Jim Morrison

Is THE Jim Morrison really in this?

I love the smell of napalm in the morning. It smells like victory.


Yeah, is he? I WANT TO KNOW!



Well some time ago I asked about this movie here on some board and were I could get a copy of it.
Some guy wrote me something like this:

"There's no need for you to buy this film, Jim isn't in it. This wrong information has been on imdb.com for years now, I don't know why they don't delete it."

Another one said to me that there is a James Morrison in this film but it`s not the Doors guy.
Sad but most likely true.



It is the real Jim Morrison and he's in the flick for what barely passes as a cameo.

If you can actually find a copy of the flick that doesn't look like warmed over crap, then you're in luck. Unfortunately, the only version I found was a copy of a copy of a copy that a friend had made off an old cable network.

Still, the flick is worth checking out if you dig John Cassavettes.


Yes, John Casavettes and Gena Rowlands. BOth are superb...But, where the heck was Jim MOrrison in this movie, for christsake?.



I just saw this movie last night. I could not find Jim Morrison. The credits list James Morrison. I did not see anyone that resembled the Doors singer.

Can anyone tell me at which pont in the movie he is visible?



I found out about this months after I first posted the question. There's a James Morrison allright, but it«s not the one from the Doors. It is incorrectly listed on Imdb.

Oh man, the *beep* piled up so fast in Vietnam you needed wings to stay above it.


Yeah. It's correctly listed now, as a different James Morrison.
