not Lynch's best

i hate to be the one person on this board that says something bad about it, but I guess someone has to. I was actually disappointed with the "Short Films...". I thought the three shortest ones were the best, especially the very last (55 *beep* seconds?!).
When I first started watching the Grandmother I thought it was very good and Eraserhead-like. But then it started to drag on and it seemed as if Lynch was just messing with you. And another thing that got me frustrated was when the boy is in the graveyard. The whole thing is very surreal, until it fades in on a very normal outdoor shot.
Having said that, I didn't totally hate this one (that's reserved for The Amputee). I realize its strong points and its flaws. With better editing and less animation this could've been great Lynch stuff.
Well, let the hate responses come...


You say "surreal" as if it's a bad thing!

Would you at least agree that his use of color is extraordinary? (the black tones are amazingly rich and the other colors hallucinatory)


i agree with you.
the surrealism in the grandmother was great and the use of his colour was amazing.


Might be a very late response but since I just watched his group of five short films and Dumbland this weekend... The majority of it is total garbage. If his name wasn't attached to it - no one would waste their time to view it or ever put it on a screen (Dumbland at least had a little redeeming quality to it)
