MovieChat Forums > The Electric Company (1971) Discussion > Will there be a new version of 'The Elec...

Will there be a new version of 'The Electric Company'?

Will there be a new version of "The Electric Company"? I sure hope so.


I think there won't be one. We already have a show that teaches kids to read for today's audience. It's called BETWEEN THE LIONS.


When I asked Sesame Workshop about TEC coming to DVD, they said that yes, indeed, there is a new version of the show in the works. Peace.

Everyday things happen every day.


There shouldn't be a NEW VERSION of this show! How can they improve upon perfection?

For Connie n Raymond Marble, it was the beginning of the end!




There could be a totally new series that serves the same kind of purpose that "Electric Company" did in the 1970's and is creative and "cool" in a similar way. But it should be a new show with new cast & crew that is not trying to recreate what was done in the past. That was done as well as it could have been.


Why are we reviving an old post when there's already one on the same topic?



There shouldn't be a NEW VERSION of this show! How can they improve upon perfection?

You're probably right. So often when people try to recreate skit shows from the 60's and 70's, they flop. It's hard to re-create the type of humor and creativity that was prevalant back then and it just ends up being dull.


Don't re-create something that worked so well in the 1970s. Two words: Match Game.



I don't think they are recreating, they are reinventing the show as a multi screen deal for a new generation, per the Sesame workshop website. In my opinion thats what they should have done in the first place, like Sesame Street. The Electric Company got just as high ratings as SS, and was a hit with teachers, and students. I am sure the cast wanted to move on, i.e. Morgan Freeman, who should be proud of what he did on this show and not shun it the way he does. Why CTW wanted to stop production when it was still working I don't know, as it still ran anyway with the last 2 seasons running in rerun till 85. Maybe they stoped to make room for production of 321-Contact. But, again, as Rita Moreno, and Joan Ganz Cooney said on the Vol 1 DVD, we need TEC more so today, as our illiteracy rate is so high. If they put a new slaint on the show, modern visuals etc, but still have the same goal and care, going to schools, asking teachers and students for feedback, this could be a keeper, and better than the Barney and Teletubbies mind numbing stuff.
