MovieChat Forums > Bedknobs and Broomsticks (1971) Discussion > Anyone else hate the restored version?

Anyone else hate the restored version?

I was sorely disappointed when I threw in my newly purchased copy of one of my favorite movies, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, only to realize it was going to be filled with all sorts of poorly dubbed, frequently unnecessary lost footage dragging the movie to almost interminable length.

I understand it's value as historical curiosity, but couldn't it have been reissued on a DVD containing both the extended edition and the shorter, better version. The market for this movie almost certainly is geared towards those who have seen the movie before, and thus doesn't it make sense to offer the version they know and love and give them the OPTION of the new, reconstructed footage?

Since this is Disney, and they are horrendous at giving the customer what they want and making most of their catalog available, I fear I may never see my beloved short version again.

"What has two thumbs and hates Todd Packer? THIS guy!"
Jim Halpert


I second that! Though I appreciated seeing the restored version, the voices were so badly dubbed that it was practically unwatchable. And it bugs me so much that you can only buy the restored version on DVD.

Now Father, you're living in the past. This is the 14th century!


Nope I LOVE and HATE the restored version, as I thought the new scenes with the kids and Professor Brown and Miss. Price's love story really helped the charecters that bit more. And the new songs are great!

What makes it worthless considering? The horrendos dubbing from actors seemingly scooped off the Disney studio lot and the use of cheap orchestrations, most evident in the opening piano (or bontempi organ) used on 'Nobody's Problems for me'.

It seems all the film historians did their part faithfully restoring it and then Disney screwed it all up by improperly hiring the new voice cast and not paying for proper orchestration.

I'm sure it would've been simple enough to find soundalikes for the actors involved in England but it seems Disney cheapily opted for 'local' actors.

It mars an otherwise brilliantly restored Disney gem.




(New Movie Chat Reply)

I was unable to find the original version for sale in the US, but I did find a torrent for it. If you want the classic in digital format, try to pirate it since they refuse to sell it.


I'm confused. Whats up with the restored version?

werewolf/vampire site:


ive noticed this too chapter 10 uk version
david thomlinsons voice changes for one line with un acter thats not even close


I own the original version on VHS but just got the DVD version from Zip today and am watching it right now. The dubbing is obvious where I am at (the dinner scene near the beginning of the film). I am surprised they had to dub over the actors voices, as it is so obvious it isn't the actors at some points.

My podcast:


they clamied at the time the sound ware lost?


There is a restored version?


yes sadly there is
but stick to the origanal
with no bad over dubs


Got it on VHS

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


Disney should have been ashamed with the Tomlinson voice-dub. The actor sounds drunk.


his wasn;t the only awful dub. the welsh lady in the village was all of a sudden scottish, and charlie had the worst accent of them all i think.
when they were in the village shop, they didn't even have footsteps. thats just plain lazy


I have very mixed feelings about the restored version. I don't think there was a whole lot of new footage that dragged the movie down; the pace is now a bit slower, but it seems more likt "Mary Poppins" now in that department. The only bit of footage I can think of that I didn't like was in the extended Portobello Road number, namely the bit with the Jamaican dancers. Wasn't very fun or interesting. Other than that, though, the entire sequence benefits from the restoration, IMO.

I DO agree with you about the dubbing, it was ghastly at times. And I also agree they should have made both versions available.

Hopefully with the film's eventual (hopeful) Blu-ray release, Disney will take more time to more fittingly restore the film using more modern technology (remember, it was restored in the mid-90's).


According to several sources for Bedknobs and Broomsticks,

Some portions of the original spoken dialog soundtrack were lost or damaged beyond repair, so in the restoration project they were forced to dub material. Principle actors either had died or in the case of David Tomlinson, were in too poor health to come to the studio to redo their speaking parts. In this regard, Disney had no choice but to dub those scenes. The original movie should have been better preserved in storage following its original 1971 release. However, this did not happen.

The cable/dish station Turner Classic Movies, shows the theatrical 2 hour version commercial free. This was the print from 1971, or at least the closest you will ever get to it. Users should just record this version to their tapes or DVD collections, if they want the version, which they remember seeing in the film's original form.



I much preferred it.For one thing,we get information about the kids' home background.




Well, it didn't; I just watched it, and at one point I thought Odo from Star Trek Deep Space Nine was performing Professor Brown's voice...


Both versions are mixed bags for enjoyment:

The original version on the plus side has an undubbed soundtrack, but the edits are very obvious.

The restored version has added storyline, but a dubbed print in many places.

Here are some examples where the edited versions of this film hurt it, badly:

During Eglantine we have a jump in mid song and the next time we see Ms. Price in the library, Professor Browne's a rabbit!!!???

In both instances the cut sequence for "Step in the Right Direction" looks like it was done by a Junior High Film Editing Class. After Ms. Price opens her broomstick, cut away to an unrelated scene. Flash forward, and she's flying in the sky in the middle of the instrumental part of the song!

I don't mind the longer Portabello Road sequence in the restored print. However, what Disney could, and should have done back in December 1971 to appease Radio City Music Hall, if they had to cut something, shorten or eliminate the soccer game!!! That sequence was not needed in the film at all!



I just watched this with my daughters. Had always remembered it as a movie I liked but was put off by it tonight. Came here and saw this discussion and am now wiser for it. The "restored" version is awful. The Portabello Road sequence alone is enough to ruin much of the film. What had once been a nice little song turned into an agonizingly long and awkward look at the World of Dance with poor audio.

If you've got this on VHS, cherish it. Otherwise, you're out of luck. At least until Disney cashes in by releasing the "classic" version on DVD.


I agree with the poster above,

What I would add would be if "Step in the Right Direction's" film footage is found, and cleaned up, they should re-release that as a "Restored Classic" version on DVD. Amd maybe put the extended version of "Eglentine" back into the picture. But no other extensions.

Such a DVD release would make the film good again.



Just watched the re-release again for only the second time. This was my favorite movie as a kid, and for me, was that film that I would always want to watch twice a day. I couldn't agree more about the restored version. Perhaps if I hadn't seen the original, I might feel differently, but the restored version seems to suffer from serious pacing issues and it's not hard to see why much of the footage was deleted. One that especially gets me is the false start in the first scene with the bed. What does this possibly do except kill the momentum of the scene? "With a Flair" is just not that great a song, IMO and probably didn't particularly warrant restoration. Portabello Road now runs WAY too long, and the extra scenes with the Bookman are totally unnecessary. The grocery scene is totally dubbed and slows the pace, and "Nobody's Problems" is not that great a song either.

Well, obviously, I've covered most of the additions. I think Bedknobs and Broomsticks is a good example that some things are taken out for good reason and just because they're found lying around in a vault somewhere is not reason enough to just stick them back into a film.


Even when the Sherman Brothers want it back in?

And I think "With a Flair" and "Nobody's Problems For Me" are better than anything in the obscenely overrated Mary Poppins.


I bought the DVD in the UK and got the original VHS length which is the one I grew up with. I heard that there were extra scenes and was disapointed they werent in my version. Now I'm glad their not included, I didnt realise they were overdubbed

The UK special edition is the original version

Golf Clap? C908F9F6C7EA56


I didn't notice the dubbing, but I'll listen better for it in a bit, as I just started watching it again.

My biggest problem with the restored version is how it messes up the flow. The scene with the preacher and extra conversations with her and the children so far just put things to a halt.

I hope that when this is finally released on bluray, you get the choice between versions, like they did with Beauty and the Beast.

Too bad it isn't happening this year, as it's the 40th anniversary :P


Yeah, it looks like the restored version has yet to be released here in the UK, so US viewers who are that interested should just pony up the dough for it. The extras (mysteriously) are a bit of the same as the US restored version, and the film still looks great, but you get the original version on DVD!
(For those concerned about not being able to play a UK DVD, just download the VLC player free online, and watch it on your computer. ;))

'Destiny is a fickle bitch.'
-Benjamin Linus


I think it's ridiculous that Disney won't release the 117 minute cut. However, I prefer the 139 minute cut. Sure some of the dubbing is bad, but it gives more detail and makes me feel more invested.
