
I caught this "gem" on TCM and couldn't handle 10 minutes of it. Some people might see genius in this, but this goes way beyond WTF.


Are you a Zappa fan? That might help you to enjoy it.

"The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced."-FZ


Sorry, not a Zappa fan. He was on a different wavelenght that I could understand.

Even if the same type of movie was made by my number one favorite band in the world, I'd still turn it off after ten minutes. I guess this might be the equivalent of the Star Wars Holiday Special to Star Wars fans. Only the true fan would see it, while everybody else would go WTF?

Enjoy your wonderful movie and godspeed.......


That's a good analogy, and even many Zappa fans can't stand this movie(Mostly because of Flo and Eddie). I can see where you are coming from, but I still enjoy this when the mood hits me (Which actually isn't very often).

"The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced."-FZ


I can't imagine why any viewer would feel that way, let alone Zappa fans. Mark Volman was totally hilarious and stole the film! "A penis?!?" Cracks me up every time!


"I guess this might be the equivalent of the Star Wars Holiday Special to Star Wars fans"

I just watched it in Seattle, I don't think I could ever watch it again hahaha


Even if the same type of movie was made by my number one favorite band in the world, I'd still turn it off after ten minutes.
The film wouldn't make much sense in the context of most musical artists' work, though. It makes sense in the context of Zappa's.

As someone else mentioned, yes, there are people who consider themselves Zappa fans who do not care at all for 200 Motels, but they tend to be people who aren't very fond of the Flo & Eddie years, Lumpy Gravy, Civilization Phaze III, etc.

There are a lot of Zappa fans who do not like particular periods of his work.



I am a huge Zappa fan and that fact made it watchable...but not good in any sense.


Not a great movie but lots of fun for those who love Zappa's work and the Dada tradition. I just saw a new print as the midnight movie at the NuArt (Los Angeles) and it looked and sounded great. Good eccentric fun. If you liked Forbidden Zone, Help, you might enjoy this. One of a kind.


I am Zappa fan and the only reason I watch it is to see Frank, He died too young and this is the only chance I get to see him

I agree that Flo and Eddie are a good reason to hate this movie



I saw part of this film in the theater in 1971. I say part because my friends couldn't sit through it.

Sadly, I've yet to see it in it's entirety.


It certainly isn't for everybody. That includes Zappa fans as well. For those familiar with the complete works of Zappa (some 60+ albums), they will also be aware that each project sounds, feels and looks so different. He did bebop, jazz, rock, classical, avante garde, comedy, musical theatre, etc. and some fans were only drawn to one or two aspects of his art.

I for one find (as a huge Zappa fan) that I want to love this movie but I don't. I own it and have only watched it once in 13 years. Some musical numbers stand out as 'GEMS' while many others are just throw aways.

The Flo and Eddie period in the Zappa legacy was an interesting one as it came all down to the comedy but this period wouldn't last as they came across as a one-trick-pony. Greater things were to develop for Frank and his select musicians.


As a HUGE Zappa fan (I own everything he's done), I love 200 Motels, HOWEVER: (DISCLAIMER)

I've been a fan since the early 80's (when I discovered him), and back in the day I just DID NOT get this movie. I had Motels, Uncle Meat, Snakes, DHBIM, etc. I enjoyd all the films, except "200" just annoyed me. Fast forward to 2010:
I got it on DVD, full digital transfer, bad-ass sound, etc.

Back in 1981, the VHS quality of this movie was laughable. *beep* Soundtrack wasn't available on CD until after FZ was dead.

I digress...I've seen this on DVD about ten times in the last five years (I saw it five times between 1981 and 1995), and It's absolutely brilliant. It's all about the COMPOSITION.

If Beethoven or Bach had done the ST of this movie, critics would climb all over themselves congratulating each other.

Also, Volman and Kaylan (Flo and Eddie) make this movie great. That was one of my favorite Zappa eras that was cut short by Frank's attacker.

If you REALLY want to see Frank in all his glory? BABY SNAKES, baby. BABY SNAKES.

(Also: Zappa Plays Zappa is on Netflix for you newbies. Absolutely amazing audio and video with Vai and Bozzio.)


I simply ADORE 200 Motels and can't wait for the long overdue DVD release. The first of the many times that I've seen it (I've worn out my VHS copy) was at the Man Ray Cinema in Belmar NJ on a double bill with the 1st Muppet Movie. This was a perfect double feature.

This venue had an Altec Lansing Voice of the Theater speaker system for the express purpose of "bludgeoning the audience into submission" during their Saturday midnight showings of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" which started out with calls to "Lower the Battlescreen!!!" We could invariably hear all the lyrics and dialogue which, as it turns out, were quite clever. So it was an excellent place for any rock movies, Zardoz (featuring the Allegretto from Beethoven's 7th), or Eraserhead ("In heaven everything is fine....".)

But be that as it may, rejoice with me in the spirit of de gustibus non est disputandum, that once again I'll be able to watch Lonesome Cowboy Burt (although I decline to smell his friendly shirt.)


I'm just finished making a 44min version cutting out the bad (animated) parts.
I can understand why people say this is unwatchable, on the other hand you could say this is a close visual interpretations of taking LSD. (see other thread).


I saw this in an art-house theater back in my college days; it was being shown on a double bill with 2001: A Space Odyssey. My friends and I were stoned, which not only is the perfect way to see it, but is probably the way it was intended to be seen. Seeing this and the psychedelic passage sequence of 2001 in an altered state is an overwhelming experience.


Huge FZ fan, not a fan of this movie. I liked it when it first came out, and I was a stoned teenager. Not so much some 40 years later. Mainly because there simply isn't much Zappa in it. I liked the Vaudeville MOI with Flo & Eddie as much as anybody, but their stage antics and skits just don't translate well to this film, for me at least.

Theo Bikel is great and what live performances there are are pretty good. The highlight, Strictly Genteel, is performed very sloppily by the LSO. Even Frank complained about the shoddy quality of the performance.

There are good parts, certainly. But like most fantasies, it can be very uneven.

If you want to see Zappa, go rent Baby Snakes or the Dub Room Special. There's little to be seen of him in this hodgepodge.


I've owned this album for nearly 40 years and just saw the movie today. Pretty uneven to say the least, but as a whole fairly enjoyable.There were even boobs, although way too many of them belonged to Howie Kaylen.


Saw this on vid in 1999, watched in once thought it was pretty bad. Downloaded it thanks to someone on here and stared liking it. Had a friend who had a burnt copy and I've watched about 8 times and now I love it. The weirdness, some of the songs are great and I love Lucy Offerall.


Hahaha Howard's boobs, you too funny. 200 motels ain't for them's that be taken theyselves too serious. Thems above mostly be needing some more Galoot Calogna in they diet.


Saw this when it was first released at least 3 times.

Very high on mescaline each time. That's how this movie should be watched, although FZ wouldn't have recommended that, as he was anti-drug.

How can anyone hate 'Dental Hygiene Dilemma', 'Half a Dozen Provocative Squats', 'Penis Dimensions', 'Mystery Roach' and Keith Moon running around as a suicidal groupie dressed as a nun.

"Life On The Road Can Make You Crazy"

Also, I love Flo & Eddie, and have seen them live on several occasions.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


Unwatchable? Eddie, are you kidding? I guess you just prefer listening to it instead, OK.

I've enjoyed it for over 30 years. It's a real nice place to raise your kids up.

Zappa is the greatest.

And Don't Call Me Chief!
