MovieChat Forums > The Hilarious House of Frightenstein (1971) Discussion > Now playing on Drive-In Classics in Cana...

Now playing on Drive-In Classics in Canada!!

They started showing it today at 8:30am, with a repeat at 7:30pm and another coming at 4am. It is on the specialty channel Drive-In Classics available for Candian digital cable subscribers.
Caught todays episode... it was the first I believe, and they are going to be showing a different episode every day for the forseeable future, 3 times daily! My vcr is going to be worn out by the time they are done!! Every minute was as enjoyable as I remember, but the one character that really made me laugh was the Oracle! "Have you ever seen anyone so stupid with the crystal balls?"
Kudos to Drive-In Classics for bringing back a fondly remembered show from my formative years.


I just got all of the movie channels from Bell ExpressVu today and to my surprise I find the beloved house of frightenstien on Drive-In. My PVR will be going non stop untill I have them all, then from PVR straight to my home DVD-Burner. I used to watch this show when I was a kid in syndication in the 80's, I thought all hope was lost but I guess not.


I just came accross is right now. I may only be 19, but I reember this show from when I was kid, and its fun to watch after all these years.


Yes, I have caught a few episodes on Drive-In. The show is as awesome as ever and compared to today's kiddie shows it is a million times better. None of the preachiness, BS, or audience-insulting crap in this castle! I want my niece Jessica to see this show; me and my brothers loved this show as kids. Even at 34 I have to watch it. It is so good!


Too bad the Wolfman can't dance to the tunes he plays(remember, he'd spin a tune then dance to them--notice how there is no music in his segments now?); Was there a problem with the copyrights to the songs?


Looking at the songlist at the fansite for the program, I can see it would be a problem as you've got The Rolling Stones, The Doors, and other top acts that had their songs played. It's apparent that they would want royalties or something; even if they were played 35 years ago. It's not "free music" any more. Best thing to do is get those CDs with the songs, put on your Windows Media Player to the psychedelic pattern, and just pretend The Wolfman and Igor are dancing inside. That's what I do. I wish I could have seen them get down to "Jumpin' Jack Flash"!


watched it this morning i remember watching it in reruns in the 80's evvery saturday morning. i loved griselda billy van was hilarious.



This show influenced me to some unknown bound, and since has driven my need for Horror.

I just don't know why, and i'd like to thank the people at Drive-In for bringing this delightful show back.

Being from Hamilton for the moment makes me proud that this was made in the Hammer.


This show is definitely one of my all time faves... Was it because I was so young?.. I dunno. I know it's not "really" all that good, but the nostalgia of it all is powerful. This show used to scare the living crap outta me early in the mornings when my parents weren't awake yet. I'm so happy it is back on Drive-In-Classics, even without the Wolfman. There's a lot of adult humour to be found here. I would love to know the ratings of this program if there is a way to find out. Hopefully, it's still a popular show, so we can enjoy it for a while.


"Lookuphere! Lookuphere!." - Three Amigos


Hopefully someone will record the episodes and upload them for those of us who can't watch the show.

Just say NO to censorship!


Anyone want to sell a copy of this series on vhs or dvd (bootleg is perfectly fine!) Please email me at [email protected] I am DESPERATLY searching for this series, and now that it is back on tv, hopefully some of my neighbors in the north have been recording it?


Well, Dani. I'd love to help you, man -- the best way would be to have a DVR, but I unfortunately do not. As well, there were like a crapload of episodes. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I totally sympathise with you -- I was in the same boat until January - so I'll point you in the right direction. If you go to they've got tonnes of info, and clips of the show - as well as a forum that's well-used, so you can post your request there. I'm sure someone would be happy to help you!


"...all I ever wanted to do was get close to you!" - Can't Buy Me Love
