MovieChat Forums > Mary Tyler Moore (1970) Discussion > The later episodes seem more dated...

The later episodes seem more dated...

Is it funny but watching the show- the earlier seasons seem more timeless in their delivery- even though you can tell its from the early 70s. Maybe the episodes are less trendy in a sense, if you know what I mean. The later episodes seem like the show became too "aware" of itself and the need to be cutting edge. This happened with other shows like "Happy Days" (hence the term "jump the shark)

Mary aged considerably in just a short amount of time. The humor became more dry and cynical. Mary's sweet personality was lost. Mary would never make a joke about Suanne Nivens or something. It just seems like she changed. I guess she seemed jaded in a way. Probably because was over 35 and still not married with children.


Mary's sweet personality was lost. Mary would never make a joke about Suanne Nivens or something. It just seems like she changed. I guess she seemed jaded in a way. Probably because was over 35 and still not married with children.

Or perhaps Lou, Rhoda and Murray rubbed off on her after several years.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


Mary was naive and insecure in the earlier seasons. In one episode, Lou put her in charge of the show during election returns, and she had trouble handling the job because she was so unassertive that no one would listen to her. Her "sweet"
personality allowed everyone to take advantage of her.
Over the years, she gained confidence, wisdom, and experience, which made her
tougher and less of a doormat. She was able to stand up to Sue Ann's catty comments, and she no longer had to whine "Mr. Graaa--aant" like a little girl whenever she wanted something, but could actually stand up to him like the adult she was. Yes, she changed, and it was a change for the better, unlike characters on a lot of other shows who became dumber and sillier with every season.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



She seemed jaded in the later episodes, and she aged rapidly. Her character was almost unlikeable in the later episodes. And you can clearly see her biological clock was ticking and she needed to get married and have children. Unless, she was a closet lesbian. Most feminists are.


"Unless, she was a closet lesbian. Most feminists are."

No, they aren't. It's ridiculous that some men actually believe that.


RvaBread is closeted gay conservative, so understand his perspective.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


I am not gay, but I am a conservative.


Or maybe that, at age 35, she was smart enough to realize that marriage and motherhood were NOT the key to happiness for some women.
