MovieChat Forums > Hornets' Nest (1970) Discussion > Transcript of the Film (A Work In Progre...

Transcript of the Film (A Work In Progress) SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!

Transcribing films whose scripts aren't readily available seems popular on here, so I figured I'd give it a go with this mostly overlooked little World War II thriller.

Hornets' Nest

A Transcript by Bill Hiers (Kooshmeister)

Directed by Phil Karlson and Franco Cirino

Screenplay by S.S. Schweitzer and Story by Stanley Colbert

Note: To help with this transcript, I consulted Michael Avallone's novelization of the film. Some of the Italian actors playing the German characters are unfortunately a little difficult to understand and with no copy of the screenplay available, Avallone's book was the next best thing. For purely trivia purposes, where the novel differs from the film, I'll mention it.


Italy, 1944. The small village of Reanoto lies in an idyllic valley in the northern part of the country. We see a column of vehicles approaching - motorcycles and troop carriers mainly. Their license plates have SS prefixes. Their roaring engines disrupt the early morning peace and quiet as they tear into town.

As each truck passes by a building, WAFFEN-SS TROOPS armed with K98 rifles and MP40 machine guns jump out.

The SS men enter all of the houses and buildings and start pulling the townspeople - MEN and WOMEN with BABIES and CHILDREN - out, forcing them into the street at gunpoint. They even pull the local PRIEST from the church, clutching his Bible. The Germans give no explanation, they simply make everyone come with them.

None of the Italians resist, holding their hands up in submission, whimpering in terror as the invaders make them all line up on one side of the road, their backs to their homes, their hands on their heads. The SS allign themselves opposite their prisoners, facing them in a similar formation. They hold their guns threatetingly.

In a field several yards outside of town, we see a group of young children, the oldest of whom isn't even fifteen yet, hiding in some tall grass and watching. The oldest at fourteen is the blonde-haired DINO, although the younger, fiercer ALDO is the group's leader. The other children are CARLO, SILVIO, FRANCO, TONIO, ROMEO, MIKKO, PAOLO, ARTURO, TEKKO, RICO, LUIGI, GIORGIO, and Dino's younger siblings MARIO and MARIA. Mario and Maria are the two youngest.

As the SS finish lining the villagers up, MAJOR TAUSSIG stands up in his Volkswagen Kübelwagen. He smirks at his captive audience.

Where are the Partisans?

There is no reply. The villagers look down at the ground, averting their eyes, unable to look at him. A baby begins crying.

A second group is revealed to be watching from nearby, a little closer than the children in the field. The very PARTISANS Taussig is seeking. They look on from the concealment of some bushes.

One of the townspeople rushes forward out of line. Whether to try and escape or confess is unclear. Two of his neighbors grab him and pull him back. Still no one answers. Taussig is becoming visibly impatient and angry.

Where are the Partisans?!

Stony silence. Taussig's mind is made up. He addresses his men.


The villagers scream and begin weeping as the SS cock their guns. In the bushes, Partisan leader SCARPI reflexively brings up his scoped rifle to fire. Another Partisan fighter, JULIO, forces his weapon down, stopping him.


He raises his arm. The Germans all raise their weapons.


The SS open fire. The roar of automatic weapons fills the air. As the bullets rip into the defenseless villagers - men, women and children alike - we intercut between their deaths and the reactions of Aldo and the others. Tears run down their faces as they watch their mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, friends and neighbors, all being killed. It's over quickly. The SS cease firing. Among the watching children, Mario and Maria don't quite seem to grasp what they've just witnessed.


Where a line of people once stood there is now a line of corpses. From his own hiding place, Scarpi is quietly enraged.



Michael Avallone's novelization has a completely different beginning, depicting Turner and his team preparing to take on the Della Norte Dam by attacking a different, Allied-held dam under the supervision of a guy named Major Darcy, with American troops standing in for German ones.

The novel's second chapter is the doomed paradrop and Avallone omits the massacre of Reanoto entirely and only ever alludes to it. The character of Taussig is introduced much later in the book as a consequence and his role as the one who ordered the massacre is never mentioned.

I think this was a mistake on Avallone's part. Without this opening scene, the children's intense desire for revenge against the SS is not as powerful and indeed their characters (particularly Aldo) are watered down somewhat. Ditto Taussig, whose comeuppance later loses some satisfaction if he isn't the executioner of the town. Rather than being the mass murderer getting what he deserves, he's just some schlub we don't care about getting shot.

The new opening chapter does however have the added bonus of giving names to Turner's doomed crew, if not actual personalities.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



It's night. A US Air Corps C-47 flies through the dark skies. On board, eight American soldiers are readying themselves for a jump - ARNIE, YATES, SANTELLI, RICCI, LOMBARDI, BERNARDO and CAPTAIN TURNER. Turner is the team's C.O. He's a quiet man, and while his men all seem confident and eager, he appears thoughtful and a little nervous.

Down on the ground, Scarpi and Julio are hiding in some bushes at the edge of a large meadow, scanning the skies. Julio has a radio slung over his shoulder. As the plane approaches, the PILOT looks out his window. Scarpi taps Julio on the leg and the other Partisan tentatively walks out into the meadow carrying a flashlight. He turns it on and off as a signal to the pilot, who gets on his radio.

Coming in on target.

In the trees on the opposite side of the meadow, German officer CAPTAIN FRIEDRICH VON HECHT, a smooth-faced, blonde man, Luger in hand, steps out from the forest. His sergeant, SCHWALBERG, is at his side.

With them is GUNTHER, a fierce-looking SS corporal, who is herding a CAPTURED PARTISAN along. The Partisan looks beaten and bloodied and has his hands tied behind his back. The four of them look up at the sound of approaching airplane engines. Except for Gunther, the only SS man present, von Hecht and all of his men are regular Wehrmacht troops.

They go unnoticed by the Parisans on the other side of the clearing. Scarpi whistles and several more Partisans begin to come forward out from hiding, ducking down into the high grass.

On the German side, Schwalberg silently gestures and dozens of GERMAN SOLDIERS start to silently creep out from their own hiding places.

In the plane, the JUMPMASTER SERGEANT signals for the paratroopers to begin their descent.

Okay, go!

He taps the first man on the shoulder, and Bernardo, Arnie, Yates, Santelli, Ricci and Lombardi all leap from the plane. Turner is the last man out. Their chutes open in midair and they begin gently drifting down towards earth.

(into his radio)
Chicken Little to Red Dog. The Chickens are in the nest.

The C-47, its part in the mission complete, flies on and disappears into the night as the first American soldier's feet touch the ground. Scarpi whistles again and his men rise up from the grass and start forwards to meet the arriving Americans. He motions Julio forward as well and then follows, himself.

At the same time, von Hecht motions his own men forward with his Luger and the Germans rush out into the meadow as the Americans, all save Turner, finish arriving. They open fire. The paratroopers and the Partisans, caught by surprise, don't stand a chance. They get cut down quickly, including Julio. As Julio falls, Scarpi stoops to tend to him, but he's dead. Von Hecht watches the one-sided battle dispassionately.

Turner, still coming down, can only watch as his men get killed. A gust of wind blows him away from the meadow, towards the dense forest. Von Hecht notices the stray paratrooper.

Schwalberg, bring him in - alive!

We see Turner has gotten his chute caught in a tree. He hits his head against a branch and is knocked unconscious. He dangles from the branches, swaying back and forth gently.

Back at the slaughter, all of the Americans are dead, and so are all of the Partisans except for Scarpi, who manages to take refuge in the bushes again.

The captured Partisan looks aghast at what has happened and tries to speak. Scarpi takes aim with his scoped rifle from across the field and fires. The Partisan prisoner is hit in the chest. Gunther releases him and he falls over backwards, dead.

Nearby, three of the young boys seen watching Reanoto from a distance stand on one another's shoulders in a teetering totem pole and watch as Schwalberg comes running up to where Turner landed, accompanied by two other soldiers, HERMANN and EHRLICH. Turner is no longer in the tree. His empty parachute and helmet lie on the ground.

Schwalberg looks down at the chute, while Hermann picks up the American helmet. The three boys hop down and run off. Hearing them, Schwalberg gives chase, Hermann and Ehrlich at his heels, but they quickly lose the children.

Somewhere else in the vicinity, an unconscious Turner thuds unceremoniously face down on the ground. He's surrounded by the boys, who turn him over onto his back. Carlo, one of the youngest of the boys present, kneels down and touches the back of his head. His fingers come away daubed with blood.

He's bleeding!

Aldo couldn't care less.

So he got a cut.

He looks skyward and grins.

But it's like my Mama used to say. You pray to the Holy Saints, they'll send you what you want.

Maybe he'll say no, Aldo. Maybe he won't want to.

He's gonna have to!

He shoves Franco aside and steps over Turner, grabbing him by the front of his fatigues and shaking him roughly.

Come on!

You sure he isn't dead?

Wordlessly, Aldo stands up and gives the American a swift kick in the ribs. Turner groans. Aldo looks at Carlo.

All right?

Suddenly they hear a bird call, which Carlo hesitantly returns. He's answered a moment later.

All right.

Together, all of the eight or so boys bend down and pick up Turner, carrying him bodily away through the night time forest. Scarpi, the other lone survivor of the meadow shootout, is hiding in some bushes close by. Seeing the boys go past with Turner, he smirks.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Captain von Hecht is in his office looking over the captured American gear. Grease Guns, backpacks and various other bits of equipment are piled in one corner of the room. Von Hecht is holding a brick of Composition C (C4) in one hand.

He goes over to Schwalberg. Hermann and Ehrlich are over by the door. Gunther is taking apart and examining the radio taken from the Americans. Von Hecht gestures with the C4 as he talks.

I want every farm, every village in the district turned inside out. And you will inform the people that anyone even suspected of helping this man will immediately be turned over to the SS.

Gunther looks up from his work. Von Hecht puts the C4 back in its box. He walks over to the dismantled radio.

You don't think your commandant will object to that, Corporal?

No sir.

Von Hecht looks at the two soldiers by the door.

Hermann? Ehrlich? All right.

They leave. Von Hecht turns to Schwalberg. Gunther resumes messing with the radio.

As soon as it's light, you'll continue your search of the woods.

Yes sir.

Von Hecht turns back to Gunther.

Well, Corporal, what is your expert opinion?

This power pack is strong enough to carry well over three hundred miles.

Hmm, interesting. A pity we didn't have such equipment in North Africa.

Yes sir.

Von Hecht goes and picks up a map.

(thinking out loud)
What were they going to blow up with all this dynamite? The railroad depot? Town hall? SS headquarters? The Grimaldi Tunnel? The Della Norte Dam?

He won't be blowing up anything now.

Gunther finishes with the radio, reassembling it and put it back inside its pack. He stands at attention.

I don't think we should underestimate a man who parachutes into a tree and can still outrun three able-bodied soldiers, huh, Schwalberg?

Schwalberg looks down at his feet, chastened.

Captain, they will be waiting for you at headquarters.

Yes, yes, must'nt keep the SS and the General Staff out of our little guessing game.

Grabbig his hat, he walks to the door. Stopping, he turns back.

Oh, you might ask Ehrlich to keep an eye out for that new shotgun my father sent me. It seems to have disappeared.

Schwalberg clicks his heels as von Hecht exits.


The presence of the Gunther character here and in the earlier scene seems a little odd at first, as he's the only SS member on von Hecht's team, and he is never explained, however Michael Avallone's novelization reveals he was put there to keep an eye on von Hecht who is considered a maverick.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



In a dim cave somewhere, Aldo hefts a handsome-looking shotgun with engraved parts and slings it over his shoulder as he walks over to where the group of boys is sitting around the prone form of Turner. Many of them are smoking. He shoves past Dino and grabs a cigarette from Silvio, takes a puff, then returns it. He looks down at the unconscious soldier.

He's been out a long time.
Hey! Hey Americano!

He kicks him. No response. He resumes nudging him with his foot to no noticeable effect.

Francese! Inglese!


But how can you tell?

He's so big.

Ignoring them, Aldo squatts down and smacks Turner's face a couple of times.

Hey, soldier!

After a moment, he hesitates, and begins looking concerned. He feels Turner's sweaty cheek, then glances at the others.

He's as cold as ice.

Then how come he's sweating?

Maybe he's dead.

What are you thinking he's dead for all that time?

He grabs Carlo's hand and puts it against the American's chest.

There, you feel his heart?

Carlo smiles and Aldo shoves his hand away. Aldo stands and starts off.

I'm going to get the dottore.

You know how many Nazis are out there looking for him?

For him. Not for us. I didn't go to all this trouble just to bury him.

Suddenly, Paolo comes running in.

Trucks! Trucks across the river!

The fire!

It's out.

Silvio, let's go.

Carlo hops up.

How 'bout me? Listen!

He issues forth a warbling little birdcall.

See? I know them all.

Silvio gives the other boy a dismissive shrug.

You're too young, Carlo.

Let him come. He's gotta learn sometime. Dino!

He unslings the shotgun as Dino walks over. The weapon changes hands.

You better stay here in case he wakes up.

Aldo, Silvio and Carlo leave. The other boys disperse, going to their various parts of the cave as Dino stands over Turner with the shotgun. He watches Aldo and his troupe leaving. Sleeping in a small, makeshift bed nearby are Dino's little brother and sister, Mario and Maria, snuggled together. Mario is talking in his sleep.


Dino comes over. Setting the gun aside, he kneels down and pulls a blanket over the pair, tucking them in gently, then returns to his guard duties.



The fire Aldo refers to is the group's campfire. He asked Paolo if he'd put it out for fear of it being seen by the Germans. The movie isn't clear about this, though.

There's some name differences and shuffling around of characters in the novelization. Dino is named Guillermo, and in the book, it's Giorgio who goes with Aldo and Silvio to fetch the doctor, not Carlo, who remains in the cave.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Several officers are seated around a meeting table. At the head sits GENERAL DOHRMANN, an older, balding general. GENERAL VON KLEBER is also present. Von Hecht stands behind him, hat tucked under one arm. Seated across from von Kleber is COLONEL JANNINGS, an SS officer.

They're all paying attention to the overweight engineering officer and explosives expert COLONEL WEEDE as he holds a block of C4 up for emphasis.

It is manufactured in the United States and is designated Composition C. It can be set off from a distance with electric wiring and a primer cord, or with automatic detonators plugged into the plastic mass. The detonators, I'm told, have not been found.

The missing man has them, no doubt.

That was our assumption too, Colonel.

It's obvious they were sent to destroy a major military installation. But which one? The aircraft warning complex at Verranova? The Grimaldi Tunnel? The Della Norte Dam?

(piping up with a smirk)
The Della Norte Dam, if I may say so, gentlemen.

Jannings smirks back at him smugly.

Thank you for your opinion, Captain, but six men or even twelve blowing up the Della Norte Dam? What a charming fantasy.
(to Dohrmann)
The obvious target is the Grimaldi Tunnel. I would give orders that appropriate security measures be taken to forestall--


Jannings stops and glares at von Hecht.

My apologies to the SS. If they dynamite the tunnel they can tie up traffic for eight hours, ten, maybe a day if they knocked out the ventilators.

And if they blew up the dam...?

They'd flood the whole valley. We couldn't move troops. We couldn't--

(cutting in)
Do you anticipate a major Allied advance, Captain von Hecht?

The Führer has given orders to drive their armies into the sea. I don't expect them to be waiting on the beach.

Jannings looks angrily at General von Kleber seated across from him.

Has Captain von Hecht been named corps intelligence officer?

I'm sure the Captain only meant to say--

(interrupting again)
Thank you, General von Kleber. There's really no need to defend me.
(to Jannings)
No, I'm not corps intelligence officer. I'm a field officer. But the Della Norte Dam is in my district.

Of course we could stop guessing about the target if we had a prisoner to question.

General Dohrmann agrees.

Yes, Captain. I suggest you concentrate on the search for the missing man. That will be all.

Von Hecht clicks his heels smartly and turns to go. He's halfway to the door when General von Kleber rises and calls after him.


Yes sir?

General Rutke is taking over a Panzer division in this push. I could arrange to have you posted to his staff. You've been asking for a transfer back to the fighting forces.

No thank you. Where I am now, suddenly there is good hunting. I'd hate to give that up.

You really are your father's son.

Thank you, General. How many men can be sure of that?

He leaves. Von Kleber watches him go, smiling and shaking his head.


In the book, von Hecht's first name is given as Wilhelm, not Friedrich.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Aldo stands outside of a small stone building. A sign by the front door reads "Dott. E. Frassi." He gestures and Silvio and Carlo come running up. He gestures left.


Silvio rushes off to the left (our right). Aldo then motions to the right (our left).


Carlo starts off, but Aldo grabs his arm.

Remember the signal.

The other boy nods. Aldo releases him and he runs off. Aldo, turning, goes and presses himself against the door. He leans against it, listening, and then knocks four times in a kind of rythym or code. He glances around himself warily.

After a moment, DR. FRASSI, a balding older man wearing glasses, comes and opens the door. Aldo pushes past him and heads inside. Frassi hesitates, glancing outside at the tranquil darkness, before shutting the door and following Aldo inside. In the living room, Aldo is making pleading gestures with his hands and putting on his very best distraught, fearful performance.

Dottore, you've got to come quick! It's one of the boys! The little one! Mario!

Frassi stares at him, stony-faced, unconcinvced.

You're not lying to me, Aldo.

Aldo stares back.

I steal medicines for you from the Nazis, don't I? Why are you asking me if I'm lying?

The doctor finally nods tiredly.

All right. I'll get my bag.

He turns and goes into his at-home office in the next room.

(from the next room)
Has he a fever?

I think so.

Aldo enters the office and is suddenly seized by the arm and spun around by Scarpi, who seems to have materialized from nowhere. The two glare at one another. Aldo's eyes are afire with anger.

You've got the Americano. I want him.

Aldo wrenches his arm free.

You had your chance!
(to Frassi)
You coming, Dottore?
(looking back at Scarpi)
Or you gonna play more tricks?

Aldo, you are making this more a private matter...

The boy whirls on him fiercely.

That's right! And the Americano is my private property!

I could just take him from you.

Aldo turns his attention back to the Partisan leader.

You've got to find him, first.

Scarpi, let me talk to him...

Scarpi looks at the doctor, but Aldo puts his foot down.

No! I found him and he's mine! Now you comin' or not?

Frassi shakes his head with great sadness.

All right, then. If he dies, he dies.

He moves to leave, making a show of elbowing needlessly past Scarpi, but the Partisan leader turns and seizes him by the arm again, pulling him back. He then shoves Aldo up against the wall with a loud thud and calmly but violently backhands him across the face, snapping his face to one side. If Aldo feels any pain from it, he's doing a good job of concealing it. He keeps his head turned from Scarpi, so Scarpi seizes him by the chin and jerks his face back around, forcing the boy to look him in the eye.

Where is he?

Aldo glares at him without answering for a moment. Outside, he hears a birdcall. Neither Scarpi nor the doctor seem to hear it.

All right, you win... "Commandante!" You follow the creek past St. Joseph Shrine.

We'll follow you. Come on.

Seizing Aldo, he pulls him off of the wall and forces him out into the living room, making the boy go in front of him. Dr. Frassi trails after them. Suddenly there is a second, louder birdcall. This time the two adults hear it. Motioning for Aldo to stay put, Scarpi goes to the front door and puts his ear to it suspiciously. Just as he's turning the knob, Aldo makes his move, shoving Dr. Frassi away from him, turning and bolting back towards the office. Frassi staggers but regains his balance.


Once in the office, Aldo slams and locks the double doors. Scarpi starts towards them, looking determined, when suddenly the front door is kicked in by Ehrlich. He enters with Hermann right behind him. Ehrlich's MP40 blazes away. Both Scarpi and Dr. Frassi collapse. Hermann shoots Scarpi a few more times for good measure while he's lying on the floor, then goes and kicks open the double doors. The office is empty. Aldo has escaped.

Captain von Hecht walks in as Ehrlich checks Frassi. The doctor is dead but Scarpi, amazingly, is still alive. Von Hecht stoops down and seizes Scarpi by the front of his shirt, jerking the barely alive man up. Blood pours from his mouth.

Scarpi. The American. The mission!

Scarpi's head rolls lifelessly to one side and von Hecht lets go of him, looking up angrily.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



An Italian hospital that has been taken over by the Wehrmacht. An ambulance pulls into the rear courtyard and zooms past where Aldo, Silvio and Carlo are crouching unseen behind a large brick and mortar column. After the ambulance has gone on its way, the three boys come out of hiding. Aldo motions for his two cohorts to remain where they are, and then goes over to a barred window looking in on an operation room. He grips the bars and hoists himself up for a better view.

Inside, several DOCTORS are performing surgery. They're all wearing white smocks, white face masks and white caps. Aldo motions Silvio and Carlo over. Carlo isn't paying attention, so Silvio tugs on his sleeve and then the two boys go over and join their leader at the window. Aldo looks on as the doctors operate. In particular, he seems transfixed by one who is obviously a woman.

DR. BIANCA FREEDLING is a civilian German doctor. Finishing with the operation, she removes her face mask and surgical cap. She's a very beautiful young woman with neatly tied up blonde hair. She goes into another room.

Aldo climbs down and motions to Silvio and Carlo and the three boys inch along the wall, staying out of sight, until they come to the third window down. Aldo again grips the bars over the glass and hoists himself up so he can see. He watches as a NURSE assists Bianca in undressing from her surgical smock.

Wearing just a silk slip, Bianca goes to a basin filled with water and begins to cleanse her hands with soap. Watching her from the window, Aldo smiles, clearly liking the view he's getting of the German doctor in nothing but her slip. Below, Carlo impatiently tugs at Aldo's shirt tail, but Aldo waves him off. As Bianca finishes washing up and dries her hands with a towel, Aldo gets down and the three boys run off.

Inside, Bianca is putting on her wristwatch. She then goes behind a changing curtain to get dressed.

Back outside, the three boys run around the corner of the building and hide. Aldo takes Carlo aside.


Carlo sniffles unrealistically.

No, no, you've got to cry when you tell her. Cry.

Carlo tries again, but it just doesn't look very convincing. Aldo shoves him angrily.

You call that crying? She'll be coming out in a minute! It'll be daylight!

He turns to Silvio.

You! You cry.

Silvio sniffles and rubs at his eyes. If anything, his attempt is even worse than Carlo's. Aldo is exasperated.

That's crying?

Suddenly he gets an idea. Motioning for Silvio to go and be the lookout, he returns his attention to Carlo, placing his hands gingerly on the smaller boy's shoulders.

Carlo, remember when your father used to hit you sometimes?

Carlo nods.

That didn't mean he didn't love you, did it?

Silvio, on lookout, turns and prods at Aldo. Apparently the doctor is on her way. Without warning, Aldo slaps Carlo harshly across the face. The other boy manages a strangled little gasp before Aldo clamps his hand hard over his mouth, stifling any further outcry. Tears pour from Carlo's eyes and down his cheek.

That's crying!

Keeping his hand firmly over Carlo's mouth, Aldo maneuvers him past Silvio to the corner, then as soon as Bianca Freedling comes into view, he lets go and gives him a good, hard shove towards the doctor. Carlo half stumbles, half runs towards Bianca who is now wearing civilian clothes with a white lab coat over them and carrying a black bag. Carlo, weeping and whimpering quite convincingly, grabs her hand.

Dottore! Dottore, please, you must come right away! My mother is dying!

For her part, Bianca looks both concerned and confused.

Where is she? What's the matter with her?

Carlo looks down, working up more tears.

Dottore, please! No time! She's bleeding! There's blood all over!

Bianca sighs, looking saddened. It's obvious she is tired, despite her concern for Carlo's mother.

I'm sorry, I can't. I've been on duty since early yesterday morning.

Carlo looks stuck. His tears have stopped, but he continues to plead desperately and appeal to the doctor's kindness.

My brother said she'll die! It's not far, Dottore, only across the road! Dottore! Please!

Managing to work up fresh tears, he bends down and buries his face against Bianca's hand. Finally, she smiles and nods. Observing from around the corner, Aldo and Silvio beat feet as Carlo begins leading Bianca along, away from the hospital.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Aldo and Silvio dash through the darkened woods to stay ahead of Bianca, who is still being led by Carlo. He's still pretending to cry. Bianca looks around herself, confused. She halts.

You said it was close by. Just across the road.

Just a little further, Dottore! A little further!

Weeping, he once more presses his face to her hand. She isn't convinced and shakes her head. Setting down her bag, she gets down to be face to face with the boy.

I won't till you stop crying and tell me exactly what happened, and where we are going.

Carlo continues blubbering. Suddenly, they hear rustling noises, and Aldo comes bouncing into view through the thicket with Silvio in tow. He makes a big show of looking excited and relieved, clapping Carlo on both shoulders.

(out of breath)
You found the dottore!

He kneels and kisses Bianca's hand.

The Saints will bless you! My whole family will pray for you!

He shakes her hand vigorously. Bianca sighs, her patience wearing thin.

Exactly where is your family...?

Aldo jumps up, all full of energy.

(speaking breathlessly)
This way, Dottore. Not far. Maybe half a mile.

Bianca looks surprised and a little angry.

(indicating Carlo)
He said it was across the road!

It's my fault. I told him to say it.

Bianca looks at Aldo, who nods and resumes his show of crying, although it's completely fake now.

We were afraid you wouldn't come. But it's no more than half a mile, Dottore. I swear it by all the Saints.

False sincerity oozes from every word he says. She stares at him, smirking a little. It's clear she doesn't entirely believe him. Nevertheless, she agrees to go. She picks up her bag.

Thank you, Dottore, thank you!

He turns and heads off, leading the way with Silvio close behind. Bianca walks along, Carlo holding onto her arm.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Arturo is up in the branches of a tree, playing lookout. He signals to the other boys who are gathered in a small clearing below him. Tekko rushes inside the cave.

Dino, Aldo's here!

The kids all gather 'round as Aldo and his band return with Bianca. The German doctor for her part looks a little confused at the sight of all these dirty little boys in torn and patched clothing apparently living in a cave in the woods. She scans across their faces. It's clear she doesn't know what to make of them. Or they her. She finally turns to Aldo.

What are they all doing here?

They live here. They used to live in Reanoto. You ever hear of Reanoto?

She looks away from him.

Sure she did.

(from inside the cave)

Dino comes running outside, the shotgun still slung over his shoulder. He doesn't immediately notice Bianca.

Come on, Aldo, you better--

He stops short as he notices the German doctor.

What is th--

(cutting him off)
This is the dottore. How is he?

Not so still anymore. Once he opened his eyes, but that's all.

As Dino talks, Bianca blinks at this mention of a "he" and looks at Aldo. Dino gestures towards the cave.

He's in here.

Aldo turns and looks at Bianca, who glances back the way the came. Aldo gently takes her by the arm and guides her toward the cave mouth. The other boys all follow in single-file. The group enters the cave with Bianca in the lead, glancing around at her surroundings until she comes to the prone form of Captain Turner still lying on the floor. She stares down at him in his American uniform, then turns and looks at Aldo, aghast.

This man is an enemy soldier!

The boy ignores her point entirely.

Can you fix him up?

(likewise ignoring his question)
He's one of the Americans who was parachuted into the area last night, isn't he?

I admit he isn't my mother. Can you fix him up?

She stiffens.

I have no intention of doing anything for him until he's reported to the authorities.

Aldo's mouth sets in a hard line.

He needs help!

He's not going to get it from me!

Aldo looks exasperated.

Do you know what happens to people who give aid to the enemy?

She tries to leave, but Aldo blocks her path. A few of the other boys, emboldened, tentatively follow her example. The doctor's way out is blocked.

Get out of my way.

Aldo shakes his head.

You're not going anywhere.

And you're a stupid boy!

She shoves him. On the floor, Turner stirs a little bit, reaching up with one hand, but this goes unnoticed as Bianca continues arguing with the boys.

Do you think you can get away with this? Don't you realize they'll miss me?

(more forcefully)
That could be! In the meantime, fix him up!

She simply stares at him.

I said fix him up!

She looks him up and down for a moment before turning and attempting to appeal to the other children.

Come back with me. Tell the authorities you found him. You're children. You won't be punished, I promised.

None of them says anything. They simply stare back at her. Aldo finally loses his temper, grabbing her arm roughly.

You stupid Nazi bitch! You do what I tell you!

Bianca slaps him. Hard. Unlike with Scarpi earlier, this knocks the boy completely off his feet, and Bianca makes a run for the mouth of the cave, only to be seized by the other boys as Aldo gets up and screams orders hoarsely.

Grab her!

Let me go! Let me go!

Mario and Maria are awake now. Lying in their bed, they look on impassively as the doctor struggles with the boys. There is the sound of ripping cloth. Bianca drops her black bag. Everyone shouts unintelligibly before the woman falls backwards onto a bed of straw. The boys, except for the youngest ones, hold her down.

Let me go!

Out of my way!

One of the boys tears her shirt, exposing her slip. Carlo is crying for real now. One of the boys who isn't participating, he stands to one side, shaking his head in disbelief.

Let me go!

I said shut up! She'll fix him, but maybe we gotta fix her first!

Panting and yelling, Bianca struggles against her captors.

Let me go!

Hold her!

The other boys eagerly obey.

Let me go!

Pausing for a moment, Aldo turns and yells at Dino's younger brother and sister.

Mario! Maria! Get out!

They hesitate, but then climb out of their bed.

Go on! Get out!

On the floor, Turner is coming around a little more fully now. He hasn't sat up yet, although his head is slightly raised. He's rubbing the back of his head with one hand. He doesn't seem immediately aware of his surroundings, although he does take notice of Mario and Maria. He squints at them.

Get out! Go on!

Holding her brother's hand, Maria leads the way and she and Mario rush out.

On the floor, Bianca is doing her best to keep her legs shut. Her skirt has hiked up a bit. Aldo shakes his fist and points at her, enraged, his eyes gleaming insanely.

Let me go!

When we get through doing like your soldiers did to our mothers and our sisters, you're gonna do everything we tell you!

Bianca moans in despair as she realizes what they're planning.

We're gonna make a little Reanoto here! So it'll feel more like home!

Bianca cries out in alarm. Aldo takes one step towards her... only to get suddenly seized from behind and jerked backwards off of his feet as if her were a ragdoll. He's flung aside.

Turner is awake, and he's mad. He looks down at Bianca. She looks back with pleading eyes. The boys holding her down freeze. Turner backhands one of them and wades into them, sending them all scattering in every direction, standing unsteadily over Bianca as the doctor sobs and scoots away, huddling back against the cave wall.

After a moment, Turner holds his head, looking faint, apparently having exerted himself too much. Finally he collapses onto his knees and falls face first to the floor, hitting his head against a rock. A silence descends over the cave, broken only by Bianca Freedling's sobs.

Carlo looks relieved. He goes and gets Bianca's dropped doctor's bag, carrying it over to her. He gingerly touches her shoulder.

Dottore... please...

She slowly stops crying. Sniffling, she looks at the boy who first led her here, then takes the bag and crawls over to where Turner lays. She takes hold of his wrist and checks his pulse. Removing her torn lab coat, she unzips the bag.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



It's late morning and the sun is shining brightly. Arturo is up in his tree keeping lookout. A whistle brings him climbing down. The majority of the children, including Aldo, are sitting around the campfire eating some kind of stew out of a big pot. One of the other boys goes to change places with Arturo the lookout as he comes over for his grub.

Dino comes out of the cave, the shotgun over his shoulder.

Did you leave them alone in there?

(snapping angrily)
What're they gonna do? Dig a hole in the mountain and run away?

He trudges morosely past where Aldo is sitting. Aldo grabs his wrist and he stops, but doesn't face him.

You've been acting funny lately. What's the matter?

Dino still doesn't face him. He simply stares ahead. The concern vanishes from Aldo's voice and he becomes angry, standing and jerking Dino around to face him.

I said what's the matter?

Dino pulls his arm free of Aldo's grasp and glares at him in disgust.

That stuff with the woman before! That stinks! And you stink!

We wouldn't have gone through with it!

Aldo looks down at him.

Maybe you wouldn't!

As if to diffuse the situation, Carlo stands up with two tin plates of food.

You want me to take it to them...?

No, I'll take it.

He grabs the tins from Carlo, then turns and sneers at Dino.

I wanna keep her filled out nice.

Dino just glares at him. Aldo then turns and walks into the cave. Turner is sitting down, looking a bit groggy but otherwise none the worse for wear. Bianca, too, looks much better than last night, although her hair is a mess. Turner's fatigue jacket is off and he's in a green sleeveless tank top. The shirt is hiked up in the rear as the doctor puts a bandage on his lower back. She finishes.

You can put your shirt on now.

She pulls the shirt down over his back as Aldo enters with the tins.


He starts pulling on his jacket as Bianca continues her diagnosis.

No broken bones. You had a bad bruise on your ribcage.

Must be when I git the tree.

Aldo raises his eyebrows, but decides to omit his frequent kicks. He simply smirks and nods.

And you had a concussion. But without x-rays, I can't tell you anymore.

(indicating the tins)
Shouldn't he eat something, Dottore?

Turner starts to stand up, waving Aldo and the food away from himself dismissively.

It would be good for you, if you feel like it.

Turner finishes standing and Bianca looks at him in concern.

You'd do better to stay off your feet.

I've been off them too long alr--

He stops midsentence as he reaches into his front jacket pocket and finds it empty. He frowns and begins searching his other pockets. Aldo, realizing what he's looking for, takes out a packet of Lucky Strikes and offers them towards the American.


I see you smoke my brand.

The implication is obvious. Turner takes one cigarette from the pack, then grabs the entire thing from Aldo. He sticks the unlit cigarette into his mouth and then starts putting on his gun belt. As he does, Aldo strikes a match and extends it towards him. Noticing, Turner leans over and the match lights the cigarette as he finishes strapping on the belt. The holster is empty. Turner snaps his fingers and gives it a meaningful pat, and Aldo forks over the American's Colt .45 sidearm. It's equipped with a suppressor.

As Turner checks the gun and chambers a round, Bianca finishes packing her things up in her bag, then checks her wristwatch.

It's eight o'clock. I'm an hour late for surgery. They'll be looking for me.

Turner leans his forearm against the low ceiling as he regards the doctor.

Well, you better hope they don't find you.

She frowns and looks down at the ground. Aldo holds up a silver caplike device. A detonator.

What's this?

Turner glances at it, then at his own watch, which is broken, so he tosses it aside. Mario picks it up.

A detonator.

He grabs it from Aldo.

And what does it do?

Mario is playing with Turner's broken watch. The American starts putting the detonator into a bag with some others, then pauses, thinking. Something is weighing on his mind. After a moment, he finishes and sets the bag of detonators down on a wooden crate with a clunking sound.

Nothing without dynamite.

He walks past Aldo.

Hey, soldier, you're not eating...

Outside! I wanna talk to you.

Aldo follows him while Mario holds the watch up to his ear.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


Outside, Turner blinks and squints his eyes at the bright sunshine. Brids tweet and sing. He turns and watches the boy who replaced Arturo climbing down from the lookout tree, rubbing his eyes. Looking a little confused at seeing nothing but children, he goes over to where the majority of the group are seated 'round the stewpot, then trudges right past them. Aldo grabs the shotgun from Dino, slings it over one shoulder, and follows.

Turner stops at the edge of the little clearing, surveying the surrounding forest. He takes a drag off of the cigarette, then removes it from his mouth.

You know a man named Scarpi?

(with a slight smirk)
He's dead.

Turner slowly turns and looks at him sideways, then sticks the cig back in his mouth.

You know any of his men?

They're all dead. Everybody's dead.

The other boys get up and wander over.

We had a plague here. Nazis.

I need a transmitter. You know where I can find one?


Yeah, a radio that talks both ways.

The boys all begin talking at once. Dino raises his arms for quiet and they all shut up.

Wait a minute, wait a minute! I know von Hecht has one. We heard him talking once to Genoa.

(snapping at Dino)
All right!

Dino frowns at him as Aldo turns back to Turner again. He has a calm, easygoing, arrogant demeanor, meaning to impress upon the American that he's in charge here.

You need a transmitter?
(to the boys)
Luigi, Silvio, I'll meet you back in the motor pool with the shinebox around messtime.
(to Turner)
Anything else?

(without looking at him)
Yeah. Where's the transmitter.

He turns and looks at Aldo.

Von Hecht's office.
(jerks a thumb at the shotgun)
This is his rifle.

Turner smirks a bit.

You know the layout, huh? And you know where the guards are posted?

(confident, smirking)
Sure we know. Don't worry about it. You leave it to us.

Thanks, General. I'll run this show myself.

The smirk is wiped from Aldo's face instantly.

What do you mean...?

Well, if you give me a rundown on this, uh, von Hecht and his headquarters then I'll figure out a way to get the transmitter.

(getting angry)
I don't like the idea. You stay here!

Now, look, kid, I've got a job to do.

Aldo takes a few steps towards the American, eyes burning.

How about the job you gotta do for me? For us? What the hell do you think we saved you for?

He jabs Turner a few times with his finger. Turner simply stares at him in amazed amusement.

Yeah... what the hell did you save me for?

The smirk returns to Aldo's face. He snaps his fingers. The boys begin filing back inside the cave. Turner, grinning, follows them. Inside, three of the children move a false wall constructed out of what appears to be sheepskin and tree branches out of the way, revealing an alcove of some sort.

Turner turns the radio on. He holds the headphones to one ear and brings the microphone to his mouth. Nothing seems to be happening. He smacks the radio a couple of times, but finally manages to get it working. Hidden back inside this are piles and piles of German MP40 machine guns. Propper against the wall is a big belt-fed MG42. Turner's smile vanishes as he stands there looking at this deadly hoard. He takes a few slow steps towards the guns as if mesmerized, the boys watching his every move.

Aldo snaps his fingers again. The boys start gathering up the MP40's and passing them around. They're all unloaded at the moment. Aldo looks at Turner, and Turner looks right back.

You're gonna show us how to shoot these guns.

Turner looks over the boys standing there holding the huge machine guns in their hands and grinning at him, Carlo in particular. He thinks long and hard, before looking back at Aldo.

You're planning your own war, huh?

That's right.

Turner takes a long drag off of his cigarette. He exhales, then throws the cig down and grinds it out under his boot.

Okay. If that's what you want.

Aldo smiles.

After you gelp me get the transmitter.

He turns to leave. Aldo is quick as lightning, shoving Dino aside and unslinging the shotgun, leveling it at the American's midsection. Turner halts in his tracks.

After you get the transmitter, you don't need us.

Turner takes a step back.

You're going to teach us first.

Aldo, maybe we oughta listen to him.

Aldo shoots him a look.

You shut up! You don't like things around here, you can get out. Take your kid brother and kid sister with you.

Dino remains where he is, knuckling under. Aldo looks at him, then at the other boys.

We're the ones who saved his life, aren't we?

I said thanks, didn't I?

(shaking his head)
We waited a long time for somebody...

Turner seems amused by Aldo's behavior, smiling broadly.

Okay, General. Squeeze one off. Then where will you be?

Aldo keeps the gun leveled at Turner, but hesitates. Seeing that he isn't going to fire, Turner grabs the barrel and shoves it out of his way as he once more starts to head out. Recovering, Aldo follows him and again takes aim at him, this time at his back. Turner turns and looks at him.

You help me get a message through and I'll have you shootin' those guns with your eyes shut. How 'bout it?

He grins broadly, and then turns.

Hold it!

The American stops and turns around once more.

There's a machine gun in there. A big one. When we make our move, you go with us, with the machine gun.

Turner is losing his patience. He holds up one hand in a placating gesture.

Okay, okay. Now show me the layout of this von Hecht place.

He leaves. Aldo turns and looks at the other boys, grinning and keeping the shotgun aimed at where Turner had been standing.

He tries to doublecross us... I'll squeeze one off.

The boys all begin filing out after Turner. Soon Bianca is left alone in the cave with Mario and Maria. She looks at the two of them and notices with some concern that Maria is picking at a large, ugly wound on her knee. Blood is running down the girl's leg. Squatting down, she gently takes Maria's head in her hands.

Don't touch it, please. Don't.

She takes the leg and examines it.

Outside, everyone is sitting in a circle as Aldo uses a stick to draw a very rough diagram of German headquarters in the dirt.

The main road is here... motor pool...

Where are the woods?

I think they're over here.

He moves and starts drawing in the dirt at Turner's feet.

About here.


He draws some more.

Building... there is von Hecht's office here.

Turner points at a spot on the diagram.


And a side window.


In the cave, Bianca is daubing some alcohol on a cotton swab as she tends to Maria's leg.

You will feel this, but just for a second.

She smiles warmly. She begins cleaning Maria's wound. The girl doesn't cry out, but she does jerk her leg back. Bianca gently soothes her.

For a second.

Back outside, the boys are demonstrating their birdcall messages to Turner. Silvio is standing away from the group with the shotgun.

That means "Nazi soldiers coming."

Turner repeats it.

Ah, you got signals like that in America?

Sure. Only in American it means "Cheese it! The cops!"

He stands up. Aldo does likewise, slinging a big shoeshine box with a strap over one shoulder.

Lead the way.

Aldo whistles and the boys all jump up. As the group heads off, Silvio, left by himself, turns and saunters back inside the cave.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Aldo walks down the main road leading to German headquarters, his shoeshine box slung over his shoulder. A motorcycle with a sidecar passes by him and he waves to its rider and passenger. Turner and the others watch from the bushes as Aldo approaches a lone GERMAN SOLDIER who is meandering down the road.

Shine, Colonnello?

The German, grinning, mimes kneeing him in the gut, but doesn't actually hit him. The two part ways amicably and Aldo playfully wags a finger at him. He then heads through the main courtyard and motor pool area of the base which is a beehive of military activity. We see shirtless soldiers shaving, lounging around, working on vehicle engines, and so forth.

Ah, working hard!

There are a few friendly grunts of acknowledgement. He passes another soldier.

(to the soldier)
Whaddaya say, Generale, shine?

The soldier gives him a dismissive but unthreating gesture and a grumble. Aldo grins broadly. The overall attitude from the soldiers is one of tolerated amusement. Aldo's friendliness in return is every bit as real as a three dollar bill. He exchanges more pleasantries with Germans who are either working or relaxing, many of them shirtless, before sauntering up the main building.

He walks up to a side window which looks into von Hecht's office. Suddenly a hand grabs his shoulder and he spins around to find himself facing Captain von Hecht himself. Von Hecht smiles at him.

Hey, Capitano! Is this any way to treat a friend?

I'm missing a new gun, "friend."

(acting offended)
You don't think I took it.

No one else comes and goes as freely as you do.

Aldo looks at von Hecht's hand on his shoulder, then back to the Captain. He smirks.

Capitano, I got something much better than a gun for you.

Mm. What would that be?

Aldo gives a conspiratorial glance around.

Shine, Capitano?

He motions with his head for von Hecht to follow. Von Hecht watches him go, then gives a shrug and goes with him. Turner is still observing from the bushes, unseen.

Aldo and von Hecht enter the Captain's office seen earlier. The confiscated paratroopers' equipment is still there. After entering, von Hecht shuts the door. They're alone. Aldo goes and sets up his shinebox over by the desk.

Nevermind all that.

Well, I was just thinking how would it look if someone walked in?

Conceding, von Hecht takes off his hat and goes and seats himself on the edge of his desk.

Aldo, if you're quite satisfied we're keeping up appearances...

He plants one foot on the shinebox. Aldo starts polishing his boot.

Pretty busy in your district, eh, Capitano?

Get to the point.

That woman dottore. I know who's got her.

Von Hecht leans forward.

You do?

The Partisans.

Von Hecht stands up, suddenly uninterested.

Ah. There are no more Partisans.

If the Capitano says so...

After a moment, von Hecht sits back down.

What Partisans?

Aldo smiles, grabs von Hecht's ankle, planting his foot back on the shinebox, and resumes polishing the officer's boot.

The ones with the wounded Americano.

Von Hecht is all ears.

I don't suppose you'd know where to find them?

Sure, if I want them.

He pauses and looks up at von Hecht.

You want them, Capitano?

Can you read a map?

Rising, he goes over to a table with charts and maps on it. Aldo follows.

We had maps in school.

At the table, von Hecht shows the boy a map and Aldo points to a spot we don't see. Von Hecht good-naturedly slaps his shoulder, then goes and presses a buzzer on his desk. Outside, an alarm sounds. The soldiers drop what they're going, and start getting dressed, putting their helmets on, and grabbing their guns. Back in the office, von Hecht takes his hand off of the buzzer and the alarm quits. He's grinning ear to ear.

You've lost a lot of customers. I should make it up to you. I could send you north. You could live in a fine house.

He ruffles Aldo's hair in a very fatherly way.

I got business here.

That's what we all tell ourselves. What do you want?

When it's all over, Capitano, just remember me.

He turns to go.


He stops and turns. Von Hecht clucks his tongue and shakes his head.

You're coming along.

Aldo suddenly looks afraid.

Capitano, if somebody sees me with you, they'll be fishing my body from the river.

Von Hecht considers this. At last he nods.

All right.

He playfully baps Aldo on the arm with his hat, puts it on and then walks out. As soon as the door is shut, Aldo drops the act and scowls angrily. He spits at the closed door.

Outside, a Volkswagen Kübelwagen is waiting with the motor running. Ehrlich is behind the wheel. Schwalberg and Hermann stand alongside. Aldo exits and goes on his way unmolested as von Hecht goes to his waiting vehicle. Von Hecht gets in the front passenger seat while Schwalberg and Hermann get in the back, and the Kübelwagen trundles off, followed by a motorcycle and three troop carriers.

From his vantage point in the bushes, Turner watches in some amazement as nearly all the Germans on base leave. The convoy drives past their hiding place and recedes into the distance. He whistles, and the other boys all come out of hiding, with Dino in the lead, followed by Carlo, Paolo and the others.

Hurry up! Come on, hurry up!

They crawl over to join him. He moves off through the bushes and they follow.

Aldo, shinebox in hand, climbs over a short stone wall and meets up with them. Turner grabs his wrist.

Did you find the transmitter?

It's in his office.

He grins.

How many men are left?

Five or six. Two sentries in the front.

Releasing the boy, Turner goes and peers over the top of the wall. Two GERMAN SENTRIES are milling around the main courtyard area, K98 rifles slung over their shoulders. Turner turns back to the group of boys.

Carlo? Paolo? Do your stuff.

Carlo and Paolo slip away.

The rest of you...

He gestures for them to remain and then sneaks off. Aldo follows. A few yards ahead, he suddenly sees something and ducks down out of sight. Aldo does likewise. Ahead of them is a lone GERMAN SENTRY with his back to them. He's leaning against a tree.

Turning, Turner gives a birdcall back the way they came. Dino nudges one of the boys, Luigi, forwards, and he scampers up ahead to join the American soldier and Aldo. He pulls Luigi over and whispers in his ear.

I want you to go out there and pee in front of the sentry.

But I don't have to...

Get out there, damn it!

He slaps Luigi on the butt and the boy hurriedly obeys. He walks past the German, who initially doesn't notice him. Taking up a position a few feet to the sentry's right, he unzips and makes to start going to the bathroom. This, the German notices.


Luigi doesn't answer. The annoyed German goes over to him and seizes him by the arm.

What are you doing in this area? What are you doing here?

Turner rushes him from behind and throws his arm around his neck, plunging a large-bladed combat knife into the unprepared German's stomach before he can scream. He dies instantly. Sheathing his knife, he and Aldo grab the man's arms and drag him out of sight. His helmet falls off. They leave the dead body propped against a haystack.

In the courtyard, the 2ND SENTRY is lighting a cigarette for the 1ST SENTRY. The first one turns and notices Carlo and Paolo walking up to them.

We've got company.

Hey, Capitano, gives us a cigarette.

(mildly annoyed)
Go away.

Give us a cigarette, Capitano.

The first sentry laughs. His partner grins.

It'll stunt your growth!

The second sentry laughs and throws his own cigarette away.

Wanna swap?

The Germans look at each other, then the first one smiles at Paolo.

What have you got?

Paolo takes out a bag of strawberries and winks at Carlo.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


Turner, Aldo and Luigi are watching from behind the haystack. While the guards are distracted, Turner and Aldo continue on. Luigi doesn't accompany them.

The two creep along a narrow stick fence until they come within spitting distance of the office window. They hide behind a convenient tree for a moment before Turner dashes for the building, Aldo hot on his heels and still lugging his shinebox. While Aldo plays lookout, Turner looks in the window. He tries it. It's locked.

Taking his knife out, he gently slips the blade between the shut panes and slides it up, using the tip to move the latch. He then throws the window open and hops over the sill. He crouches, unholstering his suppressed Colt .45, cautiously exploring the large office. Behind him, Aldo drops his shinebox over the sill and then climbs in, himself. He leaves the shinebox by the window.

Turner peers over the top of von Hecht's desk. Through the window across the room, he can see Carlo and Paolo conversing with the two sentries. The Germans have their backs to the window. On the desk are the dogtags belonging to Turner's slain men. Turner doesn't notice them just yet, though, and creeps around, using first an armchair and then a table with a tea set and pitcher on it as cover should the sentries outside turn around.

Through another window, a couple of other Germans walk by. Turner and Aldo duck into an alcove near the double doors of the room, but they're not seen. The radio is by the door, still where Gunther left it after he finished examining it.

Keeping his gun at the ready, Turner opens the door, and peers out. Nothing. He shuts it and motions for Aldo to go to the far window and keep an eye on the courtyard. As Aldo heads to do as he's bidden, Turner grabs the radio and carries it over and sets it down by the desk. He activates it and fiddles with the dials and switches a bit. Nothing seems to be happening so he gives it a few smacks. This seems to get it functioning.

(into the radio)
Calling Red Dog. Calling Red Dog. Red Dog, this is Powderman. Over.

A German radio truck is driving along on patrol. A big circular antennae on its roof rotates.

(heard through the radio)
Calling Red Dog. Red Dog. This is Powderman. Come in.

Inside the back of the truck, a GERMAN RADIO OPERATOR picks up Turner's message.

(heard through the radio)
Red Dog. Calling Red Dog. This is Powderman. Red Dog, this is Powderman. Over.

The German fiddles with his instruments, trying to get a fix on the signal.

Back in von Hecht's office, there is still no answer and Turner is beginning to get very desperate, angry and impatient.

Red Dog! Calling Red Dog! This is Powderman! Come in!

At the window, Aldo looks nervously out at Carlo and Paolo still conversing with the two sentries. He looks back to Turner.

In the German radio truck, the radio operator taps the TRUCK DRIVER on the shoulder and speaks to him in German.

Back in the office, there is still silence over the radio.

Calling Red Dog, Red Dog, this is Powderman! Come in!

(hoarsely whispering)
Hurry up!

Shut up!
(back to the radio)
Hello, Red Dog.

Finally, we hear another voice, hissing and staticy, over the radio.

(over the radio)
Powderman, this is Red Dog.

Outside, up in a tree, Arturo gives out a frantic whistle. It is then repeated. We soon see the reason for his alarm. The radio truck is driving up towards German headquarters. The boys all duck down out of sight as the vehicle heads past. Back inside, Turner is desperately yelling into the radio now.

Repeat, we've been hit! Wiped out!

(over the radio)
This is Red Dog. Where are you transmitting from?

You son of a bitch! I said unit destroyed! Don't you read me? Unit destroyed!

The radio truck pulls up in the courtyard outside.

(over the radio)
This is Red Dog. The ball is in play!

The truck driver and radio operator get out. The latter has an MP40. They run towards the main building.

(over the radio)
Repeat, there is no other way! Top Dog is counting on us!

In the office, Turner hears approaching footsteps. Aldo looks helplessly at the door.

(over the radio)
Where are you now?

Without answering, Turner drops the microphone just as the door opens and the German radio operator walks in. He brings his MP40 up. Turner shoots him with his silenced pistol. He goes down as the truck driver enters after him. Turner fires. The driver staggers but doesn't die instantly, so Turner shoots him again and he finally falls.

(over the radio)
Powderman? This is Red Dog! Powderman?

In the courtyard outside, Gunther is walking towards the main building. Noticing something amiss, he unholsters a Walther P38 and moves to the door. In the office, Turner drags the bodies of the two Germans inside and Aldo closes the door as Red Dog continues trying to reach Turner over the radio.

(over the radio)
Powderman? Powderman, come in please. Calling Powderman.

Turner moves to answer, only for the office door to open and Gunther to enter. Gunther sees Aldo, but not Turner. As he prepares to shoot, Turner surprises him and chops his arm, making him drop the P38. He then hits him across the back of the neck, sending him stumbling forward.

(over the radio)
This is Red Dog, come in, please. Powderman?

Gunther recovers and turns, but Turner knees him in the face. The SS man reels.

(over the radio)
You've got to recheck your frequency, Powderman. This is Red Dog...

Turner knees Gunther again and he slams into von Hecht's desk and then falls on top of the radio. Anything else Red Dog says is cut off. Before Gunther can recover, Turner jumps on him and grabs him in a headlock, breaking his neck. He shoves the dead Gunther aside and checks the radio, but the antenna is bent and useless.

Aldo shuts the door and comes running up.

Let's get out of here!

Call your gang.

Turner tries the radio a few more times before giving up, knocking it aside angrily. Aldo runs to the open window they came in through and whistles to Luigi. Luigi whistles at Carlo and Paolo. Hearing, they turn. The two German sentries are happily munching the strawberries they traded the boys their cigarettes for, blissfully unaware that anything is amiss.

A few moments later, the boys are creeping along to where Luigi awaits them opposite the haystack. The dead sentry Turner stabbed is sitting upright where Turner and Aldo left him. Dino picks up his helmet and plunks it on the dead German's head, earning a few giggles from the assembled boys.

In von Hecht's office, Turner has gathered a huge armload of the confiscated equipment and he carries it over to the window, plunking it down by Aldo's shinebox. Aldo waves the approaching boys over, and he and Turner begin hurriedly passing the now liberated American gear out the window into the waiting hands of the children, working quickly. As Aldo grabs the last bag, Turner goes to von Hecht's desk and grabs a nice-looking pair of binoculars, which he turns and tosses to Aldo. In so doing, he notices the dogtags.

He grabs them, and gives the closed office door an angry look. After a moment, though, he pockets them, and follows Aldo out the window.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Turner and the boys walk single-file through the woods, Aldo, wearing the binoculars around his neck, is up front and the American right behind him. The boys have backpacks and duffel bags slung over their shoulders and are whistling a jaunty tune. Turner seems annoyed by the whistling and mumbles something.

It went good, huh, soldier?

Turner glances at him, then looks away.

Yeah. You just graduated basic training.

Carlo trips and falls. The other boys laugh at him. Aldo flies off the handle again.

Hey! You wanna blow us all up?

The other boys immediately stop laughing and look apprehensively at Aldo. Turner sidles up to him.

Nothing blows up until I make it blow up.

To illustrate his point, he chucks his own duffel-load of explosives at Aldo. The unprepared boy takes it full in the chest and topples over backwards into the grass. The boys all laugh. A single glare from Aldo silences them once more. His dominance reestablished, the grits his teeth and gives Turner the stinkeye, throwing the duffel bag aside angrily.

There's a tense moment, broken when Carlo starts whistling again. Turner looks at them, then takes a folded up map out of his pocket and examines it. The whistling slowly dies down, but then Turner playfully picks up the tune himself. The boys all join in. All save Aldo, who remains lying on the ground where he fell. He just continues looking angry.

Still whistling and studying the map, Turner turns and begins walking along. The boys, as a group, follow, but suddenly the American whirls and barks out an order.

Sit down!

Like well-behave schoolchildren, the boys all stop whistling and go sit in a group nearby.


Aldo remains where he is, frowning. Turner glowers.


Finally, Aldo rises and comes over.

What, soldier?

(holds out the map)
Hold this.

Aldo takes it. Turner places a hand on Aldo's shoulder.

How far are we from the Della Norte Dam?

Aldo doesn't respond. He looks at the American's hand on his shoulder. Turner removes it.

I said how far away are we from the Della Norte Dam?

Maybe ten, maybe fifteen kilometers, I don't know.
(to Dino)
Hey, Dino, how far to Della Norte?


The Della Norte Dam is a massive gray stone dam located at one end of a narrow valley, rising between two sloping cliffs. Turner, Aldo and Dino stand on a hilltop some distance away from it. Turner uses the binoculars to scope out the scene. Atop the dam, we see some armed guards and a truck.

Dino's papa built the dam. Right, Dino?

Right. Carlo's papa too. And Franco's. My father used to take me up on the scaffold. Once when the cement was wet, he wrote our names in it.

His father was educated. He could write.

Turner isn't paying the boys much attention, instead studying the layout of the dam, particularly the way a large outlet pipe sticks out near the bottom on the side facing them, which would seem to provide a means of climbing up halfway.

You gonna blow it up?

Turner lowers the binoculars slightly and glances over at him. But then he raises them again without answering. Aldo suddenly grins and looks at Dino. Turner gives him the binoculars.

He's gonna blow up the dam!

Grinning widely, he and Dino suddenly take off like a shot. Turner watches them go, a little mystified. After they're gone, he turns and gazes apprehensively at the huge dam once more.


Upon returning where he left the boys, Turner gets mobbed by hopping, squealing, excited boys, all tugging at his uniform and demanding to know if it's true that he's going to blow up the dam. Trying to control the situation, Turner whistles, and the boys all run and grab their packs. They start heading off. Turner watches them go.

Aldo remains at Turner's side, but then he smirks and nods. He whistles, and the boys stop and turn. Man and boy glare at one another for a moment before Aldo whistles again and the kids resume moving out. Aldo gives Turner a triumphant smork and then saunters off to catch up. Turner stands alone in the middle of the forest.

(to himself)
Yeah, why not?


Von Hecht's Kübelwagen pulls up outside the main building and the Captain gets out. He heads for the front entrance as Schwalberg calls after him.

Captain, will you be making your report now?

Von Hecht gives him a dismissive gesture with his hand and growls.


He and Schwalberg enter his office, stopping in their tracks as they find the dead bodies on the floor. Looking over at where the confiscated American gear was, all that remains are the paratroopers' Grease Guns.

The dynamite's been stolen. They can't be too far away. Get the damn sentries in here and get everybody moving.

He heads for his desk.

Captain, they've been on the go for 24 hours!

I want those explosives back! Get the men out!

Schwalberg lingers for a moment, then turns and walks out. Von Hecht starts turning the hand crank on his phone when he notices Aldo's shinebox still sitting by the open window. He smiles.

"Remember me." I remember you quite distinctly.

He continues cranking up the phone and then picks up the receiver.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



The kids are packing things up in preparation for abandoning the cave and moving out. Bianca stands to one side with her arm around Maria. Mario is sitting down. Most of the boys are wearing backpacks with their loaded MP40's slung around their necks.

Aren't you ready yet?

Aldo and Silvio come over, lugging the large MG42 machine gun.

You don't wanna forget this.

Turner turns and looks at him as he stoops down to pack.

If it gets in the way, we're gonna dump it, you understand?

Don't you forget you're gonna be our machine gunner.

(stepping forward)
May I speak to you, please?

(to the kids)
Whatever isn't packed by now, leave it--

It can't be later!

If you're still worrying about what's going to happen to you, there was a motion just before to kill you.

She looks aghast.

Plenty of seconds. So just go along quietly.

I was thinking about the children. The younger ones.

(darkly amused)
You worrying about us? Ha!

(ignoring him)
They're not strong enough to walk any distance. Their must be some way to get them out of this.

Whatever you have in mind, forget it.

Dino wanders over at this point, slinging his MP40 over one shoulder.

If they can't walk, we'll carry them.

Dino, get everyone to fall in.

The blonde-haired boy turns and heads off. Turner looks at Aldo, who is standing nearby all by himself, adjusting his backpack's straps.

You too, Aldo.

The boy glances up angrily at him. His eyes gleam fiercely, but he avoids a confrontation with the American for the moment. He turns and looks at Bianca.

Fall in, Dottore.

Again, Bianca ignores Aldo. She keeps her attention focused exclusively on Turner.

You're going to use these children, aren't you?

That's right, fraulein, I'm going to use these children.

Even though that's all they are? Children.

Aldo loses his temper. He wipes some sweat from his brow.

What the hell do you know about us...?

Still Bianca refuses to look at him or even acknowledge his presence. She fixes her face in a cold, hard expression and stares straight ahead without looking at the boy.

You ever see the Nazis put your father in front of a machine gun?

Turner slowly stops packing, as if sensing trouble brewing.

You ever lie there and watch them take your mother? Your sister?

Bianca's face registers no emotion at Aldo's rantings.

Nobody's gonna tell me what we are, or what we're gonna do! Nobody!

All right, Aldo, you made a nice speech. Now fall in.

Aldo lingers before turning and heading off.

Ask a question, you get an answer. Sometimes you wish you never asked.

Bianca struggles for words for a moment.

I'm a doctor not a--

Look, I'm fighting against time and every second counts!

He finishes and gets up.

With any luck, I can make my hit, fast, clean, and nobody gets hurt.

I'm a doctor, not a soldier. I want to get back to the hospital.

Forget it. You're tied in with us now 'till it's over.

Aldo goes by, with von Hecht's stolen shotgun over one shoulder. Seeing it, Turner grabs it and throws it away, much to the boy's annoyance.

That's a good gun!

Yeah, for pigeons, maybe.

Aldo stares a little longingly at where Turner tossed the shotgun.

We're ready to march...

Turner snaps his fingers and then holds out his hand. Aldo turns to him.

The map.

She got special marching orders?

He hands the map to Turner. Bianca is crouching down with Mario and Maria, her doctor's bag open. She's got a roll of gauze out and is cutting a strip free with some scissors.

Fraulein? Now.

If we are going to be marching, I should see to Maria's dressing.

Turner and Aldo are looking at the map.

The irrigation lake. We make it easy, sometime to tomorrow.

Not tomorrow. Tonight.

Why not? Maybe even before.

He whistles, and then the group of armed and backpack and gear-laden boys begins to head off into the woods. Dino begins to whistle and soon the other kids join in. Turner folds up the map and sticks it into his pocket. Bianca, finished redressing Maria's knee, heads off after them, holding the girl and her brother Mario by the hand. Turner watches them go, lingering at the cave entrance for a moment.

An army...

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



A German troop carrier drives along a dirt road. It slows to a stop and six of the nine soldiers in back pile out. They're all holding MP40's. One soldier, MERKEL, assumes immediate command.

You three, search over there.
(to the others)
You two, follow me.

Three of the Germans head off to the right. The other two join Merkel and head to the left. The truck drives off down the road.

Somewhere in the forest, the whistling troupe of boys is marching along. Turner, with the map, consults with Aldo, who smiles and points ahead.

You sure?

These are my woods, soldier.

He stalks off. Turner and the others continue after him.

On the road, the troop carrier stops again, dropping off the three remaining German soldiers.

Remember, stay together.

They head off and the now empty truck drives on.

Elsewhere, the troupe has halted in the woods for a break, their gear all set down. Bianca sits in the grass with Mario and Maria, watching as a jacketless Turner is instructing the boys in the use of the guns. A lit cigarette dangles from his mouth. Every boy has an MP40.

All right, let's go through this again.

He picks up an MP40 and holds it up for the boys to see, propping one foot against a box.

This is not a toy. It kills.

The boys all giggle and nod. Some of them are eating snacks. Bianca continues watching. Mario and Maria eat some food, oblivious.

You never aim this gun, you point it. Down, because it kicks up and pulls to the right. Now, let's see you do it.

The boys brandish the guns. Turner inspects them all one by one. Most of them are holding them incorrectly, by the ammo clip.

Good. Good. Nope, a little more.

The one boy corrects his stance.


He finally comes to Aldo, Wordlessly, he corrects the boy's stance. Now all the boys are holding the gun correctly, not by the clip.

All right, beat it. Get ready.

The first group heads off and sits down. The American now turns and addresses the remaining ones.

We've been through this now a dozen times. You will reload in three seconds.

He removes a spare clip from his pants pocket and sets it on the ground at his feet.

Like this. One!

He ejects the clip from the gun and it falls to the ground.


Quick as lightning, he bends down and grabs the clip he'd removed from his pocket. He inserts it into the gun with a click, then levels it at the boys in the proper stance.

Three! Let me see you do it.

The boys prepare themselves.

Ready? Go! One!

The boys eject their loaded clips, then stoop down and grab the spare ones lying on the ground.


They hurriedly load them.


A few of the boys were slow and didn't finish loading before he'd counted to three. He then turns to Aldo.

Aldo, show 'em how to do it.

Aldo steps forward, bracing the MP40 against his hip, hand on the clip.

Ready? Go!

Before Turner can even say "one," Aldo has ejected the already loaded clip and is reaching for the fresh one.


He's already inserting the new clip into the MP40.


He's done.


Aldo is grinning from ear to ear.


When do we start shooting for real?

When the Nazis can't hear us.

Aldo stares at him openmouthed.

Move out.

Aldo looks exasperated, but whistles to get the boys moving. Everyone begins gathering their things up. Rising, Bianca again approaches Turner to plead her case.


(ignoring her)
Dino, take the lead.

Please, they're all so tired. Let them rest.


He tosses Aldo the binoculars, then begins putting his jacket on.

They can rest tonight at the lake.

They can stay here.

And let a Nazi patrol grab these kids? You wouldn't want that...

He stops for a moment, jacket half on and half off.

Or would you...?

She just glares at him. He finishes slipping the jacket on.

They wouldn't hurt the boys. Not if they gave up their guns.

You got a written guarantee? It'll be all right.
(gestures at Mario and Maria)
They'll take good care of you.

He heads off, duffel bag in one hand, MP40 in the other. Defeated, Bianca morosely grabs her bag and then takes Mario and Maria under each arm and falls in behind Silvio, and the group heads off. They trudge along in single file on a narrow trail which winds through the woods.

Not far ahead of them, Merkel and the two men with him are walking along through the forest, searching, Merkel in the lead. Dino, having been sent ahead, sees them and stops dead in his tracks. He ducks behind some bushes and then sends a trilling birdcall back the way he came. The one that means "Nazi soldiers coming." Everyone freezes.

Get back!

Everybody begins diving into the relative cover of the bushes to either side of the trail. Up ahead, Merkel and his companions come to where Dino is hidden, but don't see him. He crouches, his gun at the ready, but they don't find him. They halt nearby, and Merkel nods to either side. The soldiers split up. One goes left, the other right. Merkel plods straight ahead, right past Dino without seeing him. Dino watches him go.

Back with the others, they're still in the process of getting off of the trail and hiding. At first it seems as if Turner is the only one left, but then get notices Bianca standing frozen in fear in the middle of the trail, Mario and Mario clinging to her. He looks horrified. Maria clings fearfully to the doctor. Rushing over, Turner grabs Bianca's arm but can't seem to budge her, so he scoops Mario up and runs over to deposit him in the bushes. Bianca numbly follows, clutching Maria's hand. The three are quickly concealed.


He reaches into a nearby bush and yanks out Silvio. He points to where Bianca and the children are.

Watch her!

Silvio goes and hides with the German doctor and Dino's siblings, as much to protect them as to prevent Bianca from escaping. He then rushes and gets hidden, himself, just as Aldo gives a birdcall of alert. Merkel appears out of the forest. Unknowingly, he walks past where each member of the group is hidden. They all watch him fearfully.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


As Merkel nears where Turner is, the American slowly brings his silenced .45 up, and thumbs the hammer back slowly. Suddenly, Merkel calls out, yelling back the way he came.

Fritz! Horst! Over here! I found the trail!

Turner holsters his pistol and unsheathes his knife instead.

I found the trail!

Merkel slowly walks along the trail, looking for signs or footprints. He stops short as he hears a rustle and muffled whimpering. A few feet to his left, Mario, terrified, has begun to cry. Terrified of being discovered, Bianca shushes him and cuddles him close. Merkel waits a moment but hears nothing more. He then continues, but stops again as Mario, not to be quieted, resumes his whimpers.

Turning towards where the four of them are concealed, Merkel walks over and parts the foliage using his gun barrel, revealing Bianca clutching Mario against herself, and Maria huddled beside them. He doesn't see Silvio. He grins and turns to call his comrades again.


The heretofore unnoticed Silvio leaps up to attack, meaning to hit the soldier with his gun, but Merkel is faster. He brings his MP40 up defensively, blocking Silvio's own. Their guns clack against one another, and then the German hits him in the face with the butt of his gun. Silvio collapses with a bloody gash across his left cheek. Bianca and her two charges take off like a shot.

Suddenly Turner runs up behind Merkel. He clamps a hand over the German's mouth and stabs him. Merkel drops his gun and collapses, dead. Turner grabs his MP40 and readies himself for anything.

Bianca runs along through the forest, clutching Mario tightly to herself. The boy's face is pressed against her breast. Maria races along behind them.

Don't cry out! Don't!

Back at the trail, Turner is still lying in wait with Merkel's MP40. He glances over and notices Bianca is gone. She stops running when she notices Mario has stopped moving, apparently having been suffocated accidentally while his face was pressed against her breast. She is horrified.


She gasps.

Oh, my God! Mario!

She lays him down on the ground. His eyes are closed and he isn't breathing. She gently slaps his cheeks. No response.

Oh, Mario! Mario! Please, Mario!

She gently shakes him and then begins giving him mouth-to-mouth.

Back at the trail, Aldo's birdcall alerts Turner to the approach of the two Germans who'd been with Merkel earlier. As they come charging down the trail, Turner leaps up and lets loose with the MP40. Both Germans get cut down instantly. Turner leaps over them and runs along the trail the way they'd come to make sure any more aren't coming.

When no more come, he gives a birdcall to indicate the all-clear, and everyone comes out of hiding. Turner goes and checks both Germans to ensure they're dead.

Get these bodies hidden.

He turns, steps over them once more and runs off as the boys grab the dead soldiers and drag them off of the trail.

Bianca is crying as she continues attempting to revive Mario.

Mario! Mario! Please, Mario! Mario! Please, Mario!

After a moment, the boy slowly opens his eyes. Bianca weeps with joy.

Oh! Oh, Mario!

Sobbing, she scoops him up and snuggles him, kissing him.

Oh, Mario! Oh!

She pauses, as if sensing something, and turns to find Turner standing over her, stony-faced. She is a little afraid of him.

He's all right! You see? He's all right!

Turner wordlessly takes Mario from her. He carries him back to where the rest of the group is.


He hands Mario to his older brother. Aldo is angry.

She tried to get away, didn't she?

Turner looks at him, but says nothing.

(more forcefully)
She tried to get away, didn't she?

She had the kids with her. Don't be a damn fool.

Bianca goes to where Silvio is lying face-down on the ground where he'd fallen, so far unattended. She crouches down and gently lifts his head, opening his eyelids to check on him. He's alive but knocked senseless. Aldo continues arguing with Turner.

What the hell difference does that make? They think she's their mama! I told you that it'd be too tough to watch her.

Turner comes over and looks down at the prone Silvio, Aldo at his heels. Silvio comes to and slowly gets up on his hands and knees. Aldo ignores his injured friend, turning his attention to the German doctor angrily, even as she's unpacking her bag and tending to the wounded boy.

You can't wait to get to the Gestapo!

As before, Bianca does not even acknowledge that Aldo is there and speaking to her.

You look at me when I talk to you!

He grabs her shoulder, but she jerks away and resumes tending to Silvio.

You're no big frau doctor here! You're a bitch!

Turner has just about had it.

That's enough, Aldo!

Aldo glares at him.

And who the hell are you telling me what to do?! I don't take orders from you! We're gonna leave her here with the other Krauts, like I said we should at the cave!

Turner takes a threatening step towards him. Ignoring him, Aldo looks down at Bianca who is still helping Silvio.

Get away from him, you bitch! He don't need your help!

He raises his MP40 to hit her with it, but Turner moves around behind him and grabs the barrel and attempts to jerk it away from him. Aldo won't let go, and so he is jerked around with it to face the American. Turner grabs his wrist and shakes it, forcing him to drop the gun. Aldo tries to pull his arm free, making a fist, but Turner only tightens his grip.

You don't really wanna do that, now do you?

He lets go of him. Aldo says nothing and simply glares hatefully at him.

Somebody might get hurt bad. Maybe even you.
(turning to Dino)
I'll take the lead, Dino. That was good scouting.


Aldo scowls at him. Dino scowls right back. Turner adds insult to injury by playfully ruffling Aldo's hair.

Thank you.

For what?
(to the boys)
You two help Silvio. The rest of you get ready to move out.

Bianca bandages Silvio's cheek, and then she and two of the other boys begin helping him stand up as everyone begins moving out.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



There is a banquet underway. General Dohrmann and other high-ranking German officers stand around hobnobbing and drinking. General von Kleber and Colonel Jannings are over by the buffet table serving themselves glasses of wine when Jannings looks up to see von Hecht walking in, hat tucked under one arm primly.

Captain von Hecht, this is quite a surprise.

A drink for the staff before the big offensive.

He offers some wine to von Hecht.

No thank you.

Von Kleber sets the offered wineglass down.

You wanted to see me?

Yes. An order has come through for the transfer of two of my companies. It must be rescinded.

Impossible. They have been transferred to my command.

And guard duty at the railway tunnel...?


Von Hecht is furious.

(raising his voice)
You're going to leave the Della Norte Dam just begging to be blown up!


Von Hecht looks at him, then turns back to Jannings.

The dynamite has been stolen, and the American couldn't have done it alone.

Take it up with Major Taussig, and from now on report to him at Reanoto.

He's SS. He'll feel as you do, won't he?

That's always possible.

He sets his own wineglass down, then clicks his heels and nods to von Kleber.


Before going, he defiantly glares at von Hecht and raises his arm in a Nazi salute.

Heil Hitler!

He turns and goes to mingle with the other officers. Von Hecht moves to follow him, but is held back by von Kleber.

You're waisting your time, Friedrich.

You've hunted with me, General. I'm too close to the kill now. A word from you...

He trails off, but gives von Kleber a meaningful look. The General smiles.

Hunt down your American.

Von Hecht smiles and departs.


In the novelization, rather than a sober banquet, the high-ranking SS officers are all playing a weird variation of spin the bottle where they have prostitutes spin around in a swiveling office chair with their legs sticking out, and whoever their feet are pointing at when they stop, they go and sleep with. A disgusted von Hecht calls it "SS Roulette."

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Turner and the boys are still drilling with the guns offscreen, now near a river. Carlo carries a bucket filled with water from the river over to where Bianca sits on a blanket with Mario and Maria. The two little children are sleeping, tucked snugly underneath a purple blanket.

Ready! One! Two!

We hear the clicking noises of the boys unloading and reloading the MP40's.

Umberto, remember, point low. Like that. Once again. One! Two!

More clicking noises. We pan over to where the boys are standing holding the guns, facing Turner, their backs to the river. The American smiles, hands on his hips, looking somewhat proud.

Okay, any day now, you'll be able to hit 'em and run.

How's tomorrow?

I'll let you know when.
(to the others)
Keep working with those guns. I'm gonna have a look at the dam.

Bianca watches Turner. As he stoops to get his gun belt from one of the packs, she rises.


He stands up and looks at her. There's a pause. She walks over as he starts buckling on the belt.

I'm sorry, but they don't call you by any other name.

Soldier's good enough. What do you want?

She clasps her hands together and looks apprehensive.

I heard you say you were going up to the dam. I want to come with you.

Turner looks at her in surprise. He smiles a little and glances at the boys nearby, thinking he knows the reason why she wants to come.

They won't bother you. They have a bunch of shiny new toys.

Grabbing a pair of binoculars, he starts off, but Bianca steps forward earnestly. He stops but doesn't face her.

I prefer not to be alone with them.

He turns towards her and they stare at one another for a moment.

I won't get in your way.

Turner looks again over at the boys, then saying nothing turns and continues on his way. Bianca takes this as a wordless invitation. Rather than follow him immediately, though, she hurries over to her bag and retrieves a pair of large surgical scissors lying near it. Making sure no one is looking, she secrets them in her blouse and then runs to catch up with Turner, who is already a ways off downriver, in the midst of shrugging his jacket on.

Aldo and the other boys watch them go.

See that?

What do you care? Let him have his fun.

Sure he'll come back?

All their stuff is here, no?

Aldo, he's gonna want us to help him blow up the dam.


But if we blow up the dam, we might not be able to do what we wanna do.

What we want comes first!

When are you going to tell him?

In response, Aldo simply smiles and hands his MP40 to Paolo. He then grins and turns to the other boys, his gestures conspiratorial.

Did I ever tell you about the time I was in Venice? I met a girl in front of Sabbatini's. We walked down the street and we stood in the doorway. It was dark...

He makes an hourglass shape in midair to describe the woman's curves.

She let me do anything I wanted.

He grins at Paolo, then blows a kiss into the air.


He stares reverently off into space for a few moments before nodding.

You know, it as really something.

Suddenly he scoffs.

But, before the real thing...?

He looks around the group, from one boy to another.

You know what she said?

What did she say?

Aldo suddenly turns fierce, making a fist and thrusting it upwards as he reels on Paolo. The younger boy flinches and backs up.

"Ya gotta pay!" The same goes for the soldier! When he's got dams blowing up in his head and he can hardly wait... that's when I'll tell him you gotta pay!

He makes a fist again.

Did you pay...?

Aldo smacks him upside the head.

Everybody pays, stupid!

Dino grins. He is of an entirely different opinion about Aldo's story.

It never happened.

Aldo whirls on him.

What the hell do you know about it?

When you were in Venice, you were eleven years old.

Sure, but I was big for my age! How did the girl know otherwise?

It never happened

Aw, shut up!

He grabs his gun from Paolo and then turns and addresses the other children.

Come on, get up, you gotta practice with your guns! Get up!


Turner and Bianca walk through the woods near the ridge which overlooks the dam.

(out of breath)
Could we slow down for a moment? I have to talk to you.

(not stopping)
Go ahead.

The little girl. Maria. I'm very worried about her.

Turner turns to regard her, stopping.

Her leg is badly infected and it's spreading.

The American turns and continues walking.

That's too bad.

Bianca looks incredulous. Undaunted, though, she hesitantly continues after him.

Please, let me go back with the two little ones. I must get Maria into hospital somehow.

Again, Turner whirls to face her.

You don't really believe I could do that.

Why not?

He once more turns and continues. She again hurries after him.

You could send us with Silvio. He could take days to lead us to a village. You could be anywhere by that time.

For a third time, Turner turns towards her and they halt.

And what happens when the Gestapo drops in and asks you for a list of the boys' names and their descriptions? What would you do then?

She stares at him openmouthed.

Has it occurred to you that I may not like the Gestapo any more than you do?

Well you'd have to like 'em to do Maria any good.

He moves to go but she grabs his sleeve.

Please. You must find some way to get me out with the two little ones.

(shakes his head)

He pulls free and walks off. Bianca glares fiercely at his departing back, then follows him. The two sneak through some pine trees until they arrive at the ridge. The dam is off in the distance. They pause as they hear distant explosions. A far off battle. Turner acts as if he was expecting it.

Here it comes.

He moves further ahead and looks through the binoculars. The Della Norte Dam is tranquil in spite of the miles-off fighting.

There are many soldiers down there.

He lowers the binoculars.

Check. Stay down.

He moves to a different position and looks through the binoculars again as Bianca crouches beside him. Turner is looking over the outlet pipe he saw before.

And you have fifteen boys. Some of them not much more than babies.

And I wonder which ones can swim.

The doctor looks shocked.

So you've decided to use the children to help you blow up the dam.

(without lowering the binoculars)

Bianca gives a sarcastic chuckle.

I heard you say "Hit them and run!" but that we'll always stay with you! Don't you realize what you're doing to these children?

Don't tell me about these kids. I know how they feel.
(lowers the binoculars)
When I was Aldo's age I saw my old man killed...
(looks through the binoculars again)
Blown up in an oil well fire.

Bianca looks surprised.

All I could think about after that was blowing up every God damned oil well I could find like they wanna kill every German they can find.

Bianca's sympathy for the American dissipates quickly.

You can't use the children!

They help me blow up that dam, it might even things up for 'em.

Bianca glares at him, her mouth set hard and tight-lipped as she slowly rises to stand over him. She takes out the surgical scissors, and very slowly creeps up behind the oblivious American. Eyeing the back of his neck, she raises the scissors like a knife, however Turner sees her shadow. Just as she strikes, he whirls around and grabs her wrist, stopping her.

Jumping to his feet, he throws down the binoculars, and the two of them struggle over the scissors as Bianca whimpers. He manages to get them away from her and then flings her onto the ground. Her hair wild and askew, she lies on her back and stares defiantly at him.

I won't go back! You can kill me here! Right now!

Leaping to her feet, she rushes him and attempts to slap him, but he grabs her wrist again. After the two struggle a little more, he knocks her off balance, shoving her backwards, and then backhands her viciously. She stumbles forwards and lands face down on the ground, then glares at him over her shoulder through her tangle of hair.

Suddenly, they both hear an approaching engine. A German tank appears on the road at the top of the ridge. Jumping up, Bianca tries to run towards it.

Help me! Help me!

The lone German poking out of the top doesn't notice her. Turner runs after her, grabbing her and pulling her back. He covers her mouth, muffling her screams, and drags her away. The tank continues on, its crew oblivious. Turner forces Bianca to the ground and pins her arms, getting on top of her. She whimpers and moans.

What a great little healer you turned out to be! You with all your bandages and your aspirins! You can heal me now, Doctor!

He starts ripping her clothes off.


A Kubelwagen drives down a narrow dirt road towards Reanoto. Ehrlich is driving. Von Hecht rides shotgun, with Schwalberg and Hermann in the back. They pass a military checkpoint manned by a lone SS SENTRY who raises the gate for them. The car drives through and the sentry lowers the gate back into position.

Reanoto has changed. It is now totally occupied by the Waffen-SS, who have converted it into a new headquarters. Nazi flags hang off of several of the buildings. Ehrlich pulls up alongside another Kbelwagen with SS insignia on its doors and stops. Von Hecht stands up in his seat and looks at the assembled SS troops, who are massing near some trucks and seem prepared to move out. He turns to Schwalberg, who has already gotten out of the car.

Get our men into the village. Get them fed quickly.

Yes sir.

The familiar voice of Major Taussig cuts in from offscreen.

Your men have been reassigned, Captain.

They look over. Taussig, last seen ordering the execution of Reanoto's original inhabitants, stands beside the SS Kubelwagen. He's wearing large driving goggles on his hat. A tall SS LIEUTENANT is with him.

(of Taussig)
Major Taussig, commanding officer of this area.

Von Hecht regards the duo with icy contempt. Taking his sweet time, he gets out of the Kubelwagen and walks around to stand before Taussig and the lieutenant. He gives a normal military salute. Taussig fires back with the Nazi one casually.

Heil Hitler! I think we can dispense with a formal briefing.

I'm the last man who has to be briefed on this operation.

Taussig glares at him and smirks.

Colonel Jannings has warned me of your... "spirit."
(his smirk vanishes)
But while you're under my command, you will obey orders!

Under your command? My papers from General von Kleber specifically say that--

Orders signed by General von Kleber are no longer valid.
He's been relieved of his duties in this area.

In that case I await your orders... "Major."

I've assigned you the east slope of the tunnel, Captain.

He turns to get into his Kubelwagen.

I myself will be--

I have to beg off.

Taussig pauses but doesn't turn to face him.

The Captain was twice wounded while serving with the Afrika Korps.

Slowly, Taussig turns to face them.

A good field officer doesn't keep his men standing around.

Taussig glares at him, then turns to Schwalberg.

Assist the Captain. Make sure he doesn't tax his strength by straying too far from the village.

With a final, contemptuous glance at von Hecht, he goes and gets into the waiting Kubelwagen along with his lieutenant.

Move out!

Move out!

The SS soldiers pile into the trucks. Taussig's Kubelwagen drives off. The truckloads of soldiers soon follow. Watching them leave, von Hecht and Schwalberg go and get back into their own vehicle with Hermann and Ehrlich. They sit there for a few moments.

A waste of manpower, isn't it? Four of us sitting here.

(getting his meaning)
Where to, Captain?

Back down the road about three miles, there's a creek. We'll follow it north... toward the dam!

He jerks a thumb back the way they came and Ehrlich starts the engine as Schwalberg and Hermann exchange glances.


The infamous implied rape scene isn't in the novelization. There, Turner and Bianca's sex is entirely consensual and the scene plays out quite a bit differently.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Turner sits on the opposite riverbank with his legs in the water, wearing just his undershirt and boxer shorts, watching Franco and Paolo in their underwear with the dynamite packs strapped to their back swimming underwater. He's counting on his fingers how long they hold their breath. They surface after a few seconds and take great gulps of air.

Okay, dry out!
(looks at the other boys)
Next two!

They head ashore. Arturo and Tekko, also in just their underpants and wearing the packs on their backs, wade into the river.


Arturo and Tekko dive under. They swim underneath the surface for a few moments, before Arturo starts flailing, struggling to remain under even though he can't hold his breath any longer. Turner pulls him out.

I'm okay, I'm okay!

Okay, okay, okay, dry out. Come on.

Arturo follows Tekko as the duo head to shore. The boy throws an annoyed look back at the American. Turner follows them.

I told you I'm okay!

That's all right.

He walks over to Paolo who is still standing in the water and pats his back.

Okay, dry out.

Paolo wades ashore and he and the other three boys unstrap the dynamite packs and start using towels to dry off. Turner walks over to where some of the other boys are sitting in a row, molding the C4.

How's it going?

Almost finished.

Look, I'm almost finished, too!


He ruffles Tonio's hair and then walks past where Bianca sits tending to Maria's infected leg wound. He pauses and looks at her frowning, feelings of guilt and remorse written all over his face. He throws down his own dynamite pack and takes a few steps towards her, but she ignores him the way she's been ignoring Aldo. Having been given the cold shoulder, he continues on his way and grabs a towel. Artillery can be heard in the distance as the Americans make their push.

Nearby, Aldo, Carlo, Dino and a few of the other boys stand around impatiently with their guns.

Hey, soldier, ready for live ammo?

Like I said, I'll let you know when.

He dries himself off. Looking annoyed, Aldo saunters over as Turner prepares to put his pants on. The other boys follow.

But first we get to practice with it, no?

Turner pauses and looks at him.

Why don't we send the Germans an invitation to come and get us?

He finishes putting his pants on.

(holding up his MP40)
But we've never shot them!

I hope you never have to.

Aldo gets angry.

Never have to?! Is that supposed to be a joke?! How are we gonna not shoot and still kill Nazis?

(buckling his belt)
By blowing up the dam.

Aldo calms down a little bit.

We gotta kill Nazis.

That's right, soldier.

Do it right, the Germans'll never know we were there.

He sits down so he can put his boots on. Aldo steps closer and brandishes his gun.

Before we hit the dam, we're gonna practice on live targets.

What targets?

The Nazis in Reanoto. In our village.

We've got more important things to worry about, like a war.

(getting angry again)
This is our war! Before the dam, we go to our village!

Turner loses his temper finally, and points in the general direction the distant booming artillery rounds.

That is our war! Can't you hear it? And it's getting closer and closer and closer!
(calming down)
Come on, Aldo. Use your head.

First Reanoto.

You forgot about the bargain we made in the cave.

What bargain...?

A fierce light comes into Aldo's eyes and he gestures the other children over. They surround Turner as he finishes getting his boots on.

You said we help you, you help us. What was that? Just something to keep the little bambini happy?

Rising to his feet, Turner points at the Della Norte Dam in the distance.

We'll kill over ten thousand Nazis by blowing up that dam! You go into Reanoto, maybe you kill a few of them! Maybe they kill a few of you! What the hell does that mean?

Respect! A man rapes your mother and sister and kills them, and you don't kill him, you got no respect!

Dino is just as resolute, but less emotional.

With you or without you... we go.

But if we go without you, we don't go to the dam!

Turner looks down.

And you don't go to the dam, either! Because we got the detonators hidden!

Turner freezes and slowly looks up to meet Aldo's gaze. Aldo flinches back a bit as though expecting an outburst, but none comes. The American just continues to stare into his eyes. Rising to his full height now, Turner studies this vengeful, determined boy, and then slowly turns and looks into the faces of the other gathered children surrounding him. They all have the same look of fierce desperation and resolution in their eyes.

Where is the village?

We'll show you.

Bianca glances over. Turner lights one of his Lucky Strikes and shakes out the match. He takes a few drags as he considers things. Finally...

All right. Load up with live ammo.

The boys all cheer and run off. Aldo remains by Turner's side, grinning broadly.

We hit 'em and run, eh soldier?

He then walks off after the others.

(to himself)
Yeah, you little bastards. Hit 'em and run.


Ehrlich, wearing a field radio, is crouching beside Merkel who is lying face-down in the underbrush. He's joined by Hermann.

(into the radio)
Ehrlich to Captain von Hecht! Ehrlich to Captain von Hecht!

Hermann checks Merkel. He's dead.

(into the radio)
Do you receive me?

In another part of the forest, von Hecht is walking along consulting a map. He looks excited. Schwalberg is with him, wearing a radio like Ehrlich. Von Hecht takes the receiver from him.

(into the radio)
Captain von Hecht here.

Back to Hermann and Ehrlich and the dead Merkel.

(into the radio)
We found the missing patrol.

(over the radio)
Ehrlich, where are you?

(into the radio)
About two miles northwest of the old flower mill...

Back to von Hecht and Schwalberg.

(over the radio)
...where the trail branches off toward the Della Norte Dam.

Von Hecht grins broadly.

(into the radio)
Wait there!

(over the radio)
Yes sir.

He turns and hands the receiver back to Schwalberg.

Now they've got to believe it's the dam!

Sir, but... shouldn't you tell Major Taussig?

They start walking through the woods.

I told him and every other SS officer in Italy. To hell with them!

But Major Taussig will listen to me.

They pause and von Hecht considers this. He grins again.

It might be worth it at that, watching the SS admit it's not infallible.

Schwalberg mirrors his grin as he grabs the radio receiver.

(into the radio)
Ehrlich? Meet us back at the car.

They head off.


Scene in the novelization that isn't in the movie, but I wish it was, has von Hecht discovering the cave where the kids had been hiding and he recovers his father's rifle from where Turner threw it down earlier.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



Giorgio stands in the middle of the road with Bianca, whose mouth is covered with medical tape, her hands tied behind her back. A small, canvas-topped truck with an open cab and SS lightning bolt insignia on the doors drives up, and the boy flags it down.

Please, please, my mother has had an accident!

The truck stops. The GERMAN DRIVER and an SS SOLDIER riding shotgun stand up in the cab and look over the windshield at this strange duo uncertainly.

We must get to the doctor at Rappalino! It's only three miles to Rappalino!

A muffled shot rings out. The SS soldier falls out of the truck. The driver turns and sees Turner in the bushes with his silenced .45. He fires again, and the driver joins his comrade in toppling out of the vehicle and falling to the road.

Turner runs over and inspects the truck, as several of the boys come pouring out of the bushes beside the road. He turns. In the distance, Aldo and the remainder of the kids are on a distant hill nearby. They're all armed. Turner waves at them. Aldo waves back, then gestures to the four boys with him, and they run off and disappear over the hilltop.

Dino and other boys drag the two dead SS men off the road while Silvio keeps his gun trained on the tied up Bianca.


In the main office of SS headquarters, a black flag with the SS lightning bolts and a framed photograph of Adolf Hitler adorn the walls. Several SS OFFICERS are doing paperwork. The phone rings. A blonde SS LIEUTENANT goes and answers it.

(into the phone)
Heil Hitler.

Outside, Aldo and the other boys creep around the building, alert and watchful. Aldo signals to another boy, who goes and climbs a tree growing alongside a house. Aldo then ducks back into hiding as a couple of guards walk past nearby.

Back in the office, the lieutenant is still on the phone

(into the phone)
Major Taussig is at the Grimaldi Tunnel.

Back outside, Aldo snips the phone line. The phone goes dead.

Hello? Hello!

Aldo and his cohorts clamber up onto the roof of one of the houses. With their machine pistols at the ready, they align themselves along the top and creep towards the edge.

Outside of town, Turner, wearing the helmet of the SS soldier he killed, is in the driver's seat. Carlo is in the passenger seat, hunkered down. He has a grenade.

No, Carlo, like I told you before. You pull the pin out first, then you slap it into my hand.

The truck sits idling on the road with the canvas sides pulled down. They have a good view of Reanoto from where they are. On the roof, Aldo waves his arms. Noticing, Turner waves back. We see the boys are all in the back of the truck.

Everybody get ready!

They roll up the canvas partway. Turner returns to grilling Carlo.

You got that?

Carlo nods.

(to the others)
Hurry up! Everybody down! Down!

The boys duck out of sight in back. Adjusting the helmet a little, Turner puts the truck in gear and drives towards the barricade at the entrance to the village. He slows as he approaches. The sentry, momentarily fooled by seeing the German helmet over the windshield, lifts the gate. But as Turner gets closer, he notices he isn't in a German uniform and panics, unslinging his rifle.

Turner whips off the Nazi helmet and throws it at the sentry, then shoots him twice with his silenced pistol. The German flails and falls down dead and the truck trundles onward through the opened gate unimpeded.

Turner floors it. The engine roars and the little truck speeds into the village. Keeping one hand on the steering wheel, Turner stands up in his seat and holds his hand out to Carlo for a grenade. He starts chucking grenades into every single house and building he flies past, blowing them up.

The boys, in back, stick their MP40's out the opened sides of the truck and fire. One after another they cut down dozens and dozens of unprepared SS troops standing alongside the road. Two soldiers exiting one of the buildings get hit with one of Turner's grenades and are blown up. The boys keep firing and the SS keep dying in droves, so caught off guard are they.

Aldo and the four boys with him on the roof fire down on other SS soldiers, killing them.

The truck passes the main building housing the SS' headquarters and throws a grenade in through the open door. A soldier comes running from around the corner, wielding an MP40, and braces himself against a tree outside the front of the building. Even as he begins to fire after the truck, the SS building explodes from the inside out, and the German is blown forwards off his feet.

By now, SS are running out of every conceivable doorway and hiding place with guns ready, but they're either cut down by the boys' unending barrage of automatic gunfire, or blown up by Turner's grenades. Reanoto is soon a chaotic hellscape of explosions, smoke and fires.

Turner comes to the square in front of the church, where a single Kübelwagen sits parked. He blows up a wooden building and then throws a grenade into the Kübelwagen, blowing that up as well. Several Germans are killed by the blasts. The truck does a u-turn and heads back the way it came.

Turner waves to Aldo and the others on the roof. They hurry off. Turner stops the truck.


Glancing around for them, he notices a multitude of fuel drums stacked nearby. Aldo and the other four boys, whooping and hollering, come running around a corner towards the truck. They stand alongside it, exchanging excited chatter with their friends who are in back.

Fall in! Everybody back in the truck!

They pile in and he drives on. He says something to Carlo that's difficult to make out, and then throws a grenade at one of the stacks of fuel drums.

Everybody duck!

The drums blow up in spectacularly massive explosions, setting off a chain reaction that destroys the other stacks. Flaming chunks of metal rocket upwards into the sky as the truck drives back through the gate and out of Reanoto.

Turner stops and gets out, surveying the burning village as the boys cheer happily. Even he allows himself the smallest of smiles. He is about to turn to get back in when he pauses, seeing something in the smoke, and squints, seeing that some of the SS have survived. A Kübelwagen and a troop carrier are driving up the village road toward them in pursuit.

Turner looks ahead, then back, as the boys continue to cheer, apparently oblivious. He jumps back in and floors it. He drives over a bridge and stops on the other side.

Dino, give me a box of that dynamite detonator!

He gets out.

Silvio, hurry up!

Silvio, Bianca, Mario and Maria come down the hill. Bianca has been freed from her bonds. Dino hands Turner some C4. He runs back over the bridge, where he attaches the plastique to one of the supports. He looks back at the approaching Germans, then sets the timer on the detonator and sticks it into the putty-like mass. Back at the truck, Silvio herds Bianca around to the back, Mario and Maria clutching either of her hands.

Hey, Dottore, you like the way we handled it, huh?

The other boys jeer and laugh.

Shut up!

They stop. He helps Bianca and the two little children into the back. Silvio also requires a leg up due to his injuries. Turner races around and gets back into the cab. He speeds off.

Unsuspecting, the Germans come racing along the road after them. The Kübelwagen makes it across just fine, but, as the troop truck follows it over the bridge, the C4 goes off, blowing the bridge, the truck and the Germans to bits.

As the Kübelwagen rounds a corner up ahead, Turner, crouching in some bushes with the MG42, takes aim and fires. The front of the car explodes in a big fireball and it fishtails, swerving around and finally coming to a halt. Turner goes and checks it. Smoke pours off the vehicle and both SS men in it are dead.

He checks to make sure no more pursuers are coming and, leaving the machine gun where it is, runs back to his truck to the sounds of the children cheering. They're all still crowded in the rear of the vehicle.

Shut up!

They cram up.

Hey, soldier, what's the matter? We hit 'em and run just like you said?

I said shut up!

Aldo shuts up. Turner and the boys stare at one another for a long moment without talking. The only sound is the truck's idling engine. Finally he goes, gets back and drives off as the kids giggle and chortle quietly at his outburst.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"



The corpses of the dead SS men litter the charred, smoking ground. Taussig stands aghast at the death and destruction. He doesn't react as von Hecht and his men come driving up in their Kübelwagen. Stopping, they get out.

(to Schwalberg)
Round up as many men as you can and see to the wounded.

(to the other two)
Round up as many men as you can and see to the wounded.

Hermann and Ehrlich head off to do as they're told. Von Hecht, accompanied by Schwalberg, goes over to where Taussig stands looking dumbfounded.


The tall SS lieutenant from before comes up.

Major Taussig.

You'd better get through to headquarters, Taussig.

For a moment, Taussig seems confused.


He partially regains his senses.

Oh, yes, yes, of course.
(suddenly realizing)
But the phone! The phone is out...

(to the lieutenant)
Find the break in the wire and have it repaired.
You'll need some men for a burial detail.

Yes, sir.

He heads off. Taussig looks at the ground with his arms folded behind his back.

This way, Major.

When Taussig doesn't respond, von Hecht grabs his arm and jerks him around to face him. Turning, he heads up the steps leading into the main office, Schwalberg and a sheepish Taussig following close behind.

They enter to find the entire office destroyed. Corpses of SS officers lay strewn about the rubble. The dead blonde lieutenant is still sitting upright in a chair.

Funny how one grenade can chew up a small room.

The stunned Taussig walks over to the lieutenant sitting dead in his chair.

My God...

Von Hecht comes over to join him.

We don't have to ask who did this.

Indifferently, he shoves the chair, lieutenant and all, over onto its side, spilling the dead man onto the floor.

Tell headquarters to transfer as many men as they can to the Della Norte Dam.

Don't give me orders, Captain!

The two officers stare hard at one another. Taussig is regaining his old fire.

(to Schwalberg)
Get Hermann! Ehrlich! Three squads! We move out immediately!

Schwalberg turns to go.

You'll go nowhere, Schwalberg!

Schwalberg hesitates at the door.

We don't have time for this, Major!

Taussig defiantly turns and makes to depart. As he does, von Hecht unholsters his Luger and levels it at the SS officer's back.


Taussig turns in a rage and lifts a finger.


He stops short, seeing the gun, and von Hecht fires. Taussig reels and then collapses onto the floor, his head resting against a blood-smeared framed photograph of Hitler. Schwalberg looks shocked. Von Hecht walks over and puts the Luger into Taussig's hand. A moment later, the tall lieutenant comes running in.

(to the lieutenant)
The shock of the incident was too much for the Major. I tried to tell him it wasn't his responsibility.

Schwalberg looks at him in disbelief. The lieutenant just shakes his head.

Good lord...

Although I'm not one of you, I share the feeling of you SS people. Take charge here, Lieutenant. When you get headquarters, tell them to send extra security forces to the dam.

Yes, sir.

He leaves. Von Hecht walks past a still stunned-looking Schwalberg, then hesitates and looks at the dead Taussig.

Better find another pistol, Schwalberg. I seem to have misplaced mine.

As the Captain wishes.

Von Hecht exits, while Schwalberg, getting the hint, kneels down and takes the Luger from the dead Taussig's hand.

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


Onwards! My New Year's Resolution is to finish this dang thing!


It's late evening. Several of the boys run giggling and cheering towards the spillway at the base of the dam. Nearby, Turner, in just his undershirt and shorts, sneaks through the underbrush wearing one of the dynamite packs slung across his back. A length of coiled rope is in his hand. He pauses as he notices a large machine gun surrounded by sandbags. Their position overlooks the spillway. Both gunners are relaxing and smoking cigarettes.

The stripped boys run along a dock and jump into the water. The first German walks to the edge of the cliff and looks down at them while the second one gestures annoyedly with his cigarette from his position on the sandbags.

Get out of there!

Turner continues advancing cautiously. With him are Arturo, Tekko, Franco and Paolo. They too are wearing slung packs and in nothing but their underwear.

Heedless of the annoyed gunners on the ridge, the boys down below frolic in the water, drawing the attention of the guards stationed on top of the dam. They yell down at the boys.

Children, get out of there!

Get out of the water!

The boys' response is to splash and wave up at them. Some of them make rude gestures. They make faces up at them. On the ridge with the machine gun, the two gunners are still focused on the boys.

Get out of there! Go away! Get out!

Turner has handed the rope to one of the boys. He looks from the first gunner to the second one. Suddenly he rushes out from the bushes and clamps a hand around his mouth, and brutally stabs him in the back with his knife. The first gunner's back is turned and he remains oblivious.

(still yelling at the boys)
Go away from here!

Turner releases the German and he falls dead. Grabbing a rifle, he ducks out of sight behind the sandbags just as the first gunner turns around.


Seeing Hans isn't there, he walks over.

Hans? Hans!

Noticing the body, he runs over. Turner springs up and clobbers him over the head with the butt of Hans' rifle. It clonks noisily off of his helmet. He collapses. Turner pauses and then smacks him with it again for good measure.

(to the boys)

He tosses the rifle away. The boys emerge from hiding and Paolo hands Turner the length of rope. They look down at the dead Germans and laugh, while Turner tests the heavy-looking machine gun to see if it'll serve as a proper anchor. It wiggles a bit but otherwise seems sturdy enough, so he ties one end of the rope to the gun's base. Paolo runs over and whistles down at the other boys still splashing in the water.

Let's go!

They head ashore. The Germans up on the dam watch them go, confused.

Evening is giving way to night. Not far away, a lone Kübelwagen drives down a dusty country road towards the dam. Von Hecht and his men are in it.

Back at the dam, Turner throws the long rope that's been tied to the machine gun off of the cliff. After giving it a few tugs to see that it's secure, he grabs a length of cloth and tears it into strips. These he distributes to the other boys for them to climb down with so they won't get rope burn. Suddenly, Arturo notices some movement nearby and calls out.

Hey, Aldo!

Turner looks up, eyes afire. Aldo, Carlo, Dino and another boy, Tonio, come tromping merrily into view. All four are armed with MP40s. They grin and wave. Turner angrily motions for them to go back. Aldo's grin just gets bigger and he mimes shooting with the gun. He and the other three continue on their way.

Ignoring them for now, Turner, with the cloth wrapped around his hands, abseils down the cliff and into the water. Once at the bottom, he gestures for the others to follow. Paolo goes first.

From the shore opposite, Bianca watches, closely guarded by Silvio. Mario and Maria cling to her. It is now all but night time.

One by one, the remaining boys scamper down the rope to join Turner at the bottom. The five of them then jumps into the water and begin swimming towards the dam. They're careful to keep submerged beneath the surface. On top of the dam, a German guard thinks he sees something and alerts his comrade, but they can't make much out.

Ah, it's nothing.

The other guard shrugs and they go about their business. In the water, Turner and the boys break the surface near some rocks. They swim over to a large pipe emptying water into the spillway, which is surrounded by barbed wire. Turner eyes this potential entryway and ducks underneath a handy concrete slab jutting over the water. Crawling out, he peeks over the top of the slab and looks at the barbed wire with some concern.

One of the boys is almost carried by the current, but Turner dives in and grabs him, hauling him back. He then swims around, looking for some way past the barbed wire. Finding none, he gingerly lifts it and slips underneath it. He finds a large stick which he uses to hold the wire up so the four boys can pass beneath it safely.

Von Hecht's Kübelwagen is drawing closer to the dam in the meantime.

With all the boys safely past, Turner motions for them to stay put, then scouts ahead a little ways. He looks up at the huge Della Norte Dam looming above them menacingly. There is a lot of open ground between them and the dam. Arturo suddenly spots something and points.

Hey, soldier!

Seeing where he's pointing, Turner ruffles his hair and goes to check it out. It's a large drainage ditch. The five of them hop down inside it and are able to proceed unseen by the Germans. They come to the end of it and emerge closer to their goal, scurrying through the sparse foliage towards the dam's huge base. Reaching the large outlet pipe on the side Turner spied using the binoculars earlier, they begin their ascent up the front of the dam with the American in the lead.

Up top, the same German soldier who thought he'd seen something in the water earlier goes to the railing and is about to look down, when his dismissive companion approaches him with an unlit cigarette in his mouth and taps him on the shoulder. Distracted, he turns and fishes a lighter out of his pocket. Turner and the boys continue their climb undetected.

They stop about halfway up and take off their backpacks. Unzipping them, they take out the plastic explosives and begin plastering them to the concrete.

At the top, Aldo and his little entourage peer over the railing. Aldo grins and looks at the other three, who all grin back. There's mischief in the air. Suddenly they hear an approaching car and duck back down out of sight. Below, Turner also hears the vehicle and looks up apprehensively. He and the boys stop their work, but then hurriedly resume.

CAPTAIN KREUGER, the officer in charge of the dam, stands outside his hut at the opposite end of the dam as von Hecht's Kübelwagen drives up and parks outside. He and his men pile out.

Schwalberg, check both sides of the dam!

(gesturing to the other two)
Hermann, Erhlich!

The three of them hurry off to do as they're told. Von Hecht ignores Kreuger and walks to the railing and looks down, expectant.

(to the departing Schwalberg)
I'll take charge here!

What? I have no orders turning over command of the dam to you!

Von Hecht walks over.

You have them now. I take full responsibility.

He turns and addresses a soldier who is with Kreuger.

Have all the lights turned on at once! Recall all off-duty guards! Throw a cordon of patrols around the entire perimeter of the dam!

I will take time, sir!

It'll take forever if you don't get started! Lights!

Chastened, the soldier turns and switches on the lights. Kreuger, for his part, goes and gets on the telephone. The dam's floodlights switch on and flood the side of the edifice with brightness. Turner and the boys again halt their work and flinch back.

Down! Stay down!

Kreuger hangs up the phone, then gestures to two of his men and they walk over to where the excited von Hecht stands at the rails, nearly oblivious to them.

Have you ordered the men up from the bunker? Put out patrols?

No, Captain. I called headquarters.

Von Hecht freezes.

Your orders were to report to Grimaldi Tunnel. You're under arrest.

The two soldiers cock their MP40s threateningly, and Kreuger steps forward to take von Hecht's Luger from its holster. He doesn't resist. Relieving the other officer of his sidearm, Kreuger turns and hands it to the soldier who'd turned the lights on.

Turn off the lights.

Just as he turns to do so, someone shouts out an alarm. German soldiers flock to the railing and look down. Turner and the boys have been spotted. The lights remain on.

Are you convinced now? Get a patrol to the base of the--

I'm in command, Captain!

He heads off. Von Hecht glares furiously at him.

(to a soldier)
Get the Captain under guard!

Even as this is happening, Aldo, Carlo, Dino and Tonio rush out onto the top of the dam, unseen because everyone's attention is focused over the side. They find a machine gun nest with an unattended MG42. The guards start shooting at Turner and the boys down below. Turner spies a large generator nearby.

Up top, Carlo, Dino and Tonio creep forward and take up positions behind some large metal drums and begin shooting at the unprepared Germans. Caught off guard, most of them go down instantly. Aldo, for his part, notices the MG42 and commandeers it. His friends have to duck down to avoid being hit as he opens fire, grinning maniacally.

Down below, Turner attaches a detonator to a blob of C4, primes it, and then tosses the entire wad onto the generator.

Everybody down!

He and the boys duck. The generator blows up. Von Hecht, unattended, grins and shakes his head in admiration.


"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


(to the boys)
Get the hell outta here!

The boys start climbing back down the pipe. Turner stays put for the moment. Nearby, some German soldiers are climbing over the railing of the dam and starting down, themselves. One by one, the boys dive into the water and swim away to safety, making it ashore and running away into the woods. On the dam, Turner is finishing with his work when suddenly a pair of spotlights come on and train themselves on his precise location. A German with binoculars spots him, although he ducks down and attempts to hide behind a pipe.

Up top, Aldo is still going nuts with the MG42, mowing down Germans left and right as his friends huddle for cover to either side, clutching their MP40's and unable to participate. This fresh burst of gunfire briefly draws the attention of the spotlights, but they soon return to monitoring Turner. Aldo stops firing for a moment. There's a lull in the fighting and its eerily quiet except for the humming noises of the dam's machinery. Licking his lips, Aldo fidgets and fingers the big gun's trigger, waiting for more targets to present themselves.

Risking being spotted, Turner lunges up from behind the pipe and sticks the timer in the C4. As he does so, some of the Germans manning the spotlights shoot at him with their rifles. He scrambles down the side of the dam as fast as he can, gunfire tearing into the concrete around him, pausing only to set the timers and stick them into the globs of C4 planted by the four boys earlier. It's slow going, but fortunately, it seems as if the Germans can't aim well.

Von Hecht goes to Captain Kreuger's hut where there is a rack of Mauser rifles. He grabs one and throws back the bolt.

Turner is almost finished. Suddenly, the Germans who had been seen climbing down the dam after the boys appear across the reservoir from him, on Bianca's side of the river.

There he is!

They start shooting. But Turner is already done and jumps off the dam. Observing this from his vantage point way up top, von Hecht takes his purloined Mauser and hurries off the dam. Turner runs and jumps into the water. The Germans stop shooting. One of them signals to his companions.

Follow me!

He rushes off through the woods, the other soldiers hurrying to catch up. Bianca still waits on her side of the river, Mario and Maria clinging to her in fright from all the loud noises. Silvio stands guard diligently nearby. They watch as Turner swims ashore to the base of the cliff he and the boys had climbed down earlier, and starts climbing back up the rope. Nearby, the Germans rush pell-mell through the woods. Turner climbs faster.

The Germans emerge from the woods to the right of Bianca and the others, guns blazing. Silvio rushes forward and returns fire, even though she screams at him. He kills two of them. Bianca screams for her countrymen to stop, but no one is listening amidst the roaring gunfire. She shields Mario and Maria behind herself as Silvio is hit in the stomach by the Germans' returned fire. He staggers collapses. Bianca shoves Mario and Maria to the ground.

Down! Stay down!

Turner rushes up and stops as he sees that an enraged Bianca has grabbed Silvio's MP40 and is mowing down the attacking Germans with it. Corpses lay here and there, and he directly witnesses her kill two. He is astonished and speechless. Soon all but one of them are dead. The surviving German writhes on the ground in pain. She stops, and he rushes forward and takes the gun from her unresisting hands. She seems shell-shocked, blank-eyed, away in another place. He hears more enemy troops approaching.

That way!

Two more German soldiers charge through the underbrush, guns ablaze. Turner cuts them down. Seeing the one German still alive moving on the ground, he runs forward and empties the MP40 into him, finishing him off. Bianca watches this dispassionately. Turning to start back, the American stops as he sees Silvio lying on the ground. He hadn't noticed him when he first ran up. Rushing over, he pauses to check on Bianca, who is still acting out of it, then throws the gun down and scoops Silvio into his arms.

The boy is alive, but barely. Turner checks his wound. It doesn't look good. He mumbles and tries to speak.


A look of sorrow and regret clouds Turner's face. Suddenly, Silvio seizes, shuddering. His eyes close and he goes limp. He's dead. Turner gently lays the boy back down on the ground, and stares at Silvio's blood on his fingers.

Up on top of the dam, Aldo fires a burst of machine gun fire at nothing in particular, impatient and angry. He continues grinning maniacally.

On the shore, Turner scoops a sobbing Mario up and hands him to Bianca.


He then grabs Maria and carries her himself, along with Bianca's doctor bag. He motions for her to come on.


Gently taking her by the arm, he leads her away from the scene of the slaughter.

Back up top again, a Kübelwagen comes driving towards the boys. The soldier riding shotgun leands out and fires at them. Seeing his chance to participate, little Carlo runs out and stands in front of the approaching car and shoots at it ineffectually with his MP40. The Germans in the car mostly ignore him, focusing on Aldo and his far more dangerous MG42. Aldo starts losing his temper because Carlo is in between him and the Kübelwagen. He can't shoot it with Carlo in the way.

Get out of the way!

Either Carlo doesn't hear him, or has chosen not to obey, because he doesn't move. Deciding to shoot anyway, Aldo opens up. Carlo is immediately cut down and collapses. Heedless, Aldo keeps shooting until the approaching Kübelwagen blows up, killing the two Germans inside it. It screeches to a halt in flames. Carlo, still barely alive, tries to sit up.

Aldo... how could...

He trails off and collapses, dead. Aldo doesn't seem to notice. Dino and Tonio did, though. They run over to the gun nest and stand staring unbelievingly at their leader who is grinning like an idiot.

You killed Carlo!

Aldo doesn't react.

(on the verge of tears)
You killed Carlo!

Aldo continues to ignore them, and starts yelling at whatever Germans may still be left.

Come on, you bastards, all of you! Come on!

"I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?"


Impressive posts. Thank you for providing all of these transcript details!


Thanks; I just need to get off my lazy butt and finish it sometime...

I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?




