MovieChat Forums > Mary Tyler Moore (1970) Discussion > Characters: favorite to least

Characters: favorite to least

1. Mary
2. Phyllis
3. Ted
4. Sue Ann
5. Rhoda
6. Lou
7. Georgette
8. Murray

I thought I was gonna die! - Roseanne Roseannadanna


I loved them all but...

1 Mary
2 Lou
3 Murray
4 Phyllis
5 Sue Ann
6 Ted
7 Rhoda
8 Georgette


1 Ted
2 Mary
3 Lou
4 Rhoda
5 Murray
6 Georgette
7 Sue Ann
8 Phyllis


1. Mary
2. Lou
3. Sue Ann
4. Georgette
5. Murray
6. Phyllis
7. Rhoda
8. Ted

Fasten your seat belts. Its going to be a bumpy night!
~Bette Davis in All About Eve


1. TED
2. Mary
3. Murray
4. Phyllis
5. Lou
6. Georgette
7. Sue Ann
8. Rhoda



1. Ted
2. Murray
3. Lou
4. Mary
5. Georgette
6. Sue Ann
7. Rhoda
8. Phyllis


That's really interesting that Ted is your favorite and Phyllis is your least favorite because Phyllis and Ted basically had this mutually exclusive fan club for the other. In a way, the only person who really liked Ted was Phyllis, and the only person who really liked Phyllis was Ted.

Except for Georgette, who likes everybody. I wonder if that's why people who don't like Georgette don't like her? That she's too genial.

"Yes, tubing, my precious one! Haven't you ever tubed?!" - Ida


1. Mary
2. Rhoda
3. Lou
4. Ted
5. Murray
6. Georgette
7, Sue Ann
8. Phyllis
9, Gordy
10. Beth


1. Phyllis
2. Mary
3. Sue Ann
4. Ted
5. Rhoda'
6. Lou
7. Georgette
8. Murray
