An American Classic

this film is an american classic...whats really great is its not only topical...but its a glimpse of america in 1970...showing the values and beliefs of that era, as well as the greed and cynicism of the supposedly 'pure' small town america of the time.

In addition, the films entire town quitting smoking...couldn't be replicated today. I suppose for a remake today they'd have a whole town try and give up Transfats. But the films an amazing classic....filled with comedic actors and small town folk.

Heres a side note I read somewhere : when putting together "All in the Family", Norman Lear drew on his expreriences in the town they filmed in...Network T.V. felt 'middle america' wouldn't 'get' Archie Bunker, but Lear realized from the folk he met that the folk in middle america were smart and sophisticated and would, in fact, love a show like that.



Very well said. This belongs alongside other '70s classics of Americana such as "Nashville" and "Smile." Of course, if they made it today, they'd substitute texting instead of smoking.


I was struck by how much of it still seemed current: economic recession as well the evils of "big government" and, of course, the tobacco industry. It seems kind of timeless really.
