No time for retakes?

Taking in consideration that they churned out over 100 episodes a season, did anyone notice that it seems like they never really bothered with retakes?? I've noticed a lot of little slipups throughout the shows that you'd probably never see nowadays...

Judy's obvious math error in "I've Got A Secret Sound" (the one about the 'ft' sound) comes to mind as one of the good examples! (Orrrr, maybe she just thought she could cheat the TV station out of 50 extra dollars? ;-))


Well, it's probably because everything—the graphics, sound effects, and scanimate animations, especially—were done in real-time while taping (notice the outtake with Judy and Skip on the first boxed set), save for the recoding of the songs, which were done in the studio and later lip-synched to while taping. There was no sophisticated post-production equipment that could add those things in post like they're done nowadays. Peace.

The everyday happens every day.
