Kersh's favorite

This was his favorite, of all the films he directed.
R.I.P., Irvin Kershner, a sensitive & intelligent director.

Carpe Noctem!



Well---Empire is, anyway. Robocop2 was inconsistent, because he hated doing violence. The violent scenes were actually shot by someone else & added after he'd finished filming.

To do a film like that well, you really need a dark sense of humor, like Paul Verhoeven did w/the original.

Check out The Luck of Ginger Coffey, if you get a chance. Kersh directed Robert Shaw & Mary Ure in a domestic drama, set in Canada. Very good film.

Isn't it sad that, now, adult dramas, are having a resurgence---like The Kids are Alright, after guys like Kersh are out of the game?

Carpe Noctem!



Kershner was a very underrated director and great with actors. This was a favorite of Eva Marie Saint too. I like it a lot, but wasn't too fond of the cinematography. Everything was a little too close and sometimes poorly lit. I don't know why Kershner did it like that. It was never gonna be a hit, but I wish it looked a little more commercial and appealing. It would probably be remembered more. Lots of good scenes though.
