MovieChat Forums > Hoffman Discussion > THIS MOVIE WAS SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I know it may be weird, but it was SOO TOTALLY SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


scary, but very good


Hoffman is a rather scary character actually. I agree, the movie is somewhat creepy at times.


That's what I liked about it. Well acted by Sellers.


I thought it was scary at first when he was being all mysterious and lecherous until he went into the kitchen to get something for her and when he crosses the partition window he's acting all cocky and confident and then when she's out of view he turns into a nervous clutzy wreck. That's when I "got it" and laughed my ass off.

Oh my god, the turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!


I didn't like this movie at first for that reason. But when you see that Hoffman is just trying to woo the girl...that he is just this really sweet guy with a can't help but love him!
There are soooo many great quotable lines from this film! It is an exquisite piece of work! I love it when he says "you need an older man" Most women don't realize that older guys have more to offer and I love that this movie points that out!



this movie should be re classified as HORROR. well scary. power dynamics and gender relationships all twisted.

Hoffmans characters fantasies about "strangling women on the heath" and his other such mysoginistic bile were frankly disgusting. Miss smith was equally repugnant; a ditsy, vulnerable blonde. but he, sellers, was evil.

horror, definately


i guess i'm in the minority, because i didn't find it scary at all... it had a few creepy moments at the beginning, but nothing to suggest there was a bloodbath coming, or anything like that... as a matter of fact, i thought of it more as a seduction story than anything else...

maybe i'm just a bit more creepy, myself, than i realize... maybe that'd explain it... *shrug*


Peter Sellers is by far and away my favorite actor and this film did not disappoint. Granted, the beginning is strange but by the end of the picture I saw it almost as a twisted version of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett; one lusting while the other seems extremely against it. I love it!


i was just watching it again and i totally love it..ive only known of the film for a short while too and its such a great sleeper....i was try to compare it to something and lost in translation popped into my head,so it was nice to see l.i.t in the recommendations below hoffman from other viewers...still cant quite pin what it is why we connect the two.


Peter Sellers was one of my favourite actors, so with much reluctance I have to agree: this movie is scary! And awful. Actually, it's really just a dirty old man's fantasy movie: getting a girl half his age to fall for his creepy charms? Puh-lease. Hoffman is just too creepy for the film to make sense on a 'romantic' level. I felt pretty sad after watching the film - Sellers was a far better actor than this.



twisted version of Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett

Yikes, no!


Actually it is quite creepy. I mean it's about abduction, and a man wanting to sleep with his hostage.

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


I felt so uncomfortable watching this. I like Peter Sellers but he was so misogynistic (in the beginning) and that's supposed to be wooing? Even she is baffled when he says that. And okay he led her to realize tom was a jerk but there are a million, billion guys on earth, she could've left and met another guy, got on with her life.

What's gonna happen when she tells her freaked out children how they met. "Oh, I spent a week with him by force and he told this limerick about strangling a girl, I just fell for that."

Yeah, she got (what's that called?) stockholm syndrome and I feel really sorry that the girl actress had to take on a role that is so unreal.

Like they have "LOTR" consultants for the LOTR movies, or forensic consultants for "CSI", they should've had a female consultant on whether any woman has done this or will do this.
