Wow! Just Wow!

Black and white clown show and 'no resemblance to human beings living or dead'. The sort of people who made this movie are still running this country, destroying the black family, stoking the fires of envy and hate and dispensing victim status to all and sundry.


What the hell are you talking about,troll?


Nothing you'd understand.


No,because you aren't saying s*** that I would even try to waste my damn time understanding.


I don't know maybe it has to do with perceptions and stereotypes.

The ones like Black men don't marry their women; don't take care of their children; Black women are easy and promiscuous; etc.

Perhaps instead of the white privileged male impregnating a married Black woman while her Black husband is, stereotypically incarcerated, he could have hired him as the super/building manager -- since he cares so much about the plight of Black men and their families. Ha.

Funny how he runs away until the Black man is gone and no longer a threat; and then proceeds to knock up the guy's wife. But that's nothing to get upset over...HA! It's not like he was purposely trying to destroy a Black family.

But hey, at least, the white privileged protagonist got what he wanted and was able to say whatever he wanted without repercussions.

I think a better ending would have been him getting his ass beat within an inch of his life.

Oh and by the way; Park Slope was still gentrified in the end.


Oh GOD, here we go....smdh!


I liked the movie but agree with a lot of ch c carter said!
