Criterion DVD

I have been looking to rent this movie for quite some time and just recently found it on Criterion DVD to purchase. Is the movie that good and the DVD that special to warrant me buying it?





I have the Criterion version and it's great, I recommend it. Then again, let's just say no one pays full price for DVDs in Turkey... Although I did, of course...

"It's funny until someone gets hurt, then it's hilarious..."


Oliver-50, I certainly hope you got around to making the purchase of this film. I imported this Criterion copy and it is one (good quality and interesting features) of a select few that I love being able to own, especially as it has not been released in Australia. A definite must have - as is Le Samourai - if you have also not seen or purchased that one.


I mad a blind buy for the Criterion of this film based on how much I loved Le Samourai, also a blind buy. If you enjoy heist/drama films or Melville at all you will like this movie, and the Criterion DVD is excellent.

"Dammit, Sulik died again! I'm taking back my Mega Powerfist, worthless tribal!"


The color is off in the Criterion edition; I'd go for the BFI version that has Melville's blueish tint.

The Criterion edition looks completely different...


I hate it when supposedly better looking (nowadays HD) transfers completely change the intent of the director's look of the original print. I mean I'm all for cleaner and sharper images but when it compromises the creator's vision it should be minimal or not done at all or at least offered as a second print on the DVD. Le Samourai's original print also has a smokey looking tint at times that is barely recognizable in the Criterion HD transfer.


