Mark Stevens

Well - I got this because I'm a big Mark Stevens fan, great actor from 40's and 50's noir. And I couldn't spot him in this movie, really disappointed about that. Can anyone tell me if they've seen him and where to look for him in this one?


Hello! I'm a big Mark Stevens fan too. Sorry I'm french and don't speak english,i am agreat collector of Mark Stevens stills, lobby cards, pressbooks, dvd. ihave many things on him. je pense être le seul fan de Mark Stevens en France, content de voir que cet excellent acteur a encore des admirateurs.
Stevens is died in Spain at Majores, where is this town in Spain?I don't know.


Je viens de visionner "la furia del hombre lobo"(1971) en V.O espagnole. Le MARK STEVENS du film n'est pas le Stevens de "cry vengeance", "timetable","Jack Slade" ,"gun fever"c'est un autre comédien pourtant le même nom . Le film est NUL.
