Choppy American edit

I was given a copy of this that is clearly the American edit (82 min long). Bits of the story seemed disjointed and cut short. I now understand, from reading the IMDb page, that they must have taken all the nudity and some of the bloodshed out, particularly as it is 13 mins shorter run time than the restored version, and 3-5 mins less than the other versions.

It's a good film and well worth watching but if you can, watch one of the longer edits.


There is some brief nudity and violence cut out of the American release, but I think the bulk of the missing minutes consists of an incredibly boring scene of Marcel questioning the mayor of the town.


porfle, is she topless which questioning the mayor. because if she is doing all this questioning while topless and that is what got cut, then i willbe upset.


As Marcel is a dude, I'm not sure you'd really have wanted him to be shirtless for the scene.
