Favourite Character

Mine was Grizelda

'Assimilate THIS!!'


Mine was/is Vincent Prices' Gate Guardian because of his horrificly stylish poetry followed by the Disc Jockey Wolfman and Dracula the Amusing Vampire. This show was just so much fun.

Anybody want a peanut ?

- Fezzik, " The Princess Bride " ( 1987 )


As a kid, I always liked the Wolfman, but I really dig the Librarian now.

Julius Sumner Miller (the professor) alwys captivated me, and still does, but I can't really consider him a character, since that's who he really was...

Don't ask me to kill your dragon...


mine was the librarian.....awesome show


Grizelda and the count!


mine was grizelda to also the hippy



The librarian... I wouldn't exactly say that he scared me as a kid, but he did give me the creeps


I always loved The Oracle. You knew he would always wind up smashing his crystal ball, but each time it was still funny. :)

"Now, no more dirty talk. Hand me that big tool so I can mount this."


Griselda without a doubt. I thought the best part about it was that most of the laughter that you hear is Billy Van trying his best not to burst into full laughter, cause it was mostly ad libbed.


Griselda seems to be the character of choice. I'm with you. Least favourite character - Dr. Pet Vet.


As a kid I used to hate The Librarian, and usually preferred Grizelda, the ape getting hit with golf balls, and the mosquito...which I'm gonna post something about in a minute.
But now that I'm older, I do appreciate the Librarian and probly do like him best.
And just cause the person above me said it, my least favorite character...Bwana Clyde Batty.


I always loved the Count, Dr. Pet Vet and the Professor. Because of the professor I took an interest in science.


Grizelda and the Oracle. Gizelda always freaked the *beep* our of me. Something about the eyes...

Oracle is funny. I still haven't seen Leo yet though. Pisses me off.

Librarian is awesome and probably the creepiest. No music except for a howling dog and a heartbeat.


Other than everyone's favorite Count! My favorite was Dr.Petvet. I just loved waiting each episode to see what animal he brought in, and his commentary makes me laugh so hard.

But I love Grizelda and the Oracle aswell.


The Professor - a real professor, well-respected, a lifelong friend of Albert Einstein (true).


Although Grizelda was probably the funniest character, to me nothing beat the coolness of the Wolfman.


I loved the Count and the Mini-Count, But My favourite will always be IGOR. I loved watching this show when I was a kid, and I still get a kick out of it now thanks to Space.

Gory, Gory Transylvania
Where Werewoves and bats will always Maim Ya.....


Ah yes, The space channel has brought this wonderful classic back!

My favorite was The Professor, he always captivated me. I also liked Dr. Pet Vet I'm not sure why people didn't like him.

Least favorite was Grizelda (again I'm not sure why people liked her!) followed close by that Jungle Guy... with the moustache.

Honerable Mention to the wolfman... he's gonna break your record high!

George A. Romero Forever!
