MovieChat Forums > Zabriskie Point (1970) Discussion > Impact of the ending compard to FIGHT CL...

Impact of the ending compard to FIGHT CLUB

I've watched ZABRISKIE POINT two days ago on German television and it made quite an impression on me. From it's artistic decision to the use of music, camera angles and movements, use of color and the overall feel of the movie it will stick for quite a weeks to come.
Then after two days of thinking came the above mentioned similarity in the ending of ZABRISKIE POINT compared to FIGHT CLUB. Even if ZB is a more subtle and bitter rending of the decay of a now gone American society (the 60's) FC with all it's anger and frustration can be viewed as new comment of American or Global society. 30 years ago there was Vietnam, today it's Afghanistan and Iraq.

What do you think of that?


That's an interesteing point.

Though Fincher is hardly the active "under-dog" protesting fella that Antonioni was, there definitely is a similiraity in the point which was made.

Bear in mind too, that nowadays cinema is not nearly as "important" as it was in the late 60's and 70's. Back then films were much more often political and tried to make a point about the current day and age. Today most films are about escapism, immediate-pleasure (that works well with popcorn) and visual effects. Now even though Fight Club WAS making a point, it lured its audience (mostly youths) through escapism, visual effects (the film's only nomination, even though I disagree with it), and immediate-pleasures and thrills...

I guess that makes ZP a "total" film in that sense, while FC is sort of standing on a tight rope, trying to please both ends.


It's worth reading the novel FIGHT CLUB by Chuck Pahlaniuk. The ending is different and in some ways more effective.

We report, you decide; but we decide what to report.


Wow, a reply after more than 2 years.... Cool... Back then I was in bed after having an operation when I first wrote the above comment... those were the days.


I'm glad you're feeling better!

We report, you decide; but we decide what to report.


Mucho gracias, senor! (no, I'm not (hi)Spanish).


If you were Spanish, you'd say "muchas gracias."

We report, you decide; but we decide what to report.


My ancestors from my mother's side were Spanish 500 years ago, though I doubt that my grammar was influenced by ancient Spanish dialect... :-)


get a room!


It's Zabriskie Point's thread. If you even as much as remotely believe in the film's thesis, you should know that lovemaking should be done outdoors!!!

So YOU get a room, you capitalist shambling corporate presence, you!


(your joke was much appreciated, though)


I'll gladly rewatch ZP, FC on the other hand I don't feel the need to see again..

Mavis, I'm a married man!
