Poor, poor Rayette

My dad found her annoying, but she had my sympathy all throughout. All the time she got rejected and then finally at the end she was just left alone...

After this movie, I was just feeling sad. I actually could relate more to Rayette than I could to Robert, even though they are both great characters.


I agree.. She'd been listening to these songs that told her she should stand by her man no matter what and this was the attitude back then.. She knew he was a terrible boyfriend but she thought if she was nice and stood by him, he would eventually change - in reality this just meant he had absolutely no respect for her or himself and why in the end it all went wrong.. I hope she learned from this and found a nice partner in the end because she deserved it!


I imagine she looked for Bobby for days, thinking he'd somehow been abducted or hurt in some way, not believing he could just leave her at a gas station like that...



If your dad found her annoying, then I guess [ Karen ] was doing her job well. Her character was meant to be annoying. I found her performance to be one of the highlights of the film. It was probably the most impressive performance of her career.


Even if left with just his car, cash and baby inside her, wasn't she better off without him?


I'd have to agree with you. Robert was a pretty messed up individual.


I felt for her too. Although she was terribly annoying. Use birth control always, people.
