flotilla boss

So if yer like
the head of a flo-tilla
and like ya tell some guy 2 attack
& he's like
O but no there's little children some where what might get hurt
& he heads the other way

don't they like punish u 4 that?

british navy?
'cause I seem 2 like remember
like following orders
was like pretty important 2 like those kinda peeps

& they'd "keel haul" u 4 like looking @ a guys wong
2 me
should ha been @ least a whipping scene
where they like rip away the like insignia
& like tie him 2 like a giant net
& then whip 'em

maybe we need a remake

Jack Black as the bad boat boi
what turns back in the face of the Like Nazi whorde

Saraha Jessica Parker as the rebellious wife what gets crazy with all the mens
but actually has a heart of gold

Alan Rickman as the head of Malta living under his daddy's shadow
running around in his shorts

but who could play Shelly Winters Husband with a blond wig?
& like a spray tan 4 days
a spray tan that just don't quit
a spray tan that gets on everything & every bodhi
'cause that's like the key roel

faites votre devoir, et laissez faire aux dieux

what it is, is, is what it is
