hey nonny nonny nonny

Can anyone tell me if Crowhaven Farm is the movie where a woman sings (in a flat tone)"....men are so deceitful with a hey nonny nonny" as she jabs something sharp (scissors?) through cloth of some sort. It's from a movie of the week from the 70s and my sister thinks it's Crowhaven Farm. My sister also says the line about "something nasty in the woodshed" which she is almost positive is from that movie. Before I buy her the dvd I want to be sure the "hey nonny nonny" song is in Crowhaven Farm. If it's not Crowhaven does anyone know what MOW had these special lyrics?


The story you are remembering is not Crowhaven Farm, it is Cold Comfort Farm, which has been filmed several times. I believe there was a TV version right about the same time as Crowhaven Farm.


Thank you so very much!!!!
