Billy Halop's passing

Although Bert Munson wasn't a major character, it would have been nice if they had acknowledged Billy Halop's passing at the end of the credits of his final episode, which I believe was "Archie's Weighty Problem". A simple "In memory of Billy Halop" with a pic of him as Munson would have sufficed, I think.


It wasn't as common back then as it is today for those kind of acknowledgements. Dolph Sweet on "Gimme A Break" was one of the first I can remember.


When did Munson die?

RIP Gene Wilder. RIP Barbara Hale. You were great in Perry Mason. RIP William Christopher.


First Ruth McDevitt passed away (unspecified natural causes) in May '76. Billy Halop died of a heart attack in November '76, followed by Burt Mustin dying of old age two months later.
