The TV show interview part.

Hello there.

Doing well ?

I just saw that movie today (I downloaded the movie months ago), and found it really good. Glenn Ford really was great !!

I ordered the movie on since our buddy "lcrews" gave us the link.

I just found the TV show interview part a little bit ridiculous. The idea was great but the way it went was boring and had too many clichés to me. It was like if the movie was turning as a comedy. Well that's my opinion, let's talk about it.

Have a nice day!

*Lord of Movies*


Yes it was ridiculous and that was
the point. I think it was great in
that movie.

It's showing you how the media and
other powers that be will discredit
anything they don't want by making
fun of it, associating it with what
are obvious wackos to make you seem
unbelievable in front of a moronic
Jerry Springer audience.

It made me want to punch that piece
of crap host in the face for setting
up Glenn Ford so I know it did a good
job :)


The interviewer, William Conrad, while not resembling them in the least, was obviously modelled after Joe Pine or Morten Downey Jr. two such 70's TV talk show hosts who took the format way beyond the bounderies of good taste and audience decorum. They made Jerry Springer look like Charlie Rose!
