
Wow. I mean, wow. I had to watch this in a Social Studies class.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it made what we were learning a little easier to understand, but it was, in every way, "boring". This has never happened before, but I was literally falling asleep in class. I only kept waking up because my head falling backwards would jerk me out of sleep. Everybody talked too quietly, too little happened, and it was long, long, long. Oh, and Richard Harris opens his mouth too much when he talks.


Equilibrium, Dawn of the Dead (1978), and Dark City: The three best films ever made


Perhaps you should wait until the cartoon version comes out. The bright colours might make it more interesting for you.


Or not. The film was just boring. Not because there wasn't enough "action", because I can sit through almost any film. But I just found that it didn't interest me in any way, shape, or form.

Plus, as my teacher pointed out, it's pretty much anti-catholic British propaganda.

Equilibrium, Dawn of the Dead (1978), and Dark City: The three best films ever made


Not sure about the anti-Catholic bias in the film but the Big O (and much of the population) wasn't exactly known for his Papist sympathies so it would be natural for it to reflect that.

All in all, I think it did a pretty good job of showing Cromwell up for the *beep* he actually was.


Really? My teacher said because the film was British, they glorified him. I thought they tried to, but in the end I naturally had sympathy for Charles.

Equilibrium, Dawn of the Dead (1978), and Dark City: The three best films ever made


Your teacher clearly has his bum up his own head then.

Lets get this straight: Cromwell was a Protestant, a proud Protestant who believed everything about Catholicism was unholy and divisive of the people from their God....then wonder why the movie is anti-Catholic? Wow, that's some bold stretch of the imagination going on there.

You are meant to have sympathy for Charles, just as you are meant to come to the realisation that Cromwell - in order to make bold changes that laid the foundation for democracy - had to first become a dictator far more than Charlie boy ever was. The fact that Charles 'crimes' aren't focused on too much does somewhat undermine Cromwells arguments against him also.

The movie is, ultimately, pro sacrifice and pro-self determination - and very little 'anti' anything.


Anti-Catholic? This is almost akin to saying 'Saving Private Ryan' is anti-Nazi




Hi there mate,what coutry ae you from?,if your not english that may be the reason.I love this film,i find that part of english history interesting,but can see why some dont.


God you guys are a bunch of british people, aren't you? He just MUST have his head up his ass because it isn't 100% pro british. Pfft.

Equilibrium, Dawn of the Dead (1978), and Dark City: The three best films ever made


Oliver Cromwell is one of my heroes and I am most certainly not English/British. Long live the prodestant church.

"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it"
-Buffy Anne Summers
'The Gift'


Cromwell was more English than British. Britain did not exist during Cromwells time. The American revolution stemmed from people who were pro cromwell and let's not forget that the film was Produced and Financed by Americans, someone in the USA really did dig this guy.


'Someone in the USA really did dig this guy'
Yeah so did someone in Ireland, no they really did.


To be honest I don't think its the norm for a teacher to be spouting such subjectivity to a class of people trying to learn a piece of history.

Teachers are suppose to teach facts and be as objective as possible and let the student think & decide for himself whether Cromwell was pro/anti anything


I loved this movie! I think it's one of the best movies ever made. I am watching it right now, and seriously thinking of buying it. Like every historical film, it has its drawbacks and dry moments--but what makes the film so great is that it brings to attention the life of a figure whose importance is often downplayed, especially in American classes.

Oliver Cromwell and Charles I are both very intriguing characters in British history, and I know at least Crommie had some involvement with the United States, so it was interesting in the least to learn about this figure. And the historical inaccuracies will only encourage people to learn about the real man, not the one played so ingeniously by Richard Harris. I loved Alec Guinness's performance too.

Of course, it wasn't as action-packed as Dawn of the Dead (awesome film, by the way, and another one of the best movies ever made), but I still love it and hope to soon add it to my collection. :)



Okay. Screw it. I just had to go through a Man for All Seasons, and now I'm convinced that that film was far duller. I'd rather watch Cromwell twice before that movie once.



Go back to american pie then mate that sounds more your level


Nah, he's not that sophisticated.

