Sunset Tower

Easily, one of the coolest things about this show is the apartment building in which Cannon lives, the Sunset Tower.

Anything in the Art Deco style just grabs me, and this place just screams, "Art Deco!" There is something about it that makes you feel as if Phillip Marlowe could have lived there.

I've read that by the early '80's this place had fallen into disrepair and was close to being demolished. Thank goodness wiser minds prevailed. If this place had been in my hometown, Las Vegas, they would have blown it up long ago to build a theme hotel or a parking lot.

Whoever picked the place for Cannon's home made a very wise choice.

"He was running around like a rooster in a barnyard full of ducks."--Pat Novak


Yeah, I really dug his digs!

Cannon was a big man with big appetites who lived large!

I guess he billed more than Rockford!

-"you're locally known to be an overblown loser" -- JohnnyLawrence5, 20Jan2012


was that also in the movie 'point blank'?

His name...was Julio Iglesias!


Totally agree lvrepoman . I also just love when the outside of the building is shown high up and in full before or after this show cuts to a new scene in some episodes . The inside was real nice too with warmer colors in Frank's apartment - just wonderful . Today I'm watching the episode " Voice from the Grave " ( season 4 episode 3 AD - September 25, 1974 ) . So this episode is showing a lot of Frank's fancy flat from inside and outside too . There was a scene earlier when Frank almost got shot by a hit man when he was coming out of his apartment building elevator . It nearly missed Frank and blew a huge hole in the elevator wall instead ( Yikes that was too close Frank ! ) . Thanks lvrepoman for your subject post .


There are a tiny few building in my area which reflect the Art Deco style. Of course, we do have Hoover Dam nearby, one of the great Art Deco monuments of all time. It is interesting to compare it to the new bridge just down river. The bridge is breathtaking in scale, but is an artistic zero. The dam, on the other hand, is an artistic masterpiece, and will always reflect the era in which it was built. It is regrettable that the public works of today have become so utilitarian.

"He was running around like a rooster in a barnyard full of ducks."--Pat Novak
