Born In The 1800s

This movie brings to mind how there are still some people out there who were born in the 1800s and are still alive today!!!! The oldest living person on record is Besse Cooper who was born in 1896.

My mother lives near a nursing home in Montana where a man there, Walter Breuning, was born in 1896. He died this year.

The longevity of some people is amazing. To be born in a time when the horse and carriage was the 'traffic' and then making it to the internet/ cell phone technology of today.

The more I study it, the greater the puzzle becomes.
The Golden Voyage of Sinbad


Indeed. As of this posting, there are only two people alive from the 1800s, both having been born in 1899.


as a child there were people alive then that were around(as children) that i knew.(alive during 1860's)


As of more!
