Beverly LaSalle

I just ADORED her in this show. Does anyone know why the character was killed off (I ALWAYS cry during these two episodes). Was it because she wasn't well received by the viewing audience, or did the actor playing her no longer want to play the part? Was the network opposed to the character? I just never understood why she was killed off.

Thanks in advance if anyone knows.



Gee, Our Ol' LaSalle ran great...

Edith's Crisis Of Faith happened in the eighth season and they, at the time, where thinking that was going to be the final season and that was one of the things that they were wrapping up. Bev was never really used that much. I just think that they wanted a very dramatic story-line to go with in that season as if Edith's 50th Birthday two part-er was not enough... 


Oh, I see. Well, if that's the case it makes sense I guess. Just sad because like I said, I just adored her on the show, and yes, I realize that she wasn't in many episodes, but when she was she really stood out (and I don't mean because she was a drag queen, I just mean because she was funny and witty and her episodes [with the exception of her final one] were some of my favorites).

Anyway, thank you for your answer.



Just finished watching the episode and wow that was unexpected. This show was so far ahead of its time. Had any show ever touched on someone being murdered because they were gay before All in the Family? I would imagine it was pretty controversial at the time to even have Beverly on the show.

“I’m more humble than you can understand”


I don't think that they ever specified whether or not if Bev was gay. All we know was that Bev was a female impersonator...


Think it was heavily implied. He wasn't dressed as woman when he was murdered but was with Mike who was also beat up. Hence why I think they were attacked because for some reason they were considered gay couple, Mike said they didn't attack like them like they want to take something/rob them, almsot like they wanted to hurt them. Edith kept say "because he was different". As far as the show itself many things were implied but never actually said, especially when it came to sex.

“I’m more humble than you can understand”-Donnie


Fantastic two part episode, Edith's Crisis of Faith. I enjoyed LaSalle.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


I never understood that either. I always just thought "Beverly" was a stage persona, like Flip Wilson's "Geraldine". Just a comedy act. So the attack, and Edith's comment "because he was different" always threw me.


Maybe they thought he was a (f)ag because of the dress. Not a performer per se.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


If it had been a hate crime, how did the perps even recognize him in the dark wearing men's clothes? The whole thing is mysterious, unless it had been a random mugging.


Mike said they didn't want to rob them or even approach them like they wanted to rob them. This is all we got because it was the 70s, they didn't spell everything out for their audience back in the day, they were maybe smart enough to figure it out.

“I’m more humble than you can understand”-Donnie


I watched an interview she did on youtube. She said she left the show.


Who? Have a link?

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


My apologies I thought you guys were talking about Edith! Sorry!


"It's Showtime!!!"

"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"


Be careful of the things you show 'cause we could get locked up 'ere...



I kind of thought Beverly may have been gay because earlier in that episode when Beverly comes down dressed as a man, he jokes about watching the game with Archie, drinking beer, and punching each other in the arm. Archie says "Ya hear day voice? He could turn himself around like that."

Annoying the world since 1960!


Maybe stopping from wearing women's clothing.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


I just took it as Archie never seeing "Beverly" (it was odd that we never learned the man's real name) in regular clothes - Beverly speaking as a woman while in drag, a habit of staying "in character". When I was a kid, I never thought he was gay, just a performer.


And a very good one, apparently, staying in character most of the time.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. 2016 is the worst!


We only saw him in "regular" clothes once.



Strange that "Beverly" never told them his real name.





During the '80s I caught an episode of the Don Adams sitcom "Checking Out". I thought for sure one of the regulars was the guy who played Beverly, but it turned out to have been a different actor.


Maybe his name is, was, Beverly.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. 2016 is the worst!


I tend to doubt that was his born name.


Kelly Downs was a pitcher for the Giants in the 80's.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. 2016 is the worst!


I've seen guys names that are also chicks names, God only knows why the parents named them that, but I never heard of Beverly used.


Maybe he legally changed it to "Beverly" before his death.

Annoying the world since 1960!


I'd call that the sign of someone that's a little obsessive with their work.


I'm sure it's happened.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


The whole concept of that character confuses me. First introduced as a stage performer - that part I get - but then according to Edith he was murdered because "he was different", as though he dressed like a woman the way Drew Carey's brother did.


Well, how many entertainers go around wearing dresses? That's different I'd say.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


Flip Wilson, Milton Berle, Benny Hill, and nobody murdered them. It was just an act.


I don't remember hearing about Curly Howard receiving any death threats for dressing in drag either...



I guess I'd have to hear it from the gang's side.


But, they were always in public walking around like that probably. Beverly was sometimes, like in the can where she first met Archie.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


"He" was pretty much "under cover" I guess until he drew attention to himself at the Chinese restaurant, even though he was only in drag at Archie's insistence.
It still confuses me the way they talk about him. Mike says to Archie "Outside of wearin women's clothes, he's the same as you or me". Again, they talk like he dresses that way like Drew Carey's brother.


Ah, who cares really. He was murdered because he was different, and that's good enough for me.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


I can't really picture Archie's area being a gang neighborhood. That's another aspect that seems out of place to me.


New York City, back in those days, had a lot of crime. Especially gang violence.

Annoying the world since 1960!


That I'm aware of, but the Bunkers' immediate neighborhood seemed relatively peaceful.


I don't know. Remember the Swastika on his door, they were gonna burn crosses, Clevon Little and Demond Wilson robbed them. Pretty crime ridden.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


True, but those were extenuating circumstances. The thieves were on the run from a jewel heist, the Swastika deal was perpetrated by an organization that pinpointed David Bloom's residence, and the KKK likewise pinpointed the Stivics' due to a magazine article. None of those had to do with criminals indigenous to the neighborhood.


Well, crime comes to all hoods. What about Gloria's and Edith's near rape?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


Edith's assailant was a wandering predator. And Gloria's incident occurred in a different neighborhood.


Archie was robbed in his cab; Archie also saw the Italian man get mugged (and claimed it was the Mafia). The late Sixties and Seventies were a rough time.

Annoying the world since 1960!


That was the downside. The upside was the demonstrations against controversial government activity. Nowadays everyone just lays there and rolls over whenever a new law or restriction is implemented.


Obama care.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


I prefer Obama no care.


Indeed. Lol.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


Just thank God Hilary is out of the picture.


Not sure trump is a great choice either.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


We'll see if the world is still in one price a year from now. But he has to be better than Hilary.


Time will tell.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


At least he's already rich. No need to sell us out.
