Which is the best quote?

In my opinon these following quotes are my favorites;

"You have strucked Hercules"

"I dont know! I could not lift it!"

"Is he your lover?/ My what?/ Hey you'd better watch your talk mister!/ I can hear my talk I cannot watch it/ Well you wont be hearing it for much longer if you dont apologise to Miss Campbell this instant/ Apologise? for paying her a tribute?/ A tribute! More like an insult!/ All I was saying was that for an attractive woman to have a handsome man for a friend, they must be lovers, it is unnatural and a shame if they are not!/ Who do you think you are ?!?/ I am Hercules!/ Yeah and I'm Rod Nelson what do you wanna do? take this outside?/ I can do it perfectly well inside"

"It's easy!!"


i am zhie sun of zuus

Then don't do anything. Don't come near me. All you ever do is hurt me.


I'm gonna teach them how to throw the discoos.


der waz an explosion


nah man, the best qutoes there are loads more. .here goes ..
"i do not have any money"

" m mm m . food for ze gods"

" why wont the old man LET me alone"

" wot the ze name of that imetater .. who gives him remissnible dem to play hercules"

" let hercules throw ze disus"

" i only vont to browse amount"

" en salense" .........


I like what the cab driver said when Hercules told him who he was : "Hercules, Schmercules, give me the dough!"


At the end of the flexing, who is this man playing Hercules bit..



After the cab driver tries to hit Herc he says "Hoowww daaaare you strike Hercules" in a very unclear way, its like Arnie got to far from the sound recording device. Makes me laugh every time.


"Nice chiriot were ar ze hoses?"


Mine is right at the beginning:

"Aim tied of all ze same old faces, ze same old zings."

For those of you can't read it:

"I'm tired of all the same old faces, the same old things."

Especially for me as a german it's so funny to hear arnold with THAT bad pronunciation...

But I still can't figre out why Arnold never learned to speak perfect English. I mean I'm 16 and watch quite a lot movies in their original language (often hollywoodfilms so english) and listen to al lot of music in english. And my english is 10000 times better than arnolds...

Well, probably because he or the producers wanted him to safe his image...

PS: The german DVD Version rocks: German Sync; English Sync; AND Original Arnold Sound ;)


Now, most of the best ones have been mentioned, but two of my favourites are:

"My motha may be mortal, but you Zeus my fatha are godz".

What's funny about this movie is not only Arnie's terrible accent, but also that he makes a couple of hilarious grammatical mistakes.

And when Herc is told that Nemesis will be sent to punish him:

"He wouldn't send hea hie!".
The way he pronounces the last two words, "her" and "here" is hilarious.


Hercules: "Isn't it enough dat Heercules rod in yur cheeriot? You have been immortalised."

Cab driver: "I've been who?!?"

Kills me.

Also, "INSOLENCE!!!"


"I've been here for dousands of years, I'm bo-aad!"

"Who gives him promission for [?] to play Hercules?"

"I know a de-ater [=theater] in down vere dey play Hercules!"
(The latter is the best example of bad pronunciation i've ever heard. Nothing will ever top this.)

"Mercury! Vot brings you down he-ah?"

"Mighdy Suas!" [=Mighty Zeus]

The girl: "Do you have a girl back home?"
Hercules [leaning back, with a somewhat embarrassed enigmatic grin]: "You know how it is..." [WTF?]

One of my favourites:
"Mmmh! Food for se gots!"


Pretzie's final speech ending in "Any time you need me, just think of me, and I'll be there for as long as you want me to. Yeah. I think..I think I'll eat an apple." I always wonder whether the writer was dictating to someone and at this point just decided he fancied an apple.

"Roads? Where we're going we don't need...roads."


oh, you know how it eez...

...i know how it is...
Hercules = PIMP
what woman wouldnt fall for the dancing pecs trick?!


I am tired of ze zame ol facez ze zame ol thingz

I do nots care about ze zundaboatz

Its allright I am democratic


My favorites are also right at the beginning of the movie.

You let Mastravel

I only want to browze around.



My favorite is when he says "I am hercules!"

That's his reason to do whatever he wants.


"how dare you tatsh herculeeze!!!"

i love how the sound gets quieter when he moves away from the camera in that scene ^^

O_o -.-ยด ^^ :P XD oTo :o)
some boring bull *beep*


"Ohhh, I just saw a man!" "Yes, dear, there are many men on this flight!" "And, he was naked!"

If that 'Love God And Are 100% Proud Signature' makes you sick, make THIS your signature!



"Baht you let mahz travuhl..."

"Bahcks ? Doh? Whaht iz ahl dhis zoologichal tahlk abowt mahle an femahle animahls?"
