Success Story

Archies old army buddy Eddie Frazier (William Wimdom) arrives at the Bunkers for a visit. A few things that stand out in this masterpiece.

The brilliant performance by William Windom is great.The blind extreme hero worshipping by a man(Archie) who also blindly condemns people as a group but not judging them as an individual.

Seeing younger Uncle Leo from Seinfeld, and George Savalas without a mop of hair.

Mike not spilling the beans to Archie about Eddie is quite big of him.

Seeing Sally Stuthers just exuding beauty, always makes me think why she couldnt control her weight in ensuing years.

Another season 1 classic.


Expansion of the Taco Bell franchise could also cause human girth expansion.


Went right to the taco Bell menu. Ours is open 24 hrs. Good stuff.


Good stuff if you keep your consumption of it under five pounds a day. I guess some people exceed that three-fold.


I hardly ever eat fast food. It's not good for you.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.


It's more of a money thing for me these days. I stick with supermarket stuff.


Do you cook? Like aside from microwave, or toaster oven?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.


Toaster oven, I wish! I was told I couldn't have one in my room. If I want to use the oven I have to go down into the community kitchen, so I don't use it much. I try to avoid the other tenants. They're all one big click led by the two-faced "Manager" (just a glorified janitor).


Sounds like you live in a real hovel.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.


It's a rooming house. It's an old building, but kept pretty clean. And it's on a main road (fortunately my room's on the back side with my own entrance going down an outside stairway right to where my car is parked, but in a quiet neighborhood.


Whatever suits you, man.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.


It doesn't suit me, but it's all I could afford.


Don't you have a pal, or someone you could live with?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.


No. They all have adequate living arrangements.


And you'd be intruding?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.




Did you have some bad breaks or illnesses? You sound like quite an intelligent person.


I'm glad this comment about Success Story appeared while we still have a board. I would say this is one of my 10-15 favorite episodes. You're dead-on about William Windom. I don't ever recall a performance of his that I didn't like. A fine, fine actor. And the story line was solid. Even Mike acted somewhat human when Eddie told him that his son wanted nothing to do with him. I try to watch this episode at least once every couple of months.


It's a great one.

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.
