Deleted Scenes!!!

Scenes featuring the likes of Terry Scott & Bill Pertwee have been deleted from this film and have never come to light, even on the DVD release, does anybody know what the scenes were that were deleted and why?


The entire boardroom scene featuring Terry Scott as a union representative was cut from the final film due to time constraints. He was still paid in full for his day's work on the film.

Bill Pertwee had a role as the manager of the motel where Richard O' Callaghan and Jacki Piper stop overnight on their way back from Brighton, but this was cut - also due to time constraints.


If you look at some publicity material it appears that Bill pertwee appears after Jacki Piper has her dress torn off. It seems that Richard O'Callaghan also manages to pull off the top of the waitress. I've seen a photo of her covering herself, Pertwee in the background and an annoyed Jacki (wearing only half a dress), seething at O'Callaghan.


the footage got destroyed it mentions about this in the alternate versions sections


The script from the scene is available I believe but the actually scene itself as been destroyed.
