So has anybody actually seen this?

This is one of those legendary films from the early '70s that gets mentioned on various sites but that it seems few have actually seen. It appears that this has never been released officially on VHS or DVD.

Can anyone who has actually seen this describe it? And no, I don't want to buy your bootleg DVD. Thanks.


Boy daydreams, boy meets girl, boy bangs girl, boy bangs girl's best friend, girl leaves boy, boy gets depressed, boy consumes an assortment of drugs and bangs lesbian couple. Like all of the hippie counterculture movies, it's unflinchingly dated to a specific place and time. However, it's often very funny and stands out as one of the best of the counterculture films . Total mystery why it's never had a home video release. The trailer's on You Tube and looks like there's a two part download of the complete film here: art-1970.html


Thanks very much for the summary and the link. I would love to attend a festival of 1970 counterculture films like this, "The Strawberry Statement" and "Zabriskie Point." At least the latter two are much easier to track down.

It seemed like much of the '60s sentiment got very old very fast around the turn of the decades, but that's what makes these films so fascinating.


Whole movie's on YouTube now...


Thanks for the heads-up! I'd better watch it now before it vanishes ...
