DVD copy

Everything I've read about this movie makes it seem highly enjoyable, and I've been trying on and off to get my hands on a copy for the last year. However, it's proven to be well nigh impossible. If anybody else ever sees this, please drop me a line as to whether it's possible to get this from a physical-world video or bookstore in the NYC area.

Magnetic refrigerator poetry memory.



Everything I've read about this movie makes it seem highly enjoyable, and I've been trying on and off to get my hands on a copy for the last year. However, it's proven to be well nigh impossible. If anybody else ever sees this, please drop me a line as to whether it's possible to get this from a physical-world video or bookstore in the NYC area.

It's available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/White-Sun-Desert-Anatoliy-Kuznetsov/dp/B0000YEDM 2/
