloppiness is so prevalent that it looks as though they were trying to set a new record for inconsistencies.
It fails on every level possible and even fails on some levels that haven't been created yet.

"If I don't suit chu, you kin cut mah thoat!"


Don't get me started as there are a number of films these days for which I can say lots of the same things.

See some stars here


But he said he'd pass on her potato salad!



I don't see how anyone could say this movie is "not that bad" There were better films shown on MST3K. This movie is just ridiculous.


and so is anyone whom would make a name about Ben-Hur's gun collection lol :D


I could see the 1967 version on there... the 1970 one was kinda fun and really not all that bad! The 1967 one was just all over the place... (I could see them both on there, but the 1967 one deserves it more. lol)

They're eating her! And then they're going to eat me! Ohhh myy GAAAAAAAAWWWWD!!!!


OMG...this is one of the schlockiest movies I've ever seen, and it's hilarious in how bad it is. It's like 95% of the movie is re-dubbed. What did they do - film it with Uncle Louis's super 8 movie camera?

And I'm shocked - shocked, I tell you - to see that this was THE only movie some of these fabulous actors appeared in, or the last film they appeared in. It looks like Frank Bonner (Herb Tarlek from WKRP in Cincinnati) whose career didn't start and end in...EQUINOX.

I have soooooo got to order this and have a bad movie night here at home. And I think I have to agree with other posters - at first glance, it seems like this is made for MST3K...but I think they were wise in not touching this one. It's just too, too easy.


I wonder if the MST crew ever considered this film? It would have fit in nicely regardless of who was in the cast.


I'm so glad that this film never got the snarky'n'sarcastic treatment from that ghasty show or else the bulk of posts on the IMDb board would be from obnoxious fans sharing their favorite "witty" quotes from the episode this film was unmercifully mocked on.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find
