I'm surprised that this has not yet been released on DVD - it was nominated for an Oscar and it's Hal Ashby!


I second that notion


me too.




and me too!!:-))


I agree too. I used to have this movie on VHS tape and for some dumb reason I got rid of it -- should have kept it. Have not seen on TV for years now.


Funny you should say that, as it was on cable (TheMovieChannel I think) this afternoon. I hadn't seen it before and, unfortuntately, came across it over an hour into it. However, what little I did see was thoroughly engrossing. I also didn't realize that it was [an] Ashby [film] until I looked it up on IMDB. Don't know how I didn't know that...but I didn't. LOL!

And I echo the rest of you in my desire to see this film given a DVD release.



Why do I live in Germany??? ;o


Why does anyone live in Milton Keynes.


I hope soon.


Dammit, this is far too good a film not to be on DVD!!!


It is so great to look forward to the films that(for whatever reason) have fallen through the cracks and to be able to see them on dvd is truly wonderful. There is something about so many films of decades ago that for me look better, sound better(I can hear the dialog) and are basically more "dream like" than anything out today. Must be the filmstock/lenses they used back then. I like that. It seems recent films are no longer looking like film, but more like video, (dialog is often muffled, hard to hear) which loses that dream-like quality. Is it just me or does anybody else feel this way?


It seems recent films are no longer looking like film, but more like video, (dialog is often muffled, hard to hear) which loses that dream-like quality.

I agree. Too many films nowadays are very dependent on special effects and dumbed-down contents. No substance at all.


Totally agree with you. Modern movies don't look as good as older movies (just check out The Wizard of Oz from 1939 to see the difference). Sometimes in the Extras or Special Features section on DVD releases there will be a featurette called "The Making of..." or something like that, where they have a behind the scenes video made during the filming of the movie, but it's shot with a different camera and the colors are much more vibrant than the movie. Why can't they use those bright colors in the actual movie?

And I get so tired of the actors mumbling their lines so you can't hear. I actually have to turn on the English subtitles sometimes just to see what they're saying. I think the directors tell the actors not to speak too clearly so it will have a more real or 'lifelike' quality, but they go too far.

But it is great they're re-releasing a lot of older movies on DVD, now I just wish they would do it for The Landlord!


I have a VHS version of this movie but I really hope to see it digitally remastered for DVD. Gordon Willis' photography is so striking, the use of light in this movie is amazing. There are darker scenes and lots of shadows in some bits that are difficult to see properly on my version. It really needs to be put on DVD but the amount of classic titles from this era being released is unfortunately dwindling.


No DVD still! :(

More science, less fiction.


Luckily it's on TV every so often. I saw it on TCM the other day.


Luckily it's on TV every so often. I saw it on TCM the other day.

Argh, I missed it again!

More science, less fiction.

Karlrobert Kreiten--http://tinyurl.com/n938vj


The Landlord is finally available on DVD thru Amazon.com's MGM on demand service.

