Bava's Worst

I love Bava's films, and have been a connoisseur for 20 years, dating back to being a teenage fanboy who had to track down crappy VHS copies in the mid-90s. I had never seen "5 Dolls" until tonight, and all I have to say is that Bava must have suffered a brain hemorrhage in 1970, or given over the directorial duties to the craft service guy. This thing is pretty bad. It's impossible to keep the characters straight because there's a dearth of character development of any kind. Whenever a dead body turned up, I was scratching my head to remember who exactly it was, and why I was supposed to care. The final twist is incomprehensible, as are the motivations for all the characters' actions, including their presence on the island in the first place. (Don't bother to lecture me on the plot -- I've read synopsis after synopsis and there are still plot holes bigger than a Kardashian's ass.) The music is cheesy middle-of-the-road 70s elevator music and some of the worst I've seen in an Italian horror film, and this is coming from the ultimate Goblin fan. Ah well, every master has his weak moments. Still love you, Mario.
