Is this the movie...
Bear with me, this could be completely wrong, but the synopsis of this film is kind of close to the film I am thinking of.
I have vivid memories of watching a western on TV in the UK in the early to mid seventies (though possibly it could have been a late night film review show with a clip from the movie).
The scene that stayed with me (being a young boy, naturally) was a scene where a bunch of cowboys/bandits return to their village, and retire for the night I huts, where they take a woman each from the village to sleep with.
After a while, a group of rival cowboys sneak up on the huts and ambush them, as they are in bed with the girls.
I remember it because there was a lot of nudity on particular scene where a guy tries to hide under the bed, and the woman exposes him so the gunman can kill him.
Never seen this movie since anywhere, and have never been able to find out what it is.
Any ideas?