Frankenstein Surgery

No wonder Trent Lehman committed suicide. If you were a child actor would you want your first big role to be that of an oddball who has always wanted to have an 'operation' to be changed from a male to a



This medical intervention has been performed at every major university and major medical center in America (including Stanford University, UCLA and John Hopkins). It may not be highly publicized, but that is fact. Although to the uneducated and to those who are not gifted with compassion, this may seem like Frankenstein surgery, this medical intervention has been performed all over the world by the best of best in medicine. That's not to say that there has been some quacks around trying to take advantage of the less fortunate. Less now than when this treatment was harder to get.

I saw this movie at the theatre during is original run. It really does no service to the transsexual community or those interested in educating themselves. Although this movie had great potential to document a historic event in medical history, the amateurish production dropped the ball entirely.


Actually, Trent Lehman had already become a huge child star of the time for his role on 'Nanny and the Professor' before this film was ever released. Granted, feature films have a longer production/post-production "lag" time than television shows, so he may have shot this film first, but he was far better known for the television series both before and after this piece of low-budget drive-in garbage was released.

That fact aside, Trent Lehman's performance was the only GOOD thing about this film, so he's actually the ONE person involved with the production who could actually come through it holding his head high. And I won't even bother pointing out the fact that he committed suicide in the 1980s - more than ten years after this film had been LONG forgotten. I would be offended by your attempt to make a hack joke at the expense transsexuals and suicide victims, but obvious trollery is obvious.
