I was a big fan of Alias Smith and Jones back in the day - but have not watched the show for years.

I cannot recall it be on tv in the uk in such a long time - so i was glad to see there is a re run starting on thursday 26th July on ITV4.

Lets hope all the UK fans manage to watch ir


I have just seen the pilot today on ITV4 and was so delighted to see the series. It is a pity that Pete Duel is not with us although I believe Ben Murphy is still above ground.

The best films are made in an intelligent format.


I'm watching the Great Shell Game, not having seen an episode since the early 70s. No wonder I couldn't keep my eyes off Diana Muldaur when she was in LA Law and New Star Trek....

Pete Duel's voice was a shock though, in my mind's ear he sounded different.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.


I can't remember it being on any of the main channels here in the UK since about twenty years ago when I first watched it. The BBC showed the series back then in the afternoons.

I've been enjoying it again this last week on ITV4. It's a shame most people I mention the show to don't seem to have ever heard of it!


Yep, well done ITV4 - I'm still playing catchup on my set-top box. But seems to me they haven't shown every episode - unless series record missed a couple, one or two were missed from Season 1 and a few more from Season 2 - most notably Smiler With A Gun, with Roger Davis...

"Wait till they get a load of me!"
