Short Circus - final lineup

Wow - I was watching some clips on YouTube, and I was surprised at how the final lineup of the Short Circus (seasons 5 and 6) paled in comparison to the earlier incarnations. Watch "Knock Knock Rock" and you'll see what I mean. The blonde girl is a moose, the black guy has no rhythm, and two others are total geeks. Only the wonderful June Angela stands out. I mean, I never liked Buddy, but this is the best they could come up with for replacements?


I have to agree with this one. The group in years 5 and 6 were not that great. The white boy was related to someone who was in Mr Belvedere. The others have not done much of note in show biz since (big surprise huh?) Bayn Johnson and Greg Burge were very good. I guess they aged out of the show, while June Angela was (I guess) young looking enough to be recontracted for 2 more seasons. Melanie Henderson looked like a grown woman in season 3 so it's no surprise she was let go.


While everyone seems to love the line-ups from the first four seasons, I must come to defense on the Final Lineup since this is the one I am more familiar with, despite the fact that I've seen clips of the previous members in skits repeated during the reruns of the last two seasons. As a kid in kindergarten, I had a crush on the blonde girl, Gail, played by Janina Mathews and thought she was one of the prettiest of the group, not to say Rejane and June were not pretty. They had some great songs like Tilt, Nitty Gritty, Why, Knock Knock Rock and others. Thanks to Noggin, I did get to see and enjoy the earlier SC kids including Irene Cara and Denise Nickerson. BTW, I also liked Melanie Henderson (Kathy), too!
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