Pope being shot...

Most of the scenes made sense how the travelers joined people from the past or whatever, but one scene confused me. How come that guy could hear the Pope being shot in the young man's mind? What does that signify?


It might mean something; or it mught not. If you've ever seen his earlier stuff like Un Chien Andalou, there's a lott of things in there that many people have tried to analyze, but aparently they don't mean anything according to Bunuels' son. Surrealist films don't necessarily need to mean anything, but I did find that scene interesting b/c I used that same style in one of my films and then watched Milkey Way. I just thought it was funny how I copied a Bunuel technique and didn't realize it.

Who the *beep* is Creighton Duke?


And, by the way, Buñuel himself plays the pope!!


That crossing between time (in this case, middle age - present day) and dimension (dream/imagination - reality) is probably what makes Buñuel films so interesting. David Lynch also does that very well.

Last film watched:
The Milky Way by Luis Buñuel - 7/10


Bunuel has said it himself: he hates it that everybody always has to understand everything...

so no, there may be no sense in that scene at all.


It was a joke. And the best one in the film (IMO).

- No animal was hurt during the making of this burger -


It is a man dreaming of freedom: of anarchists doing away with the pope. That's all. Perhaps, it could even be real. Oh wait - nah.


It's an onirical shot, thought and reality get mixed, the movie is full of such sequences.
