Woody Allen

What is his connection to this? Is he just a fan? Because he took Annie Hall to it a few times.

You've got to follow your balloon!


It says on the DVD cover Woody Allen presents... but there's no features option so I guess maybe he helped in getting it released on DVD? Anyway I would never have seen the film if Woody Allen hadn't referenced it in Annie Hall so I'm glad he did because it is a great documentary and particularly important with what is going in the U.S. today.



I laughed so hard at that. And cheers for the pulp fiction reference!



“Those French resistance guys were so brave, I wonder how I would holdup under torture.”

“Take away your Bloomingdales charge card and you would tell them everything.”


The joke is, TS&TP is about the worst date film imaginable - very long, very grim, boring for those who don't have an interest in French history or much of a social conscience. On top of which, in a mixed couple a a Gentile might see it as the Jew laying a guilt trip on him/her. And yet, Alvy takes poor Annie to see it twice! And at the end, Annie's inflicting it on someone else!


There probably are a few other connections there. When we hear Pierre Mendes-France talk about his love of movie theaters, of afternoon features and the feeling of security, sitting there in the dark, this sounds almost exactly like Woody Allen recalling his childhood, when he saw up to 14 movies a week in the theaters of his neighborhood. This probably resonated a lot when he watched it the first time (one can only imagine how many times he watched this).
Also : outrageous archival pictures in a documentary with a voiceover... Zelig? There were moments when I got that vibe.
