Curtain Call

At the end when all the cast is standing on the railway track and waveing going "Bye", I would call that a movie curtain call lol. Anyway, I was just wondering what other films do that? The only other one I can think of is Titanic, at the end when Jack and Rose are reunited and everyone is clapping =)


Can't think of any.

LMC xxx

When it rains, look for rainbows; when it’s dark, look for stars.


"The Amazing Mr. Blunden" (also directed by Lionel Jeffries) has a similar ending as well. Each of the main characters wave at the camera in turn and I think a couple say goodbye.


The Slipper and the Rose ends with the cast coming on and taking a bow just like in a real pantomime.


And Brewster McCloud ends with the cast coming on dressed as circus performers.


The List of Adrian Messenger (1963) has something like that if I remember correctly. At the end, each character pulls off his prosthetics (lots of disguises and red herrings in this film! ) and gives a smile and a nod to the camera.

A pretty strange film, but well worth a watch. (Messenger, not Railway Children which is not at all strange, and more than worth a watch!) lol


Excellent Japanese movie 'Zatoichi' ends with the entire cast taking part in a fantastic dance routine! So do a lot of Bollywood films, and Slumdog Millionaire :)


The whole cast assembles and waves to the camera in the finale of "Can Heironymous Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness" too.............



The Opener of the Way is waiting....


At the end of The Bad Seed (original film, not the TV movie), all the actors come out to take a bow, including those who played characters who were killed or near death by the end. At the very end the mother gives bad little Rhoda a spanking.

Slight SPOILER for Places in the Heart: In the final scene in church, everyone is having communion. The last three people are one who has left and two who have died. Makes me cry every time.

The most famous example is The Quiet Man, where all the characters wave or bow to the camera. At the very end, director John Ford had instructed Maureen O'Hara to say to John Wayne, "Let's go into the house and *bleep*." He told her she must say the phrase exactly, without bleeping the word. You can see her hesitant expression before she speaks--she doesn't want to say it--and John Wayne's surprised and pleased expression. They wave good-bye, then this exchange and they run into the house.


The Amazing Mr. Blunden (1972) has all the cast saying good-bye to the audience and waving.
