Of Course It Makes No Sense!

The bears were the beatniks, the keepers were the establishment. Very hippie culture. Bubi, the littlest bear, spoke while adding non-sensical words. I keep waiting for him to say something from Snoop-Dogg, like 'fo-shizzle'. The bears kept in close contact with all the other animals in the zoo.

Of course it makes no sense. It's not supposed to. It was Saturday morning fun! And I loved it.


it was great..
im shocked that people thought a cartoon about hippy bears that could talk would be unsurreal.


I loved it too, A great little cartoon !


Yeah this is one of my favorite Hanna-Barbera classics, sad it ended so soon. Always liked Joe E. Ross doing his "oo oo!" voice. Bubi was my favorite, Paul Winchell was great at delivering nonsense mixed with english in a unique way. I remember when they met aliens, Bubi could talk to them though no one else could understand. Some of Bubi's lines were great, like when he explains love, you hear him talk about two people getting together, and then a bunch of words you can't understand except for the word "handcuffs". Its moments like those that really make me laugh. If anyone is looking for it to make sense, well then don't watch animation, the greatest thing about it is that it isn't tied to the laws of physics and doesn't need to make sense. Thats the POINT. This was a cartoon, not just an "animated program". Otherwise we'd see non-talking bears on all fours sleeping and getting steaks thrown at them over a fence. How exciting! Why didn't they mount a camera at the Zoo and call it the Hair Bear Bunch? That would make sense. Only problem, it wouldn't be FUNNY. Who looks for sense in an old Hanna Barbera cartoon? You should stay on the History channel or something (which is also good, but not fictional) if you want sense.
