Gloria the victim scene

The ending when the camera zoomed in on Gloria's face trembling and scared out of her mind, anybody think that was a bit unsettling? I found that a bit strange that the camera zoomed in on her like that.


We never did find out whether or not Mable Hefner's new green velvet sofa with vinal brass buttons was too dark for the room...


It didn't matter. Barney secretly murdered her and replaced her with look-a-like Blanche.


Her trembling wasn't that great, I didn't think. Not her best acting.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


It's not always the acting. The director might've had her exaggerate it so the camera would pick it up.


We never did find out who was the guy that did that to Gloria. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be the last time Gloria would be assaulted. Al Bender molested Gloria at a party...


Don't forget the pervert on the bus on her way home from work. "He made me feel like a fresh loaf of Wonder bread!".


You mean prevert? Lol.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Robert Vaughn


Yah, that too. Lol.


Bummy's wife!



And Archie never even recognized her.


Who can remember thirty seconds?



Archie remembered every detail. It was Blanche, I mean Deloris, that didn't remember.


Rue Mclanahan?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


No. Estelle Parsons (she played Roseanne's mother).


Roseanne's father was the insurance man in The Locket. Not the guy that came to the Bunker house, but the guy that Archie mentioned about the "Neighborhood Mugger..."


"Yah, every neighborhood's got one".
That was Joe Peterson (played by John Randolph - he was also on Christmas Vacation).
Too bad Fairchild intervened.


If it's the guy I'm thinking, he was also in Rocky V.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


I checked Rocky V's cast list and there were only two names I recognized as being on AITF. One played two characters; Roselli the cop who harassed Archie for dropping the charges on the guy who robbed him in his cab, and Lichtenrauch who wanted to buy Archie's chair; the other actor played Teresa's boyfriend who kissed Edith. No Joe Peterson on Rocky V.


Burgess "Mickey" Meredith was in the Gloria spin-off...


Yah, that's right. Dr. Adams. I've only seen the unaired pilot co-produced by Carroll O'Connor, which came with the AITF box set.


I'm almost positive one of the Dr.'s in Rocky V also played Theresa's bf with the mustache.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


Yes. Brian Schlemmer was a doctor.


Right. She had more than one bf?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


Yah, when she moved in there was a Puerto Rican guy Archie punched in the stomach when he forced his way through the front door. Archie thought it was her boyfriend, who wasn't treating her very well, but it turned out to be her brother. Then Teresa pounded him in the gut.
Teresa: "You're not going to tell me we all look alike...".
Archie: "No, but you all sure sound alike".


Funny. I remember now.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


That was the actor that played the owner of the house John Candy mistakingly thought he was renting on "Summer Rental". As Candy and the family are bringing their stuff outside, the owner and the wife are sitting there aghast, then Candy carries the youngest daughter through the living room; she says "Daddy, I wet my bed". Candy says "No, you didn't Honey, you wet their bed".


Wow. A movie you saw that I didn't.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


Lol. And I was way off base on that one!
The family that owned the house was black. I'm familiar with the actor, but he was never on AITF. I just finished watching Teresa moving in (on MeTV), and I'm like "What the crap was I on when I made that last post?". Lol.

Never saw Summer Rental? I saw that when it first came out. Same year as Fletch.


So, 1985. The year I was born.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


It's been run on movie channels frequently. Certainly not the greatest movie ever made, and the lengthy sailboat race toward the end is kinda boring (kinda takes the sails out of the comedic momentum), but Candy's great in it.


I see what you did there. Boat race, took sails out of comedic momentum. Clever, Fletch.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


Funny movie. Especially when a busty beach neighbor shows him her recently-bought breasts.


You see the tits? Nude?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


No. That's the down side. It was basically a family movie, so only Candy saw them (and felt them - the husband forced him to - the wife needed reassurance that they looked and felt real).


Bah! That's no fun.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


It is a disappointment.
Stupidly, I can't remember if I even have that one on disc it's been so long that the crap has been in storage. The unit is so cramped I can't adequately have the stuff organized to be able to view everything.


Maybe time to thin it out.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


It's all stuff I'll need if I ever find myself in an adequate living space.


Huh. Will that ever happen?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Robert Vaughn. RIP Carrie Fisher. RIP William Christopher. 2016 is the worst!


I'll ask the Psychic Network.
