Child porn or high art?

I think that Terayama really is pushing some buttons with his use of kids in these adult roles. Sure to rile up viewers that can't get past that.


there's nothing intrinsically shocking about the images in this movie (besides for maybe the animal being killed). i would only be afraid that the children didn't understand what they were participating in, and would thus have been exploited (though certainly not with any pornographic intent on the part of the filmmaker). the dynamics between the children and adults are interesting, and the film as is definitely makes a powerful statement about revolution.

i'd just like to make a comment, if you read the user reviews for this, only pay attention to the positive review, which is very fair (not "pretentious art-lover" gushing over what they should, but a defense against the mindless nonsense of the otehr two reviews). the negative ones range from nonsense regarding some sort of mystical taboo buzzword "CHILD PORN" (yes, child porn is bad, but it's bad *for the reasons that it is bad*, i.e. exploitation, violation; not because it has a naked child in it, or because someone applies the title 'child porn' to it) to racism (one review says that something is "lost in the translation" and that you need to be from japan to understand the movie--which the reviewer thinks is worthless child porn; there's some easy math to do there... and further, you don't need to live in japan to get that the movie is calling potential revolutionaries children and then exploring more themes beyond that). if any reader could follow all those parentheses and dashes, i hope the words i wrote were helpful.


You would only be afraid that the child MIGHT NOT KNOW WHAT THEY WERE GETTING THEMSELVES INTO??? What the f uck is the matter with you? They looked about 7, how the hell do you justify using children who don't understand sex, who don't even understand love, in a film like this? I don't care if the director f ucking eyewitnessed the Armenian genocide, it doesn't justify the exploitation and violation of children. What's more is that it *might* be excusable if this were actually a decent movie, but IT IS TOTAL GARBAGE. There is nothing redeemable artistically about it. To call this art is to say that Ron Jeremy is as good as Marlon Brando.

Who does the director think he is, Luis Bunuel? The director missed out on the whole shock value trend BIG TIME. He must be so uncomfortable with his masculinity also. Thanks to him I'll never be able to look at myself the same way.

Read my updated comment and maybe you could tell me the significance of all these idiotic scenes throughout the movie. Please, explain why it's "high art." This has to be one of the few things I've ever seen that I actually consider degenerate to the human race on so many levels.




perhaps he meant, it made him feel like a watcher of child pornography?


Which version of this film has an animal being killed? I just subtitled it for and didn't see that part!


It's a boy chopping off the head of a chicken and then leaving it to die.


I'm interested in seeing this film and don't know about the content in it. I don't want to get it if it's going to get me in to trouble with the Australian government for having child porn. Can somebody tell me how bad the content actually is? Do you think I could get in trouble for it? Keep in mind that the Australian government prosecuted somebody for having a naked picture of the kids from the Simpsons as if they had actual child porn. Obviously that wasn't created for sexual stimulation, but just out of a bizarre and juvenile sense of humour.

Having read some of the reviews I think I'll stay away from it until I'm out of other interesting films to watch, which wont be for many years.
