worst movie ever

watched 30 minutes, can't remember a more boring and worse executed movie than this. It's almost like torturing yourself to continue watching this train wreck. 1/10.


It is an acquired taste.

But what films do you like?


Troll is a troll


At the 30 minute mark is when the story and action starts to pick up.

While the story isn't quite cohesive and can be very confusing at times, especially with the quiet and limited dialogue (which is not necessarily detrimental), it's something to be put together in your head rather then having every detail fed to you.

Cinematically, it's a very beautiful movie, however I do feel as though George Lucas may not have had his head all together at the time of him writing and directing this.

If you continued watching past 30 minutes, you may become more interested, but I guess it's all a matter of opinion.



OP is a mouth-breather.


I don't know what the OP means: either that there are no films quantifiably worse than this, or that the OP simply doesn't watch many films. I'll follow Occam's principle here, as the poster seems to be very young.


absolutely. Without question, horrendous. You were smart enough to turn off a half hr. in; husband & I thought SOMETHING has to happen here. Nope.
1.5 hrs. of our life we'll never get back unfortunately. Just ridiculously bad. Quite possibly among top 5 worst films made. Too hilarious to read people found meaning where none exists. Goes to show ya how simple it must be for film makers to confuse the avg. person with art or any sort of skilled product. I suppose in many cases it works. From what I gather reading here, this confusing mess somehow invoked many a person to examine well beyond what was deserving; seem so much so, many invented (in their own heads)some silly plot that, honestly, actually was NOT presented. Nothing to reflect on here. Utterly pretentious garbage. Wish we could get my TIME back, I feel robbed.


shoutingagain: You are not the sole arbiter of which movies are meaningful and which are not - sorry to disappoint your feelings of grandeur and/or entitlement.

My real name is Jeff


my real name is Jeff. No one cares.

Nothing you can write can disappoint me.
So proud you were able to find use for arbiter, sure it was your aim.

OH and news JEFF, I am as entitled to my opinion as you are. Guess that simple reality is news to you.
If you feel having an opinion makes one "entitled" then sorry to disappoint YOU, we all are such.

So again, sad to report back...impossible to disappoint or, even more amusingly, offend me.
Surely your intentions, dude.
Poor you, you missed doing so.
Btw...such a BRAVE one you are here online (yeah I'm smiling!)
Nothing you can say means anything to me anyhow.
Carry on.


If it meant so little to you why did you say so much (although effectively very little).

You're entitled to your opinion but it is the manner in which you expressed it caused the reply you got. You came across as if you are the authority on what a good film is or isn't. Sorry to break it to but you're not. I suspect you were expecting something more akin to Star Wars than an art house sci-fi movie that requires thought rather than simple visual pleasures.

I will admit I was disappointed on first watch but now see the good in this film just as Luke Skywalker could see the good in his father. It just took a bit of effort.


What exactly made it a "confusing mess" for you, shouting? It was always clear to me what was happening in the film.

You call it horrendous and pretentious, but don't really explain why -- other than saying "people found meaning where none exists" and "many invented (in their own heads) some silly plot..."

If you and your husband thought SOMETHING had to happen, but didn't...how was it confusing?


Shouldn't have used to the word "confusing"---you got me on that.
Just should've left it as mess.

But I'll try to clear up what I DID mean.
First, no, it's true, there is absolutely NOTHING confusing in the narrative whatsoever.

What I DID mean is I was confused as to what the objective was. Whatever that might be, for me, it missed on every level. Just my opinion.

Grand assumption asserting I feel something "has to happen"---many movies succeed without even being totally aware of exactly what did, but you know it worked anyhow.

So maybe in a literal interpretation, "has to happen" might be prerequisite for me to attach "favorable" viewing-- in that it just "HAS to HAPPEN" for me (something, anything!)
Unfortunately that's simply my standards. They are high. If I fail to garner something somewhere, no matter HOW small, then I feel & chalk it up as time thrown away.

I would go so far as to suggest most feel exactly the same in their experience, so it is NOT an arrogant position. NOT if you allow for varying tastes & appreciation.

We are all, fortunately, entitled to WHAT it is that we enjoy, find meaning in & like to critique or praise. Makes not just the world but conversations far more interesting.
I know I've said this or agreed with others but so true....how boring if we all were alike.

Lastly, I don't presume I have similar tastes to most (thank GOD for that... am darn glad that's the case). And naturally I feel my opinion or reaction to something is more attuned, which let's be HONEST HERE....just like every other likely does in THEIR own opinions/assessments. If nothing else, IMDB illustrates this very point in almost every post.
It's a healthy, wise & good trait to have confidence (be well thought out FIRST) & to defend whatever you find to be your truth.
If you aren't BIG enough a person to allow that in others (respect their own differing opinions, even if you find them flawed!)... then fact is, it's your loss (not speaking to anyone here.... just life reflection!).
I will always listen to what someone has to say--always!!--I've learned a lot doing so (and side note, I teach adults at community college so it's vital for all involved anyhow). And yes, that includes even if sometimes it's utter nonsense, doesn't much matter. Everyone is entitled to expressing their own voice.


Thanks for the clarification, but it escapes me why you went into detail about varying tastes and differing opinions and freedom of expression...

I only wondered why you called the movie pretentious and horrendous.


Well I guess I didn't explain that due to thinking it required no explanation.
Just words that mean what they do, I suppose, and I found fit this one movie.

I suppose I don't know what you thought might add to say WHY; it's just on the whole, what I happened to find.
I expect better.
Honestly the only way to add more would be to go scene through scene dissecting what exactly demonstrates these 2 strong words, but those that agree don't need me to & those that disagree won't interpret it my way.
At least for me, thankfully it's one movie (kinda seen unwillingly when my movie had sold out--- I was NOT close to home & this was starting!) that left me as fast as I saw it.
Still, dunno, I certainly don't think that in any way removes ones ability to judge it. Look at it this way...if someone just says something plain STINKS, I typically just think they didn't find anything of quality in any (or all of it). That's fine by me, even if it might be my favorite movie.

And I'll grant ya, maybe no need to going into my massive missive on our freedoms/opinions & such. Yes, admittedly, I seem to write (what I believe to be!) a reminder often because of this forum. But I know why I do so. Honestly, I've read some of the most astute observations (from great minds AND writers) & learned new things (sometimes symbolism I'd never have thought of)--it's what attracts me & I'm guessing.. probably others.
Yet many times I sit stunned how arduously offended people can get in their opinions & these online (often nasty) exchanges can devolve into this seemingly war of words, that breaks out over a MOVIE of all things!! Totally nuts. Plus it serves a larger purpose--to recognize how dangerous THAT alone is & frankly, seems to be a microcosm of our world today...little tolerance & VERY closed minds. When really, we'd all be better served to try to be respectful of each other's thoughts & just work to get along. Even learn something along the way. I know I've learned things here, I have NO problem admitting so or when I am wrong about something (like maybe a fact of a movie, which there often ARE facts). This can be a good exercise right here (to be kinder, more open minded & respectful to that matter in which we don't happen to agree)...right HERE, where NOTHING counts (not really). In reality, it's just discourse of the most minimal kind, no reason for heated exchanges that I know of.


I should have simply replied "I disagree" to your first post.


yes. And to original poster (who put it best) as well.


I disagree


I hear it's all about the visuals, and we're not supposed to be given any story for this film.
I did not like it, I love old visual movies but also like a bit of story. I didn't really feel for any of the characters as I was given no reason to care for them, or the "bigger picture" of their underground world.


OP is speaking my language.


This is a decent movie 6.5/10


Most siFi movies from the late 60's and early 70's are dated.
